To Do

Agreed upon work for the How To Classification


Nav Bar Documentation How-to Classification How-to Classification Admin

To Do

some of these may be "in progress" for a while ;-)

Done (remove items here soon)

What How Tos we will be working on in the next few days

RonM -

Cool! There's a bunch more, esp. of non howto contribs, but I've been given the task of building a sharepoint site at work, with, guess what, a whole bunch of !#@##%&!!@! Howtos! ;-)
It's not too bad, but is definitely eating into my howto time! I'd like to make more progress on the SME101 stuff - getting a slow start. I think maint is good for now, esp as we're seeing more diverse activity out here - it's great!

Wellsi -

Not sure what next - this appears more in the maintenance phase so monitoring new web-links and the forums. to help make quicker.

Pages to be added:

These are from Web-Links, need to be added I believe these are not linked yet - but I could have made a mistake.


File Management (Not a topic yet - should it be?)

High availability

Operating System Software ()



