class MfeaMrouter

A class for multicast routing related I/O communication. More...

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Public Methods

Detailed Description

In case of UNIX kernels, we cannot have more than one MfeaMrouter per address family (i.e., one per IPv4, and one per IPv6).

 MfeaMrouter (MfeaNode& mfea_node)


Constructor for given MFEA node.


mfea_nodethe MFEA node (MfeaNode) this entry belongs to.
 ~MfeaMrouter ()




int  start ()


Start the MfeaMrouter.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  stop ()


Stop the MfeaMrouter.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

bool  have_multicast_routing4 ()



Test if the underlying system supports IPv4 multicast routing.

Returns: true if the underlying system supports IPv4 multicast routing, otherwise false.

bool  have_multicast_routing6 ()



Test if the underlying system supports IPv6 multicast routing.

Returns: true if the underlying system supports IPv6 multicast routing, otherwise false.

int  multicast_forwarding_enabled4 (bool& ret_value, string& error_msg)



Test whether the IPv4 multicast forwarding engine is enabled or disabled to forward packets.


ret_valueif true on return, then the IPv4 multicast forwarding is enabled, otherwise is disabled.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  multicast_forwarding_enabled6 (bool& ret_value, string& error_msg)



Test whether the IPv6 multicast forwarding engine is enabled or disabled to forward packets.


ret_valueif true on return, then the IPv6 multicast forwarding is enabled, otherwise is disabled.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  set_multicast_forwarding_enabled4 (bool v, string& error_msg)


Set the IPv4 multicast forwarding engine to enable or disable forwarding of packets.


vif true, then enable IPv4 multicast forwarding, otherwise disable it.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  set_multicast_forwarding_enabled6 (bool v, string& error_msg)


Set the IPv6 multicast forwarding engine to enable or disable forwarding of packets.


vif true, then enable IPv6 multicast forwarding, otherwise disable it.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  kernel_mrouter_ip_protocol ()



Get the protocol that would be used in case of mrouter socket.

Return value: the protocol number on success, otherwise -1.

XorpFd  mrouter_socket ()



Get the mrouter socket.

The mrouter socket is used for various multicast-related access.

Returns: the socket value.

int  start_mrt ()


Start/enable the multicast routing in the kernel.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  stop_mrt ()


Stop/disable the multicast routing in the kernel.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  start_pim (string& error_msg)


Start/enable PIM processing in the kernel.


error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  stop_pim (string& error_msg)


Stop/disable PIM processing in the kernel.


error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  add_multicast_vif (uint32_t vif_index)


Add a virtual multicast interface to the kernel.


vif_indexthe vif index of the virtual interface to add.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  delete_multicast_vif (uint32_t vif_index)


Delete a virtual multicast interface from the kernel.


vif_indexthe vif index of the interface to delete.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  add_mfc (const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group, uint32_t iif_vif_index, uint8_t *oifs_ttl, uint8_t *oifs_flags, const IPvX& rp_addr)


Install/modify a Multicast Forwarding Cache (MFC) entry in the kernel.

If the MFC entry specified by (source, group) pair was not installed before, a new MFC entry will be created in the kernel; otherwise, the existing entry's fields will be modified.


sourcethe MFC source address.
groupthe MFC group address.
iif_vif_indexthe MFC incoming interface index.
oifs_ttlan array with the min. TTL a packet should have to be forwarded.
oifs_flagsan array with misc. flags for the MFC to install. Note that those flags are supported only by the advanced multicast API.
rp_addrthe RP address.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  delete_mfc (const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group)


Delete a Multicast Forwarding Cache (MFC) entry in the kernel.


sourcethe MFC source address.
groupthe MFC group address.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  add_bw_upcall (const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group, const TimeVal& threshold_interval, uint32_t threshold_packets, uint32_t threshold_bytes, bool is_threshold_in_packets, bool is_threshold_in_bytes, bool is_geq_upcall, bool is_leq_upcall, string& error_msg)


Add a dataflow monitor entry in the kernel.

