Public Types
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr EnableRibCB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DisableRibCB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StartRibCB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr StopRibCB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr MakeErrorsFatalCB
- typedef XorpCallback5<void, const XrlError&, const XrlAtomList*, const XrlAtomList*, const XrlAtomList*, const XrlAtomList*>::RefPtr GetRegisteredProtocolsCB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddIgpTable4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddIgpTable6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteIgpTable4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteIgpTable6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddEgpTable4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddEgpTable6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteEgpTable4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteEgpTable6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddRoute4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddRoute6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ReplaceRoute4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ReplaceRoute6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteRoute4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteRoute6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddInterfaceRoute4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddInterfaceRoute6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ReplaceInterfaceRoute4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ReplaceInterfaceRoute6CB
- typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const IPv4*>::RefPtr LookupRouteByDest4CB
- typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const IPv6*>::RefPtr LookupRouteByDest6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr NewVifCB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddVifAddr4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddVifAddr6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistEnable4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistEnable6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistDisable4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistDisable6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistTransactionEnable4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistTransactionEnable6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistTransactionDisable4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistTransactionDisable6CB
- typedef XorpCallback7<void, const XrlError&, const bool*, const IPv4*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const IPv4*, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr RegisterInterest4CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeregisterInterest4CB
- typedef XorpCallback7<void, const XrlError&, const bool*, const IPv6*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const IPv6*, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr RegisterInterest6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeregisterInterest6CB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr InsertPolicyRedistTagsCB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ResetPolicyRedistTagsCB
- typedef XorpCallback3<void, const XrlError&, const XrlAtomList*, const XrlAtomList*>::RefPtr GetProtocolAdminDistancesCB
- typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr GetProtocolAdminDistanceCB
- typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetProtocolAdminDistanceCB
Public Methods
- XrlRibV0p1Client (XrlSender* s)
- virtual ~XrlRibV0p1Client ()
- bool send_enable_rib (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const EnableRibCB& cb
- bool send_disable_rib (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const DisableRibCB& cb
- bool send_start_rib (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const StartRibCB& cb
- bool send_stop_rib (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const StopRibCB& cb
- bool send_make_errors_fatal (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const MakeErrorsFatalCB& cb
- bool send_get_registered_protocols (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& ipv4,
const bool& ipv6,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const GetRegisteredProtocolsCB& cb
- bool send_add_igp_table4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const AddIgpTable4CB& cb
- bool send_add_igp_table6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const AddIgpTable6CB& cb
- bool send_delete_igp_table4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const DeleteIgpTable4CB& cb
- bool send_delete_igp_table6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const DeleteIgpTable6CB& cb
- bool send_add_egp_table4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const AddEgpTable4CB& cb
- bool send_add_egp_table6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const AddEgpTable6CB& cb
- bool send_delete_egp_table4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const DeleteEgpTable4CB& cb
- bool send_delete_egp_table6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const DeleteEgpTable6CB& cb
- bool send_add_route4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network,
const IPv4& nexthop,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const AddRoute4CB& cb
- bool send_add_route6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network,
const IPv6& nexthop,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const AddRoute6CB& cb
- bool send_replace_route4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network,
const IPv4& nexthop,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const ReplaceRoute4CB& cb
- bool send_replace_route6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network,
const IPv6& nexthop,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const ReplaceRoute6CB& cb
- bool send_delete_route4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network,
const DeleteRoute4CB& cb
- bool send_delete_route6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network,
const DeleteRoute6CB& cb
- bool send_add_interface_route4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network,
const IPv4& nexthop,
const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const AddInterfaceRoute4CB& cb
- bool send_add_interface_route6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network,
const IPv6& nexthop,
const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const AddInterfaceRoute6CB& cb
- bool send_replace_interface_route4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network,
const IPv4& nexthop,
const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const ReplaceInterfaceRoute4CB& cb
- bool send_replace_interface_route6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network,
const IPv6& nexthop,
