# verifying-rpms.txt
# Test to see if ol6 oracle gpg key has already been installed:
rpm -q gpg-pubkey-ec551f03-4c2d256a 

# If key is not installed, 
#   install the gpg-key "RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle" located in this directory:
rpm --import http://oss.oracle.com/ol6/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle
#   or copy to your local machine and do: "rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle"

# To verify rpm(s):
# "rpm --checksig <rpm name(s)>" or alternate syntax, "rpm -K <rpm name(s)"  example:
rpm --checksig gtk2*
gtk2-2.18.9-4.el6.src.rpm: rsa sha1 (md5) pgp md5 OK
gtk2-engines-2.18.4-5.el6.src.rpm: rsa sha1 (md5) pgp md5 OK