Note: either is_threshold_in_packets or is_threshold_in_bytes (or both) must be true. Note: either is_geq_upcall or is_leq_upcall (but not both) must be true.


sourcethe source address.
groupthe group address.
threshold_intervalthe dataflow threshold interval.
threshold_packetsthe threshold (in number of packets) to compare against.
threshold_bytesthe threshold (in number of bytes) to compare against.
is_threshold_in_packetsif true, threshold_packets is valid.
is_threshold_in_bytesif true, threshold_bytes is valid.
is_geq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is ">=".
is_leq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is "<=".
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  delete_bw_upcall (const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group, const TimeVal& threshold_interval, uint32_t threshold_packets, uint32_t threshold_bytes, bool is_threshold_in_packets, bool is_threshold_in_bytes, bool is_geq_upcall, bool is_leq_upcall, string& error_msg)


Delete a dataflow monitor entry from the kernel.

Note: either is_threshold_in_packets or is_threshold_in_bytes (or both) must be true. Note: either is_geq_upcall or is_leq_upcall (but not both) must be true.


sourcethe source address.
groupthe group address.
threshold_intervalthe dataflow threshold interval.
threshold_packetsthe threshold (in number of packets) to compare against.
threshold_bytesthe threshold (in number of bytes) to compare against.
is_threshold_in_packetsif true, threshold_packets is valid.
is_threshold_in_bytesif true, threshold_bytes is valid.
is_geq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is ">=".
is_leq_upcallif true, the operation for comparison is "<=".
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  delete_all_bw_upcall (const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group, string& error_msg)


Delete all dataflow monitor entries from the kernel for a given source and group address.


sourcethe source address.
groupthe group address.
error_msgthe error message (if error).

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  get_sg_count (const IPvX& source, const IPvX& group, SgCount& sg_count)


Get various counters per (S,G) entry.

Get the number of packets and bytes forwarded by a particular Multicast Forwarding Cache (MFC) entry in the kernel, and the number of packets arrived on wrong interface for that entry.


sourcethe MFC source address.
groupthe MFC group address.
sg_counta reference to a SgCount class to place the result.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  get_vif_count (uint32_t vif_index, VifCount& vif_count)


Get various counters per virtual interface.

Get the number of packets and bytes received on, or forwarded on a particular multicast interface.


vif_indexthe vif index of the virtual multicast interface whose statistics we need.
vif_counta reference to a VifCount class to store the result.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

bool  mrt_api_mrt_mfc_flags_disable_wrongvif ()



Get the flag that indicates whether the kernel supports disabling of WRONGVIF signal per (S,G) per interface.

Returns: true if the kernel supports disabling of WRONGVIF signal per (S,G) per interface, otherwise false.

bool  mrt_api_mrt_mfc_flags_border_vif ()



Get the flag that indicates whether the kernel supports setting of the Border bit flag per (S,G) per interface.

The Border bit flag is used for PIM-SM Register encapsulation in the kernel.

Returns: true if the kernel supports setting of the Border bit flag per (S,G) per interface, otherwise false.

bool  mrt_api_mrt_mfc_rp ()



Get the flag that indicates whether the kernel supports adding the RP address to the kernel.

The RP address is used for PIM-SM Register encapsulation in the kernel.

Returns: true if the kernel supports adding the RP address to the kernel, otherwise false.

bool  mrt_api_mrt_mfc_bw_upcall ()



Get the flag that indicates whether the kernel supports the bandwidth upcall mechanism.

Returns: true if the kernel supports the bandwidth upcall mechanism.

int  kernel_call_process (const uint8_t *databuf, size_t datalen)


Process a call from the kernel (e.g., "nocache", "wrongiif", "wholepkt") XXX: It is OK for im_src/im6_src to be 0 (for 'nocache' or 'wrongiif'), just in case the kernel supports (*,G) MFC.


databufthe data buffer.
datalenthe length of the data in databuf.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 24 16:29:05 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.