Mandriva Linux Mandriva Linux 2007: Conas é a cur ar do chóras Required configuration * Proisealaà Pentium nó den cumhacht céanna * Dlúthdhioscthiomant (CDROM) * Ar a laighead 32 MB RAM Installing Mandriva Linux is, in most cases, as simple as putting your Installation CD in your CDROM drive, and restarting your machine. Please refer to point 1. NOTE: * If you upgrade from 7.x, 8.x or 9.x Mandriva Linux versions, do not forget to backup your system. * Upgrading from earlier versions (prior to 7.0) is NOT supported. In that case, you need to do a fresh installation and not an update. ============================================================================ Go bhunúsach tá ceithre bealaà gur féidir Mandriva Linux a cur ar do chóras, ba chóir iad a thriail in órd: 1. Is féidir bootáil ón CD seo 2. Make a boot floppy with Windows 3. Other installation methods ============================================================================ 1. Is féidir bootáil ón CD seo Is féidir bootáil ón CD seo. Dé gnáth nÃl uait ach é a cur sa dlúthdhioscthiomant, agus an rÃomhaire a aththosnú. Lean na treoir ar an scáilean agus beidh tú crÃochnaithe sar i bhfad. NOTE: On some laptops (portable computers), the system may not be able to boot from the CD. In such a case, you should prepare a boot floppy. See point 2 for details. ============================================================================ 2. Make a boot floppy with Windows Más rud é nach féidir led' rÃomhaire bootáil ón CD agus nár oibrigh na modhanna go dtà seo, beidh ort 'diosca bootála' a cruthú mar a leanas: * Cur isteach an dhlúthdhiosca, téigh isteach i "My Computer", roghnaigh an CD, brú ar dhéis-cnaipe na lúchóige, agus roghnaigh "Open" * téigh isteach sa filltéan "dosutils" agus tosnaigh "rawwritewin" * cur diosca flapach glan isteach sa dhiosctiomant * roghnaigh "D:\images\cdrom.img" sa bhosca "Image File" (arÃs athraigh D: mar is gá) * roghnaigh "A:" sa bhosca "Floppy Drive" agus brú ar an cnaipe "Write". Le tosnú, * cur isteach an CD, maraon leis an dhiosca bootála, * agus athtosnaigh an rÃomhaire. ============================================================================ 3. Other installation methods Muna bhfuil tú sásta na modhanna thuas a úsáid (nà thaitnaÃonn comhéadan graifeach leat, teastaÃonn uait é a dhéanamh thar lÃonra ...) beidh ort dhiosca bootála a cruthú. * Faoi Linux (nó cuid mór unix eile) déan: $ dd if=xxxxx.img of=/dev/fd0 * Faoi Windows, lean na treoir mar i 2. (thuas) ach ag úsáid xxxxx.img (féach thÃos) in ionad cdrom.img. * Faoi MS-DOS is féidir an treoirlÃne a úsáid: D:\> dosutils\rawrite.exe -f install\images\xxxxx.img -d A is xxxxx.img an Ãomhá bootála +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | cdrom.img | feistigh ó dhlúthdhiosca (CD-ROM) | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | hd_grub.img | feistigh ó dhiosca crua (from a Linux, Windows, or | | | ReiserFS filesystem) | | | you can configure it for your system at: | | | | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | network.img | feistigh thar ftp/nfs/http | | | NOTE: you will need to insert network_drivers.img | | | in your floppy drive when prompted | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | pcmcia.img | feistigh ó fearas PCMCIA (warning, most pcmcia | | | network adapters are now directly supported | | | from network.img) | +-----------------+------------------------------------------------------+ You may also burn boot.iso on a CDROM and boot from it. It supports all installations methods, cdrom, network, and hard-disk. ============================================================================ TacaÃonn DrakX feistiú téacs-bunaithe. Lena úsáid, cló: text ag an lÃne syslinux. (I ndhiadh an lógó graifeach ag am bootáil). Usáid an diosca feistigh chun an riomhaire a chuir ar siúl. Nuair is feidir, brú isteach rescue. Fan go dti go gcuireann sé ceist ort an diosca sábháil a cuir isteach. Féach ar do nÃos mó eolas teicniúil ============================================================================ Below are the main stages of installation: 1. Insert your Installation CDROM (or Installation Floppy disk if necessary) and restart your machine. 2. Press [Enter] when the Mandriva Linux welcome screen appears and carefully follow the instructions. 3. When the installation is complete take out the CD-ROM when ejected (and any floppy disk if present in drive); your machine will restart. If it does not, restart it manually. 4. Mandriva Linux will start. After bootup, you can login on your machine under the user account setup during install, or as "root". Nóta tabhachtach : The "root" account will give you unrestricted access to your Linux system. Do not use it except to configure or administer Linux. For every day use, use a normal user account which you can configure with the "userdrake" tool, or with the commands "adduser" and "passwd". Go n'eiri an bóthair leat le Mandriva Linux! ============================================================================ Do cabhair feistiu, feach ar an Mandriva Linux diffusion list agus FAQ ar láthair Mandriva Linux ar an Idirlinn. * E-Support at * Mandriva Linux Errata at * Mandriva Linux Security Advisories at * On-line Documentation at * Read and join the On-line Discussion Forums of Mandriva Club at * Join the Mailing Lists at * Easily Searchable Mailing List archives at * Search the Internet using Google for Linux * Search Usenet Groups using Google Groups at ============================================================================