const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const ReplaceInterfaceRoute6CB& cb
- bool send_lookup_route_by_dest4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const IPv4& addr,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const LookupRouteByDest4CB& cb
- bool send_lookup_route_by_dest6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const IPv6& addr,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const LookupRouteByDest6CB& cb
- bool send_new_vif (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& name,
const NewVifCB& cb
- bool send_add_vif_addr4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& name,
const IPv4& addr,
const IPv4Net& subnet,
const AddVifAddr4CB& cb
- bool send_add_vif_addr6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& name,
const IPv6& addr,
const IPv6Net& subnet,
const AddVifAddr6CB& cb
- bool send_redist_enable4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network_prefix,
const string& cookie,
const RedistEnable4CB& cb
- bool send_redist_enable6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network_prefix,
const string& cookie,
const RedistEnable6CB& cb
- bool send_redist_disable4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const string& cookie,
const RedistDisable4CB& cb
- bool send_redist_disable6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const string& cookie,
const RedistDisable6CB& cb
- bool send_redist_transaction_enable4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network_prefix,
const string& cookie,
const RedistTransactionEnable4CB& cb
- bool send_redist_transaction_enable6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network_prefix,
const string& cookie,
const RedistTransactionEnable6CB& cb
- bool send_redist_transaction_disable4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const string& cookie,
const RedistTransactionDisable4CB& cb
- bool send_redist_transaction_disable6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const string& cookie,
const RedistTransactionDisable6CB& cb
- bool send_register_interest4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& target,
const IPv4& addr,
const RegisterInterest4CB& cb
- bool send_deregister_interest4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& target,
const IPv4& addr,
const uint32_t& prefix_len,
const DeregisterInterest4CB& cb
- bool send_register_interest6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& target,
const IPv6& addr,
const RegisterInterest6CB& cb
- bool send_deregister_interest6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& target,
const IPv6& addr,
const uint32_t& prefix_len,
const DeregisterInterest6CB& cb
- bool send_insert_policy_redist_tags (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const InsertPolicyRedistTagsCB& cb
- bool send_reset_policy_redist_tags (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const ResetPolicyRedistTagsCB& cb
- bool send_get_protocol_admin_distances (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& ipv4,
const bool& unicast,
const GetProtocolAdminDistancesCB& cb
- bool send_get_protocol_admin_distance (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& ipv4,
const bool& unicast,
const GetProtocolAdminDistanceCB& cb
- bool send_set_protocol_admin_distance (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& ipv4,
const bool& ipv6,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const uint32_t& admin_distance,
const SetProtocolAdminDistanceCB& cb
Protected Members
XrlRibV0p1Client (XrlSender* s)
| XrlRibV0p1Client |
~XrlRibV0p1Client ()
| ~XrlRibV0p1Client |
bool send_enable_rib (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const EnableRibCB& cb
| send_enable_rib |
Send Xrl intended to:
Enable/disable/start/stop RIB.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
bool send_disable_rib (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const DisableRibCB& cb
| send_disable_rib |
bool send_start_rib (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const StartRibCB& cb
| send_start_rib |
bool send_stop_rib (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const StopRibCB& cb
| send_stop_rib |
bool send_make_errors_fatal (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const MakeErrorsFatalCB& cb
| send_make_errors_fatal |
Send Xrl intended to:
Make errors fatal; used to detect errors we'd normally mask
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
bool send_get_registered_protocols (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& ipv4,
const bool& ipv6,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const GetRegisteredProtocolsCB& cb
| send_get_registered_protocols |
Send Xrl intended to:
Get the list of registered protocols.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
ipv4 | if true, then include the IPv4 protocols.
ipv6 | if true, then include the IPv6 protocols.
unicast | if true, then include the protocols registered with the
unicast RIB.
multicast | if true, then include the protocols registered with
the multicast RIB.
bool send_add_igp_table4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const AddIgpTable4CB& cb
| send_add_igp_table4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Add/delete an IGP or EGP table.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
protocol | the name of the protocol.
target_class | the target class of the protocol.
target_instance | the target instance of the protocol.
unicast | true if the table is for the unicast RIB.
multicast | true if the table is for the multicast RIB.
bool send_add_igp_table6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const AddIgpTable6CB& cb
| send_add_igp_table6 |
bool send_delete_igp_table4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const DeleteIgpTable4CB& cb
| send_delete_igp_table4 |
bool send_delete_igp_table6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const DeleteIgpTable6CB& cb
| send_delete_igp_table6 |
bool send_add_egp_table4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const AddEgpTable4CB& cb
| send_add_egp_table4 |
bool send_add_egp_table6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const AddEgpTable6CB& cb
| send_add_egp_table6 |
bool send_delete_egp_table4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const DeleteEgpTable4CB& cb
| send_delete_egp_table4 |
bool send_delete_egp_table6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const string& target_class,
const string& target_instance,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const DeleteEgpTable6CB& cb
| send_delete_egp_table6 |
bool send_add_route4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network,
const IPv4& nexthop,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const AddRoute4CB& cb
| send_add_route4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Add/replace/delete a route.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
protocol | the name of the protocol this route comes from.
