class IoTcpUdpReceiver

A base class for I/O TCP/UDP data receiver. More...

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Public Methods

Detailed Description

The real receiver must inherit from this class and register with the corresponding IoTcpUdp entity to receive the TCP/UDP data and data-related events.

See also: IoTcpUdp.

 IoTcpUdpReceiver ()


Default constructor.

 ~IoTcpUdpReceiver ()



Virtual destructor.

void  recv_event (const string& if_name, const string& vif_name, const IPvX& src_host, uint16_t src_port, const vector<uint8_t>& data)


[pure virtual]

Data received event.


if_namethe interface name the packet arrived on, if known. If unknown, then it is an empty string.
vif_namethe vif name the packet arrived on, if known. If unknown, then it is an empty string.
src_hostthe originating host IP address.
src_portthe originating host port number.
datathe data received.
void  inbound_connect_event (const IPvX& src_host, uint16_t src_port, IoTcpUdp* Xnew_io_tcpudp)


[pure virtual]

Inbound connection request received event.

It applies only to TCP sockets.


src_hostthe originating host IP address.
src_portthe originating host port number.
new_io_tcpudpthe handler for the new connection.
void  outgoing_connect_event ()


[pure virtual]

Outgoing connection request completed event.

It applies only to TCP sockets.

void  error_event (const string& error, bool fatal)


[pure virtual]

Error occured event.


errora textual description of the error.
fatalindication of whether socket is shutdown because of error.
void  disconnect_event ()


[pure virtual]

Connection closed by peer event.

It applies only to TCP sockets. This method is not called if the socket is gracefully closed through close().

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