Changes by Matija Nalis ( on umsdos dentry fixing (started by Peter T. Waltenberg <>) (Final conversion to dentries Bill Hawes <>) There is no warning any more. Both read-only and read-write stuff is fixed, both in msdos-compatibile mode, and in umsdos EMD mode, and it seems stable. Userland NOTE: new umsdos_progs (umssync, umssetup, udosctl & friends) that will compile and work on 2.2.x+ kernels and glibc based systems, as well as kernel patches and other umsdos related information may be found at Information below is getting outdated slowly -- I'll fix it one day when I get enough time - there are more important things to fix right now. Legend: those lines marked with '+' on the beggining of line indicates it passed all of my tests, and performed perfect in all of them. Current status (010125) - UMSDOS 0.86j: (1) pure MSDOS (no --linux-.--- EMD file): READ: + readdir - works + lookup - works + read file - works WRITE: + creat file - works + unlink file - works + write file - works + rename file (same dir) - works + rename file (dif. dir) - works + rename dir (same dir) - works + rename dir (dif. dir) - works + mkdir - works + rmdir - works (2) umsdos (with --linux-.--- EMD file): READ: + readdir - works + lookup - works + permissions/owners stuff - works + long file names - works + read file - works + switching MSDOS/UMSDOS - works + switching UMSDOS/MSDOS - works - pseudo root things - works mostly. See notes below. + resolve symlink - works + dereference symlink - works + dangling symlink - works + hard links - works + special files (block/char devices, FIFOs, sockets...) - works + various umsdos ioctls - works WRITE: + create symlink - works + create hardlink - works + create file - works + create special file - works + write to file - works + rename file (same dir) - works + rename file (dif. dir) - works + rename hardlink (same dir) - works - rename hardlink (dif. dir) - works, but see notes below. + rename symlink (same dir) - works + rename symlink (dif. dir) - works + rename dir (same dir) - works + rename dir (dif. dir) - works + unlink file - works + notify_change (chown,perms) - works + notify_change for hardlinks - works + unlink hardlink - works + mkdir - works + rmdir - works + umssyncing (many ioctls) - works - CVF-FAT stuff (compressed DOS filesystem) - there is some support from Frank Gockel <> to use it even under umsdosfs, but I have no way of testing it -- please let me know if there are problems specific to umsdos (for instance, it works under msdosfs, but not under umsdosfs). Some current notes: Note: creating and using pseudo-hardlinks is always non-perfect, especially in filesystems that might be externally modified like umsdos. There is example is specs file about it. Specifically, moving directory which contains hardlinks will break them. Note: (about creating hardlinks in pseudoroot mode) - hardlinks created in pseudoroot mode are now again compatibile with 'normal' hardlinks, and vice versa. Thanks to Sorin Iordachescu <> for providing fix. See for more info and upgrade procedure if you used broken versions... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some general notes: Good idea when running development kernels is to have SysRq support compiled in kernel, and use Sync/Emergency-remount-RO if you bump into problems (like not being able to umount(2) umsdosfs, and because of it root partition also, or panics which force you to reboot etc.) I'm unfortunately somewhat out of time to read linux-kernel@vger, but I do check for messages having "UMSDOS" in the subject, and read them. I might miss some in all that volume, though. I should reply to any direct e-mail in few days. If I don't, probably I never got your message.