fea Annotated List

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AddAddr4 Class for adding an IPv4 address to a VIF.
AddAddr6 Class for adding an IPv6 address to a VIF.
AddInterface Class for adding an interface.
AddInterfaceVif Class for adding a VIF to an interface.
Addr4Modifier Base class for IPv4vif address modifier operations.
Addr6Modifier Base class for IPv6vif address modifier operations.
ConfigureAllInterfacesFromSystem Class for configuring all interfaces within the FEA by using information from the underlying system.
ConfigureInterfaceFromSystem Class for configuring an interface within the FEA by using information from the underlying system.
FeaDataPlaneManager FEA data plane manager base class.
FeaIoFEA (Forwarding Engine Abstraction) I/O class.
FeaNodeThe FEA (Forwarding Engine Abstraction) node class.
FibAddEntry4 Class to store request to add forwarding entry to FibConfig and dispatch it later.
FibAddEntry6 Class to store request to add forwarding entry to FibConfig and dispatch it later.
FibConfigForwarding Table Interface.
FibConfigTransactionManager Class to store and execute FibConfig transactions.
FibConfigTransactionOperation Base class for operations that can occur during an FibConfig transaction.
FibDeleteAllEntries4 Class to store request to delete all forwarding entries to FibConfig and dispatch it later.
FibDeleteAllEntries6 Class to store request to delete all forwarding entries to FibConfig and dispatch it later.
FibDeleteEntry4 Class to store request to delete forwarding entry to FibConfig and dispatch it later.
FibDeleteEntry6 Class to store request to delete forwarding entry to FibConfig and dispatch it later.
FibTableObserverBase A base class that can be used by clients interested in observing changes in the Forwarding Information Base.
FirewallEntryFirewall Table Entry.
FirewallManagerFirewall configuration manager.
FirewallTransactionManagerA class to store and execute firewall transactions.
FirewallTransactionOperation Base class for operations that can occur during a firewall transaction.
FteForwarding Table Entry.
IPvXHeaderInfo Structure used to store commonly passed IPv4 and IPv6 header information.
IfConfig Base class for pushing and pulling interface configurations down to the particular system.
IfConfigErrorReporterClass for propagating error information during IfConfig operations.
IfConfigErrorReporterBaseBase class for propagating error information on from IfConfig.
IfConfigTransactionOperation Base class for Interface related operations acting on an IfTree.
IfConfigUpdateReplicatorA class to replicate update notifications to multiple reporters.
IfConfigUpdateReporterBaseBase class for propagating update information on from IfConfig.
IfTree Container class for FEA Interface objects in a system.
IfTreeAddr4 Class for holding an IPv4 interface address and address related items.
IfTreeAddr6 Class for holding an IPv6 interface address and address related items.
IfTreeInterface FEA class for holding physical interface state.
IfTreeItem Base class for FEA configurable items where the modifications need to be held over and propagated later, ie changes happen during a transaction but are propagated during the commit.
IfTreeVif FEA class for virtual (logical) interface state.
InstanceWatcherInstance watcher base class.
InterfaceModifier Base class for interface modifier operations.
IoIpA base class for I/O IP raw communication.
IoIpComm A class that handles raw IP I/O communication for a specific protocol.
IoIpComm::InputFilter Filter class.
IoIpComm::JoinedMulticastGroup Joined multicast group class.
IoIpManagerA class that manages raw IP I/O.
IoIpManagerReceiverClass that implements the API for sending IP packet to a receiver.
IoIpReceiverA base class for I/O IP raw packets receiver.
IoLinkA base class for I/O link raw communication.
IoLinkComm A class that handles raw link I/O communication for a specific protocol.
IoLinkComm::InputFilter Filter class.
IoLinkComm::JoinedMulticastGroup Joined multicast group class.
IoLinkManagerA class that manages raw link-level I/O.
IoLinkManagerReceiverClass that implements the API for sending raw link-level packet to a receiver.
IoLinkReceiverA base class for I/O Link raw packets receiver.
IoTcpUdpA base class for I/O TCP/UDP communication.
IoTcpUdpComm A class that handles I/O TCP/UDP communication.
IoTcpUdpComm::JoinedMulticastGroup Joined multicast group class.
IoTcpUdpManagerA class that manages I/O TCP/UDP communications.
IoTcpUdpManagerReceiverClass that implements the API for sending TCP/UDP packets and related events to a receiver.
IoTcpUdpReceiverA base class for I/O TCP/UDP data receiver.
LibFeaClientBridgeBridge class to intervene between the FEA's interface manager and libfeaclient.
MacHeaderInfo Structure used to store commonly passed MAC header information.
MfeaDfeMulticast dataflow entry class.
MfeaDfeLookupA class for storing all dataflow entries per (S,G).
MfeaDftThe MFEA (S,G) dataflow table for monitoring forwarded bandwidth.
MfeaMrouterA class for multicast routing related I/O communication.
MfeaNodeThe MFEA node class.
MfeaNodeCliThe class for MfeaNode CLI access.
MfeaVifA class for MFEA-specific virtual interface.
NexthopPortMapperA class for to keep the mapping between next-hop information and a port number.
NexthopPortMapperObserverA class for observing changes to a NetlinkPortMapper object.
RemoveAddr4 Class for removing an IPv4 address to a VIF.
RemoveAddr6 Class for removing an IPv6 address to a VIF.
RemoveInterface Class for removing an interface.
RemoveInterfaceVif Class for removing a VIF from an interface.
RestoreInterfaceMac Class for restoring an interface MAC.
RestoreInterfaceMtu Class for restoring an interface MTU.
SetAddr4Broadcast Class to set the broadcast address IPv4 address associated with a vif.
SetAddr4Enabled Class to set enable state of an IPv4 address associated with a vif.
SetAddr4Endpoint Class to set the endpoint IPv4 address associated with a vif.
SetAddr4Prefix Class to set the prefix of an IPv4 address associated with a vif.
SetAddr6Enabled Class to set the enabled state of an IPv6 address associated with a vif.
SetAddr6Endpoint Class to set the endpoint IPv6 address associated with a vif.
SetAddr6Prefix Class to set the prefix of an IPv6 address associated with a vif.
SetInterfaceDiscard Class for setting the discard state of an interface.
SetInterfaceEnabled Class for setting the enabled state of an interface.
SetInterfaceMac Class for setting an interface MAC.
SetInterfaceManagement Class for setting the management state of an interface.
SetInterfaceMtu Class for setting an interface MTU.
SetInterfaceUnreachable Class for setting the unreachable state of an interface.
SetVifEnabled Class for setting the enabled state of a vif.
SetVifVlan Class for setting the VLAN state of a vif.
SgCountClass that contains various counters per (S,G) entry.
VifCountClass that contains various counters per virtual interface.
VifModifier Base class for vif modifier operations.
XrlFeaIoFEA (Forwarding Engine Abstraction) XRL-based I/O class.
XrlFeaNodeFEA (Forwarding Engine Abstraction) node class with XRL front-end.
XrlFeaTargetFEA (Forwarding Engine Abstraction) XRL target class.
XrlFibClientManager Class for managing clients interested in FIB changes notifications.
XrlFibClientManager::FibClient A template class for storing FIB client information.
XrlIoIpManagerA class that is the bridge between the raw IP I/O communications and the XORP XRL interface.
XrlIoLinkManagerA class that is the bridge between the raw link I/O communications and the XORP XRL interface.
XrlIoTcpUdpManagerA class that is the bridge between the I/O TCP/UDP communications and the XORP XRL interface.

Generated by: pavlin on kobe.xorp.net on Wed Dec 24 16:29:05 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.