rpm 4.19.0
The RPM Package Manager
No Matches
Public Attributes | List of all members
rpmop_s Struct Reference

#include <rpmsw.h>

Collaboration diagram for rpmop_s:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

struct rpmsw_s begin
int count
size_t bytes
rpmtime_t usecs

Detailed Description

Cumulative statistics for an operation.

Member Data Documentation

◆ begin

struct rpmsw_s rpmop_s::begin

Starting time stamp.

◆ bytes

size_t rpmop_s::bytes

Number of bytes transferred.

◆ count

int rpmop_s::count

Number of operations.

◆ usecs

rpmtime_t rpmop_s::usecs

Number of ticks.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: