From time to time the leaders of SME Server Inc. may solicit donations of goods and/or services instead of money. These requests will be for things that either directly support and/or its affiliated sites or the corporation itself for the sake of the community.
At this time (July 1, 2006) the community is looking for donations of the following items:
1) A new server to host The following minimum specs have been discussed:
- (Single/Dual P4/Xeon dual core)
- 2GB RAM (More would be better...)
- Dual 200GB SATA disks (Any disk solution would be appreciated)
2) VMWare ESX or Xen. (Preferably VMWare ESX - perhaps someone can get the VMTN deal from VMware)
If you are in a position to donate some of the requested items, please do not hesitate to contact us at! We will work with you to arrange the donation! Thank you for your consideration.