Java Development

jakarta-commons-logging: Jakarta Commons Logging Package

Name:jakarta-commons-logging Vendor:StartCom Ltd.,
Version:1.0.4 License:Apache Software License
Release:2jpp_10.ML5 URL:
The commons-logging package provides a simple, component oriented interface (org.apache.commons.logging.Log) together with wrappers for logging systems. The user can choose at runtime which system they want to use. In addition, a small number of basic implementations are provided to allow users to use the package standalone. commons-logging was heavily influenced by Avalon's Logkit and Log4J. The commons-logging abstraction is meant to minimixe the differences between the two, and to allow a developer to not tie himself to a particular logging implementation.

Arch: i386

Build Date:Fri Mar 31 07:57:01 2006
Packager:Eddy Nigg <>
Size:406 KiB


* Tue Mar 28 00:00:00 2006 Eddy Nigg <eddy_nigg{%}startcom{*}org>
- Rebuild for StartCom Linux 5.0.x
* Tue Mar 7 00:00:00 2006 Jeremy Katz <katzj{%}redhat{*}com> - 0:1.0.4-2jpp_10fc
- stop scriptlet spew
* Sat Feb 11 00:00:00 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating{%}redhat{*}com> - 0:1.0.4-2jpp_9fc
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)

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