unicast | true if the route is for the unicast RIB.
multicast | true if the route is for the multicast RIB.
network | the network address prefix of the route.
nexthop | the address of the next-hop router toward the
metric | the routing metric.
policytags | a set of policy tags used for redistribution.
bool send_add_route6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network,
const IPv6& nexthop,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const AddRoute6CB& cb
| send_add_route6 |
bool send_replace_route4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network,
const IPv4& nexthop,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const ReplaceRoute4CB& cb
| send_replace_route4 |
bool send_replace_route6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network,
const IPv6& nexthop,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const ReplaceRoute6CB& cb
| send_replace_route6 |
bool send_delete_route4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network,
const DeleteRoute4CB& cb
| send_delete_route4 |
bool send_delete_route6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network,
const DeleteRoute6CB& cb
| send_delete_route6 |
bool send_add_interface_route4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network,
const IPv4& nexthop,
const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const AddInterfaceRoute4CB& cb
| send_add_interface_route4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Add/replace a route by explicitly specifying the network interface
toward the destination.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
protocol | the name of the protocol this route comes from.
unicast | true if the route is for the unicast RIB.
multicast | true if the route is for the multicast RIB.
network | the network address prefix of the route.
nexthop | the address of the next-hop router toward the
ifname | of the name of the physical interface toward the
vifname | of the name of the virtual interface toward the
metric | the routing metric.
policytags | a set of policy tags used for redistribution.
bool send_add_interface_route6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network,
const IPv6& nexthop,
const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const AddInterfaceRoute6CB& cb
| send_add_interface_route6 |
bool send_replace_interface_route4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network,
const IPv4& nexthop,
const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const ReplaceInterfaceRoute4CB& cb
| send_replace_interface_route4 |
bool send_replace_interface_route6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network,
const IPv6& nexthop,
const string& ifname,
const string& vifname,
const uint32_t& metric,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const ReplaceInterfaceRoute6CB& cb
| send_replace_interface_route6 |
bool send_lookup_route_by_dest4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const IPv4& addr,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const LookupRouteByDest4CB& cb
| send_lookup_route_by_dest4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Lookup nexthop.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
addr | address to lookup.
unicast | look in unicast RIB.
multicast | look in multicast RIB.
bool send_lookup_route_by_dest6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const IPv6& addr,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const LookupRouteByDest6CB& cb
| send_lookup_route_by_dest6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Lookup nexthop.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
addr | address to lookup.
unicast | look in unicast RIB.
multicast | look in multicast RIB.
bool send_new_vif (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& name,
const NewVifCB& cb
| send_new_vif |
Send Xrl intended to:
Add a vif or a vif address to the RIB. This interface should be used
only for testing purpose.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
name | the name of the vif.
bool send_add_vif_addr4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& name,
const IPv4& addr,
const IPv4Net& subnet,
const AddVifAddr4CB& cb
| send_add_vif_addr4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Add a vif address to the RIB. This interface should be used only for
testing purpose.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
name | the name of the vif.
addr | the address to add.
subnet | the subnet address to add.
bool send_add_vif_addr6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& name,
const IPv6& addr,
const IPv6Net& subnet,
const AddVifAddr6CB& cb
| send_add_vif_addr6 |
bool send_redist_enable4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network_prefix,
const string& cookie,
const RedistEnable4CB& cb
| send_redist_enable4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Enable route redistribution from one routing protocol to another.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
to_xrl_target | the XRL Target instance name of the caller. The
caller must implement redist4/0.1.
from_protocol | the name of the routing process routes are to be
redistributed from.
unicast | enable for unicast RIBs matching from and to.
multicast | enable for multicast RIBs matching from and to.
network_prefix | redistribite only the routes that fall into this
prefix address.
cookie | a text value passed back to creator in each call from the
RIB. This allows creators to identity the source of updates it receives
through the redist4/0.1 interface.
bool send_redist_enable6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network_prefix,
const string& cookie,
const RedistEnable6CB& cb
| send_redist_enable6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Enable route redistribution from one routing protocol to another.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
to_xrl_target | the XRL Target instance name of the caller. The
caller must implement redist6/0.1.
