Source: ../../ospf/packet.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2008 XORP, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2, June
// 1991 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Redistribution
// and/or modification of this program under the terms of any other
// version of the GNU General Public License is not permitted.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// see the GNU General Public License, Version 2, a copy of which can be
// found in the XORP LICENSE.gpl file.
// XORP Inc, 2953 Bunker Hill Lane, Suite 204, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA;

// $XORP: xorp/ospf/packet.hh,v 1.44 2008/10/02 21:57:48 bms Exp $

#ifndef __OSPF_PACKET_HH__
#define __OSPF_PACKET_HH__

 * All packet decode routines must inherit from this interface.
 * Also provides some utility routines to perform common packet processing.
class Packet {
    static const size_t STANDARD_HEADER_V2 = 24;
    static const size_t STANDARD_HEADER_V3 = 16;

    static const size_t VERSION_OFFSET = 0;
    static const size_t TYPE_OFFSET = 1;
    static const size_t LEN_OFFSET = 2;
    static const size_t ROUTER_ID_OFFSET = 4;
    static const size_t AREA_ID_OFFSET = 8;
    static const size_t CHECKSUM_OFFSET = 12;

    // OSPFv2 only.
    static const size_t AUTH_TYPE_OFFSET = 14;
    static const size_t AUTH_PAYLOAD_OFFSET = 16;
    static const size_t AUTH_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 8;

    // OSPFv3 only.
    static const size_t INSTANCE_ID_OFFSET = 14;

    Packet(OspfTypes::Version version)
	: _version(version), _auth_type(0), _instance_id(0)
	memset(&_auth[0], 0, sizeof(_auth));

    virtual ~Packet()

     * Decode standard header.
     * Used by the derived classes to extract the standard header and
     * options field.
     * @param len if the frame is larger than what is specified by the
     * header length field drop the length down to the header length.
     * @return the offset where the specific header starts.
    size_t decode_standard_header(uint8_t *ptr, size_t& len) throw(InvalidPacket);

     * Decode the packet.
     * The returned packet must be free'd.
    virtual Packet *decode(uint8_t *ptr, size_t len)
	const throw(InvalidPacket) = 0;

     * Encode standard header.
     * Used by the derived classes to put the standard header in the
     * packet. Which includes the checksum so all other fields should
     * already be in the packet.
     * @param ptr location to start writing header.
     * @param len size of the buffer.
     * @return The offset that the header has been written to. Returns
     * 0 on failure, such as the buffer is too small.
    size_t encode_standard_header(uint8_t *ptr, size_t len);

     * Encode the packet.
     * @param pkt vector into which the packet should be placed.
     * @return true if the encoding suceeded.
    virtual bool encode(vector<uint8_t>& pkt) = 0;

     * Store the original packet, required for authentication.
    void store(uint8_t *ptr, size_t len) {
	memcpy(&_pkt[0], ptr, len);

     * Get a reference to the original packet data, required for
     * authentication.
    vector<uint8_t>& get() {
	return _pkt;

     * @return The version this packet represents.
    OspfTypes::Version get_version() const { return _version; }

     * It is the responsibilty of the derived type to return this
     * information.
     * @return The type this packet represents.
    virtual OspfTypes::Type get_type() const = 0;

     * Get the Router ID.
    OspfTypes::RouterID get_router_id() const { return _router_id; }

     * Set the Router ID.
    void set_router_id(OspfTypes::RouterID id) { _router_id = id; }

     * Get the Area ID.
    OspfTypes::AreaID get_area_id() const { return _area_id; }

     * Set the Area ID.
    void set_area_id(OspfTypes::AreaID id) { _area_id = id; }    

     * Get the Auth Type.
    uint16_t get_auth_type() const { return _auth_type; }

     * Set the Auth Type.
    void set_auth_type(uint16_t auth_type) { _auth_type = auth_type; }

     * Get the Instance ID.
    uint8_t get_instance_id() const { 
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V3 == get_version());
	return _instance_id;

     * Set the Instance ID.
    void set_instance_id(uint8_t instance_id) { 
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V3 == get_version());
	_instance_id = instance_id;

