class XrlFeaFirewallV0p1Client

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Detailed Description

 XrlFeaFirewallV0p1Client (XrlSender* s)


 ~XrlFeaFirewallV0p1Client ()



typedef XorpCallback2<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*>::RefPtr StartTransactionCB


bool  send_start_transaction ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const StartTransactionCB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Start firewall configuration transaction.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr CommitTransactionCB


bool  send_commit_transaction ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& tid, const CommitTransactionCB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Commit firewall configuration transaction.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tidthe transaction ID for this operation.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AbortTransactionCB


bool  send_abort_transaction ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& tid, const AbortTransactionCB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Abort firewall configuration transaction.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tidthe transaction ID for this operation.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddEntry4CB


bool  send_add_entry4 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& tid, const uint32_t& rule_number, const string& ifname, const string& vifname, const IPv4Net& src_network, const IPv4Net& dst_network, const uint32_t& ip_protocol, const uint32_t& src_port_begin, const uint32_t& src_port_end, const uint32_t& dst_port_begin, const uint32_t& dst_port_end, const string& action, const AddEntry4CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Add an IPv4 firewall entry.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tidthe transaction ID for this operation.
rule_numberthe rule number for this entry.
ifnamethe name of the interface where this filter is to be applied.
vifnamethe name of the vif where this filter is to be applied.
src_networkthe source IPv4 network address prefix.
dst_networkthe destination IPv4 network address prefix.
ip_protocolthe IP protocol number (1-255, or 0 if wildcard).
src_port_beginthe source TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
src_port_endthe source TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
dst_port_beginthe destination TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
dst_port_endthe destination TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
actionthe action to be taken when this filter is matched. It is one of the following keywords: "none", "pass", "drop", "reject".
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ReplaceEntry4CB


bool  send_replace_entry4 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& tid, const uint32_t& rule_number, const string& ifname, const string& vifname, const IPv4Net& src_network, const IPv4Net& dst_network, const uint32_t& ip_protocol, const uint32_t& src_port_begin, const uint32_t& src_port_end, const uint32_t& dst_port_begin, const uint32_t& dst_port_end, const string& action, const ReplaceEntry4CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Replace an IPv4 firewall entry.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tidthe transaction ID for this operation.
rule_numberthe rule number for this entry.
ifnamethe name of the interface where this filter is to be applied.
vifnamethe name of the vif where this filter is to be applied.
src_networkthe source IPv4 network address prefix.
dst_networkthe destination IPv4 network address prefix.
ip_protocolthe IP protocol number (1-255, or 0 if wildcard).
src_port_beginthe source TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
src_port_endthe source TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
dst_port_beginthe destination TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
dst_port_endthe destination TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
actionthe action to be taken when this filter is matched. It is one of the following keywords: "none", "pass", "drop", "reject".
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteEntry4CB


bool  send_delete_entry4 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& tid, const uint32_t& rule_number, const string& ifname, const string& vifname, const IPv4Net& src_network, const IPv4Net& dst_network, const uint32_t& ip_protocol, const uint32_t& src_port_begin, const uint32_t& src_port_end, const uint32_t& dst_port_begin, const uint32_t& dst_port_end, const DeleteEntry4CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Delete an IPv4 firewall entry.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tidthe transaction ID for this operation.
rule_numberthe rule number for this entry.
ifnamethe name of the interface where this filter is to be deleted.
vifnamethe name of the vif where this filter is to be deleted.
src_networkthe source IPv4 network address prefix.
dst_networkthe destination IPv4 network address prefix.
ip_protocolthe IP protocol number (1-255, or 0 if wildcard).
src_port_beginthe source TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
src_port_endthe source TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
dst_port_beginthe destination TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
dst_port_endthe destination TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteAllEntries4CB


bool  send_delete_all_entries4 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& tid, const DeleteAllEntries4CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Delete all IPv4 firewall entries.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tidthe transaction ID for this operation.
typedef XorpCallback3<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*, const bool*>::RefPtr GetEntryListStart4CB


bool  send_get_entry_list_start4 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const GetEntryListStart4CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Get a token for a list of IPv4 firewall entries.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
typedef XorpCallback13<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*, const string*, const string*, const IPv4Net*, const IPv4Net*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const string*, const bool*>::RefPtr GetEntryListNext4CB