from_protocol | the name of the routing process routes are to be
redistributed from.
unicast | enable for unicast RIBs matching from and to.
multicast | enable for multicast RIBs matching from and to.
network_prefix | redistribite only the routes that fall into this
prefix address.
cookie | a text value passed back to creator in each call from the
RIB. This allows creators to identity the source of updates it receives
through the redist6/0.1 interface.
bool send_redist_disable4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const string& cookie,
const RedistDisable4CB& cb
| send_redist_disable4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Disable route redistribution from one routing protocol to another.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
to_xrl_target | the XRL Target instance name of the caller. The
caller must implement redist4/0.1 and previously called redist_enable4.
unicast | disable for unicast RIBs matching from and to.
multicast | disable for multicast RIBs matching from and to.
cookie | a text value passed back to creator in each call from the
RIB. This allows creators to identity the source of updates it receives
through the redist4/0.1 interface.
bool send_redist_disable6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const string& cookie,
const RedistDisable6CB& cb
| send_redist_disable6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Disable route redistribution from one routing protocol to another.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
to_xrl_target | the XRL Target instance name of the caller. The
caller must implement redist6/0.1 and previously called redist_enable6.
unicast | disable for unicast RIBs matching from and to.
multicast | disable for multicast RIBs matching from and to.
cookie | a text value passed back to creator in each call from the
RIB. This allows creators to identity the source of updates it receives
through the redist6/0.1 interface.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistTransactionEnable4CB | RedistTransactionEnable4CB |
bool send_redist_transaction_enable4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv4Net& network_prefix,
const string& cookie,
const RedistTransactionEnable4CB& cb
| send_redist_transaction_enable4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Enable transaction-based route redistribution from one routing protocol
to another.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
to_xrl_target | the XRL Target instance name of the caller. The
caller must implement redist_transaction4/0.1.
from_protocol | the name of the routing process routes are to be
redistributed from.
unicast | enable for unicast RIBs matching from and to.
multicast | enable for multicast RIBs matching from and to.
network_prefix | redistribite only the routes that fall into this
prefix address.
cookie | a text value passed back to creator in each call from the
RIB. This allows creators to identity the source of updates it receives
through the redist_transaction4/0.1 interface.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistTransactionEnable6CB | RedistTransactionEnable6CB |
bool send_redist_transaction_enable6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const IPv6Net& network_prefix,
const string& cookie,
const RedistTransactionEnable6CB& cb
| send_redist_transaction_enable6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Enable transaction-based route redistribution from one routing protocol
to another.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
to_xrl_target | the XRL Target instance name of the caller. The
caller must implement redist_transaction6/0.1.
from_protocol | the name of the routing process routes are to be
redistributed from.
unicast | enable for unicast RIBs matching from and to.
multicast | enable for multicast RIBs matching from and to.
network_prefix | redistribite only the routes that fall into this
prefix address.
cookie | a text value passed back to creator in each call from the
RIB. This allows creators to identity the source of updates it receives
through the redist_transaction6/0.1 interface.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistTransactionDisable4CB | RedistTransactionDisable4CB |
bool send_redist_transaction_disable4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const string& cookie,
const RedistTransactionDisable4CB& cb
| send_redist_transaction_disable4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Disable transaction-based route redistribution from one routing
protocol to another.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
to_xrl_target | the XRL Target instance name of the caller. The
caller must implement redist_transaction4/0.1 and previously called
unicast | disable for unicast RIBs matching from and to.
multicast | disable for multicast RIBs matching from and to.
cookie | a text value passed back to creator in each call from the
RIB. This allows creators to identity the source of updates it receives
through the redist_transaction4/0.1 interface.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RedistTransactionDisable6CB | RedistTransactionDisable6CB |
bool send_redist_transaction_disable6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& to_xrl_target,
const string& from_protocol,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const string& cookie,
const RedistTransactionDisable6CB& cb
| send_redist_transaction_disable6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Disable transaction-based route redistribution from one routing
protocol to another.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
to_xrl_target | the XRL Target instance name of the caller. The
caller must implement redist_transaction6/0.1 and previously called
unicast | disable for unicast RIBs matching from and to.
multicast | disable for multicast RIBs matching from and to.
