How to set up a module to use gtk-doc

1. Get the latest gtk-doc from CVS, install it, and read the README so you
   have an idea of how it works. Also look at the examples directory to see
   an example of how gnome-libs docs could be set up.

2. Decide if you want your documentation in a subdirectory of your main
   application directory/module or as a separate directory/module.
   If you put the docs inside the application module you can use relative paths
   to point to the source code. If you put it in a separate module you may want
   to add a configure option to point to the source code directory (as the
   gnome example does).

3. Create a directory to put the documentation.
   Decide if your docs need to be split into separate pieces (as gnome-libs is
   split into gnome and gnomeui), or there will be just one document.
   If it is split into pieces, you need to create subdirectories for each
   piece and the toplevel in the root directory (look at examples/)

4. Set up your so that it accepts a --with-html-dir option
   and substitutes HTML_DIR (like in the examples).

5. Copy gnome/ to each document directory (or if your module
   contains widgets copy gnomeui/

   Change DOC_MODULE to the name of your module.
   Change DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE to the name of the file you want to use as the
     main SGML file - it will use entity references to include all of the
     generated SGML files (MODULE-docs.sgml is fine).
   Change DOC_SOURCE_DIR to the directory containing the source code. If the
     documentation is within the application's directory then you can simply
     use a relative path. If not, you need to use a configure option as used
     in the examples directory. If you are scanning installed headers only
     and don't have comment blocks in the source code you don't need this.

   If you have widgets in your module, change the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS so that
   gtkdoc-scanobj can compile and link a program with your library.

   Change the options for gtkdoc-scan:
     gtkdoc-scan scans header files. If you pass it a --source-dir option it
     will recursively scan all the header files found in the directory tree.
     You can use --ignore-headers to ignore particular header files
     (just use the basenames and separate them with spaces, e.g.
     --ignore-headers="libgnomeP.h gnome-i18nP.h gnome-triggersP.h" ).
     Alternatively you can simply specify the headers which you do want
     scanned as standard arguments. GLib uses this to scan installed headers:

        gtkdoc-scan --module=$(DOC_MODULE) `glib-config --prefix`/include/glib.h `glib-config --prefix`/include/gmodule.h `glib-config --prefix`/lib/glib/include/glibconfig.h 

   Change the options for gtkdoc-mkdb:
     If you have comment blocks in your source code, use the option
     If not, take it out.

6. If your module contains widgets you need to create a MODULE.types file.
   This contains any '#include' directives needed to compile a program with
   your module, and a list of functions to initialize all of the widgets in
   the library. For example, the gtk.types file starts like this:

	#include <gtk/gtk.h>


7. Create the Makefile and 'make scan'. This will scan all the headers and
   produce a list of declarations found in the MODULE-decl-list.txt file.
   Copy this file to MODULE-sections.txt and rearrange it if necessary.
   (See sections-file.txt for a description of the format).

8. Do a 'make templates' to create the template files in tmpl/

9. Do a 'make sgml' to create the DocBook SGML output in sgml/

10.Create your main SGML file (with the name you used in,
   using entity references to include all the generated SGML files.
   In sgml/ and sgml/MODULE-doc.bottom you will find a generated
   list of entities and references which you can use to include in your
   main SGML file. (Look at the gnome/gnome-docs.sgml and
   gnomeui/gnomeui-docs.sgml files in the examples directory).

   Note: if you add or remove 'sections' in the documentation, you will need
   to update this main SGML file. It's very easy to forget.

11. Do a 'make html' to make the final HTML.

11a. Email me and tell me where it went wrong :)