bool  send_get_entry_list_next4 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& token, const GetEntryListNext4CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Get the next item in a list of IPv4 firewall entries.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tokenreturned by a previous call to get_entry_list_start4.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr AddEntry6CB


bool  send_add_entry6 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& tid, const uint32_t& rule_number, const string& ifname, const string& vifname, const IPv6Net& src_network, const IPv6Net& dst_network, const uint32_t& ip_protocol, const uint32_t& src_port_begin, const uint32_t& src_port_end, const uint32_t& dst_port_begin, const uint32_t& dst_port_end, const string& action, const AddEntry6CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Add an IPv6 firewall entry.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tidthe transaction ID for this operation.
rule_numberthe rule number for this entry.
ifnamethe name of the interface where this filter is to be applied.
vifnamethe name of the vif where this filter is to be applied.
src_networkthe source IPv6 network address prefix.
dst_networkthe destination IPv6 network address prefix.
ip_protocolthe IP protocol number (1-255, or 0 if wildcard).
src_port_beginthe source TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
src_port_endthe source TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
dst_port_beginthe destination TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
dst_port_endthe destination TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
actionthe action to be taken when this filter is matched. It is one of the following keywords: "none", "pass", "drop", "reject".
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr ReplaceEntry6CB


bool  send_replace_entry6 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& tid, const uint32_t& rule_number, const string& ifname, const string& vifname, const IPv6Net& src_network, const IPv6Net& dst_network, const uint32_t& ip_protocol, const uint32_t& src_port_begin, const uint32_t& src_port_end, const uint32_t& dst_port_begin, const uint32_t& dst_port_end, const string& action, const ReplaceEntry6CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Replace an IPv6 firewall entry.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tidthe transaction ID for this operation.
rule_numberthe rule number for this entry.
ifnamethe name of the interface where this filter is to be applied.
vifnamethe name of the vif where this filter is to be applied.
src_networkthe source IPv6 network address prefix.
dst_networkthe destination IPv6 network address prefix.
ip_protocolthe IP protocol number (1-255, or 0 if wildcard).
src_port_beginthe source TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
src_port_endthe source TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
dst_port_beginthe destination TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
dst_port_endthe destination TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
actionthe action to be taken when this filter is matched. It is one of the following keywords: "none", "pass", "drop", "reject".
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteEntry6CB


bool  send_delete_entry6 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& tid, const uint32_t& rule_number, const string& ifname, const string& vifname, const IPv6Net& src_network, const IPv6Net& dst_network, const uint32_t& ip_protocol, const uint32_t& src_port_begin, const uint32_t& src_port_end, const uint32_t& dst_port_begin, const uint32_t& dst_port_end, const DeleteEntry6CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Delete an IPv6 firewall entry.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tidthe transaction ID for this operation.
rule_numberthe rule number for this entry.
ifnamethe name of the interface where this filter is to be deleted.
vifnamethe name of the vif where this filter is to be deleted.
src_networkthe source IPv6 network address prefix.
dst_networkthe destination IPv6 network address prefix.
ip_protocolthe IP protocol number (1-255, or 0 if wildcard).
src_port_beginthe source TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
src_port_endthe source TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
dst_port_beginthe destination TCP/UDP begin port (0-65535).
dst_port_endthe destination TCP/UDP end port (0-65535).
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeleteAllEntries6CB


bool  send_delete_all_entries6 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& tid, const DeleteAllEntries6CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Delete all IPv6 firewall entries.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tidthe transaction ID for this operation.
typedef XorpCallback3<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*, const bool*>::RefPtr GetEntryListStart6CB


bool  send_get_entry_list_start6 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const GetEntryListStart6CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Get a token for a list of IPv6 firewall entries.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
typedef XorpCallback13<void, const XrlError&, const uint32_t*, const string*, const string*, const IPv6Net*, const IPv6Net*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const uint32_t*, const string*, const bool*>::RefPtr GetEntryListNext6CB


bool  send_get_entry_list_next6 ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const uint32_t& token, const GetEntryListNext6CB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Get the next item in a list of IPv6 firewall entries.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
tokenreturned by a previous call to get_entry_list_start6.
XrlSender* _sender



Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 24 16:28:58 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.