     * @return the standard header length for this version of OSPF.
    size_t get_standard_header_length() {
	switch(_version) {
	case OspfTypes::V2:
	    return STANDARD_HEADER_V2;
	case OspfTypes::V3:
	    return STANDARD_HEADER_V3;
	return 0;

     * Decode Point.
     * If a packet is being decoded the standard header has already been
     * processed. This method returns the offset at which the specific
     * data starts.
     * @return The offset at which a derived class should start decoding.
    size_t decode_point() const;

     * Generate a printable representation of the standard header.
     * Used by the derived classes implementing str().
    string standard() const;

     * Generate a printable representation of the packet.
    virtual string str() const = 0;

    const OspfTypes::Version 	_version;
    vector<uint8_t> _pkt;	// Raw packet

     * Set to true when the standard header fields are set.
    bool _valid;

     * Standard header.
     * Version and Type information are constant so therefore not present.
    OspfTypes::RouterID	_router_id;
    OspfTypes::AreaID	_area_id;
    OspfTypes::AuType	_auth_type;			// OSPFv2 Only
    uint8_t 		_auth[AUTH_PAYLOAD_SIZE];	// OSPFv2 Only
    uint8_t		_instance_id;			// OSPFv3 Only

 * Packet byte streams are decoded through this class.
class PacketDecoder {

      * Register the packet/decode routines
      * @param packet decoder
    void register_decoder(Packet *packet);

#if	0
     * Register the packet/decode routines
     * @param packet decoder
     * @param version OSPF version of the decoder
     * @param type of decoder
    void register_decoder(Packet *packet,
			  OspfTypes::Version version,
			  OspfTypes::Type type);

     * Decode byte stream.
     * @param ptr to data packet
     * @param length of data packet
     * @return a packet structure, which must be free'd
    Packet *decode(uint8_t *ptr, size_t len) throw(InvalidPacket);
    map<OspfTypes::Type , Packet *> _ospfv2;	// OSPFv2 Packet decoders
    map<OspfTypes::Type , Packet *> _ospfv3;	// OSPFv3 Packet decoders

 * Hello packet
class HelloPacket : public Packet {
    static const size_t MINIMUM_LENGTH = 20;	// The minumum length
						// of a hello packet.
						// The same for OSPFv2
						// and OSPFv3. How did
						// that happen?

    static const size_t DESIGNATED_ROUTER_OFFSET = 12;
    static const size_t BACKUP_DESIGNATED_ROUTER_OFFSET = 16;

    // OSPFv2
    static const size_t NETWORK_MASK_OFFSET = 0;
    static const size_t HELLO_INTERVAL_V2_OFFSET = 4;
    static const size_t OPTIONS_V2_OFFSET = 6;
    static const size_t ROUTER_PRIORITY_V2_OFFSET = 7;
    static const size_t ROUTER_DEAD_INTERVAL_V2_OFFSET = 8;

    // OSPFv3
    static const size_t INTERFACE_ID_OFFSET = 0;
    static const size_t ROUTER_PRIORITY_V3_OFFSET = 4;
    static const size_t OPTIONS_V3_OFFSET = 4;
    static const size_t HELLO_INTERVAL_V3_OFFSET = 8;
    static const size_t ROUTER_DEAD_INTERVAL_V3_OFFSET = 10;

    HelloPacket(OspfTypes::Version version)
	: Packet(version), _network_mask(0), _interface_id(0),
	  _hello_interval(0), _options(0), _router_priority(0),

    OspfTypes::Type get_type() const { return 1; }

    Packet *decode(uint8_t *ptr, size_t len) const throw(InvalidPacket);

     * Encode the packet.
     * @param pkt vector into which the packet should be placed.
     * @return true if the encoding succeeded.
    bool encode(vector<uint8_t>& pkt);

    // Network Mask.
    void set_network_mask(uint32_t network_mask) {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V2 == get_version());
	_network_mask = network_mask;

    uint32_t get_network_mask() const {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V2 == get_version());
	return _network_mask;

