AppendText is a Help:WikiPlugin to automatically add text to a page. For general usage better use the AddCommentPlugin.

<?plugin AppendText ?>

Plugin Arguments

page: Append to which page. Default: Current page.
s: What text to add. Note: A \n is always prepended.
before: (Optional) Add before the matching line beginning with before.
after: (Optional) Add after the matching line beginning with after.


Add from a list of all available plugins one to the current page.

  <?plugin WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="AddPlugin"
           pulldown[] name=s text="Plugins: " value=<!plugin-list BackLinks page=WikiPlugin !>

Add from a list of all available Categories to the current page.

  <?plugin WikiFormRich action=AppendText buttontext="AddCategory"
           pulldown[] name=s text="Categories: " value=<!plugin-list TitleSearch s=Category !>