cookie | a text value passed back to creator in each call from the
RIB. This allows creators to identity the source of updates it receives
through the redist_transaction6/0.1 interface.
typedef XorpCallback7<void, const XrlError&, const bool*, const IPv4*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const IPv4*, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr RegisterInterest4CB | RegisterInterest4CB |
bool send_register_interest4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& target,
const IPv4& addr,
const RegisterInterest4CB& cb
| send_register_interest4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Register an interest in a route.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
target | the name of the XRL module to notify when the information
returned by this call becomes invalid.
addr | address of interest.
bool send_deregister_interest4 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& target,
const IPv4& addr,
const uint32_t& prefix_len,
const DeregisterInterest4CB& cb
| send_deregister_interest4 |
Send Xrl intended to:
De-register an interest in a route.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
target | the name of the XRL module that registered the interest.
addr | the address of the previous registered interest. addr
should be the base address of the add/prefix_len subnet.
prefix_len | the prefix length of the registered interest, as
given in the response from register_interest.
typedef XorpCallback7<void, const XrlError&, const bool*, const IPv6*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const IPv6*, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr RegisterInterest6CB | RegisterInterest6CB |
bool send_register_interest6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& target,
const IPv6& addr,
const RegisterInterest6CB& cb
| send_register_interest6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
Register an interest in a route.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
target | the name of the XRL module to notify when the information
returned by this call becomes invalid.
addr | address of interest.
bool send_deregister_interest6 (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& target,
const IPv6& addr,
const uint32_t& prefix_len,
const DeregisterInterest6CB& cb
| send_deregister_interest6 |
Send Xrl intended to:
De-register an interest in a route.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
target | the name of the XRL module that registered the interest.
addr | the address of the previous registered interest. addr
should be the base address of the add/prefix_len subnet.
prefix_len | the prefix length of the registered interest, as
given in the response from register_interest.
bool send_insert_policy_redist_tags (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const XrlAtomList& policytags,
const InsertPolicyRedistTagsCB& cb
| send_insert_policy_redist_tags |
Send Xrl intended to:
Add policy tags for a specific protcol in the redistribution map.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
protocol | The destination protocol of the redistribution.
policytags | The set of policytags of interest for the protocol.
bool send_reset_policy_redist_tags (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const ResetPolicyRedistTagsCB& cb
| send_reset_policy_redist_tags |
Send Xrl intended to:
Reset the policy redistribution map. No policy based route
redistribution will be available at this point.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
bool send_get_protocol_admin_distances (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const bool& ipv4,
const bool& unicast,
const GetProtocolAdminDistancesCB& cb
| send_get_protocol_admin_distances |
Send Xrl intended to:
Get administrative distance for all protocols registered as having an
admin distance in a selected RIB.
protocols list.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
ipv4 | true if getting admin distances from IPv4 RIB; false if
getting admin distances from IPv6 RIB.
unicast | true if getting admin distances from unicast RIB; false
if getting admin distances from multicast RIB.
typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr GetProtocolAdminDistanceCB | GetProtocolAdminDistanceCB |
bool send_get_protocol_admin_distance (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& ipv4,
const bool& unicast,
const GetProtocolAdminDistanceCB& cb
| send_get_protocol_admin_distance |
Send Xrl intended to:
Get administrative distance for an individual protocol in a selected
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
protocol | the name of the protocol.
ipv4 | true if getting admin distance from IPv4 RIB; false if
getting admin distance from IPv6 RIB.
unicast | true if getting admin distance from unicast RIB; false
if getting admin distance from multicast RIB.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr SetProtocolAdminDistanceCB | SetProtocolAdminDistanceCB |
bool send_set_protocol_admin_distance (
const char* dst_xrl_target_name,
const string& protocol,
const bool& ipv4,
const bool& ipv6,
const bool& unicast,
const bool& multicast,
const uint32_t& admin_distance,
const SetProtocolAdminDistanceCB& cb
| send_set_protocol_admin_distance |
Send Xrl intended to:
Set administrative distance for an individual protocol.
dst_xrl_target_name | the Xrl target name of the destination.
protocol | the name of the protocol.
ipv4 | true if setting admin distance for IPv4 RIB.
ipv6 | true if setting admin distance for IPv6 RIB.
unicast | true if setting admin distance for unicast RIB.
multicast | true if setting admin distance for multicast RIB.
admin_distance | the administrative distance (1-255)
Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 24 16:28:58 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.