System Environment/Daemons

inadyn: Dynamic DNS Client

Name:inadyn Vendor:
Version:1.90 License:GPL
Release:11.fc3 URL:
INADYN is a dynamic DNS client. It maintains the IP address of a host name. It periodically checks wheather the IP address stored by the DSN server is the real current address of the machine that is running INADYN. Before using inadyn for the first time you must use the DynDNS provider's web interface to create the entry for the hostname. You should then fill in /etc/inadyn.conf with the appropriate detail

Arch: src

Build Date:Thu Jul 21 20:52:36 2005
Size:100 KiB


* Thu May 12 17:00:00 2005 Jochen Schmitt <Jochen herr-schmitt de> 1.90-11.fc3
- Add .fc3 for FC3
* Tue May 3 17:00:00 2005 Jochen Schmitt <Jochen herr-schmitt de> 1.90-11
- Move note from README.Fedora to %description
* Tue May 3 17:00:00 2005 Jochen Schmitt <Jochen herr-schmitt de> 1.90-9
- And special usage notes
- Use of /sbin/service to manage initscript in scriptlet
- Modify initscript, becouse bash don't return PID

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc5