The auto-correction tool recognizes and attempts to automaticly repair several common typing errors. The corrections are configured and activated using AutoCorrect Dialog, available via ``Auto Correct'' in the ``Tools'' menu.
A common mistake is to hold down the shift key a little bit too long while typing initial letters. When it happens, you will get two initial capitals instead of one. If this correction rule is activated, the second letter of words beginning with two capital letters is automatically lowercased. For example, if you type `TOtal' into a cell it is replaced by `Total'. Note that if the word contains two capital letters only, it is not replaced.
It is possible to specify exceptions to this tool. For example, you do not want the tool to replace the word `PVbonds' when it is typed. To specify exceptions, press the ``Exceptions...'' button in the dialog. This should pop up the ``Auto correct exceptions'' dialog. In this dialog, select the ``INitial CApitals'' page. In this page, type `PVbonds' into the ``Do not correct'' entry, and press ``Add'' button. Now the word should be included in the list of exceptions. To remove a word from the list, select the word and press the ``Remove'' button. If you now press ``Ok'' the exceptions in the list are activated.
If this correction rule is activated, the first letter of a sentence typed into a cell is capitalized, if it is a lowercase letter in the first place. Only text that ends to a dot is considered a sentence.
It is possible to specify exceptions to this tool. For example, you do not want the tool to capitalize letters after acronym `i.g.'. To specify exceptions, press the ``Exceptions...'' button in the dialog. This should pop up the ``Auto correct exceptions'' dialog. In this dialog, select the ``First letter'' page. In this page, type `i.g.' into the ``Do not capitalize after'' entry, and press ``Add'' button. Now the word should be included in the list of exceptions. To remove a word from the list, select the word and press the ``Remove'' button. If you now press ``Ok'' the exceptions in the list are activated.
If this correction rule is activated, the first letter of a name of a day is capitalized automatically. For example, if you type `monday', it is automatically replaced by `Monday'.