    // Interface ID.
    void set_interface_id(uint32_t interface_id) {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V3 == get_version());
	_interface_id = interface_id;

    uint32_t get_interface_id() const {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V3 == get_version());
	return _interface_id;

    // Hello Interval.
    void set_hello_interval(uint16_t hello_interval) {
	_hello_interval = hello_interval;

    uint16_t get_hello_interval() const {
	return _hello_interval;

    // Options.
    void set_options(uint32_t options) {
	switch(get_version()) {
	case OspfTypes::V2:
	    if (options > 0xff)
		XLOG_WARNING("Attempt to set %#x in an 8 bit field",
	    _options = options & 0xff;
	case OspfTypes::V3:
	    if (options  > 0xffffff)
		XLOG_WARNING("Attempt to set %#x in a 24 bit field",
	    _options = options & 0xffffff;

    uint32_t get_options() const {
	return _options;

    // Router Priority.
    void set_router_priority(uint8_t router_priority) {
	_router_priority = router_priority;

    uint8_t get_router_priority() const {
	return _router_priority;

    // Router Dead Interval.
    void set_router_dead_interval(uint32_t router_dead_interval) {
	switch(get_version()) {
	case OspfTypes::V2:
	    _router_dead_interval = router_dead_interval;
	case OspfTypes::V3:
	    if ( router_dead_interval > 0xffff)
		XLOG_WARNING("Attempt to set %#x in a 16 bit field",
	    _router_dead_interval = router_dead_interval & 0xffff;

    uint32_t get_router_dead_interval() const {
	return _router_dead_interval;

    // Designated Router
    void set_designated_router(OspfTypes::RouterID dr) {
	_dr = dr;

    OspfTypes::RouterID get_designated_router() const {
	return _dr;
    // Backup Designated Router
    void set_backup_designated_router(OspfTypes::RouterID bdr) {
	_bdr = bdr;

    OspfTypes::RouterID get_backup_designated_router() const {
	return _bdr;
    list<OspfTypes::RouterID>& get_neighbours() {
	return _neighbours;

     * Generate a printable representation of the packet.
    string str() const;

    uint32_t _network_mask;	// OSPF V2 Only
    uint32_t _interface_id;	// OSPF V3 Only
    uint16_t _hello_interval;
    uint32_t _options;		// Large enough to accomodate V2 and V3 options
    uint8_t  _router_priority;	// Router Priority.
    uint32_t _router_dead_interval;	// In seconds.
    OspfTypes::RouterID _dr;	// Designated router.
    OspfTypes::RouterID _bdr;	// Backup Designated router.

    list<OspfTypes::RouterID> _neighbours; // Router IDs of neighbours.

 * Database Description Packet
class DataDescriptionPacket : public Packet {
    DataDescriptionPacket(OspfTypes::Version version)
	: Packet(version), _interface_mtu(0), _options(0),
	  _i_bit(false), _m_bit(false), _ms_bit(false), _DD_seqno(0)

    OspfTypes::Type get_type() const { return 2; }

    size_t minimum_length() const {
	switch(get_version()) {
	case OspfTypes::V2:
	    return 8;
	case OspfTypes::V3:
	    return 12;
	return 0;

    Packet *decode(uint8_t *ptr, size_t len) const throw(InvalidPacket);

     * Encode the packet.
     * @param pkt vector into which the packet should be placed.
     * @return true if the encoding suceeded.
    bool encode(vector<uint8_t>& pkt);

    // Interface MTU
    void set_interface_mtu(uint16_t mtu) {
	_interface_mtu = mtu;

    uint16_t get_interface_mtu() const {
	return _interface_mtu;

    // Options.
    void set_options(uint32_t options) {
	switch(get_version()) {
	case OspfTypes::V2:
	    if (options > 0xff)
		XLOG_WARNING("Attempt to set %#x in an 8 bit field",
	    _options = options & 0xff;
	case OspfTypes::V3:
	    if (options  > 0xffffff)
		XLOG_WARNING("Attempt to set %#x in a 24 bit field",
	    _options = options & 0xffffff;

    uint32_t get_options() const {
	return _options;

    // Init bit.
    void set_i_bit(bool bit) {
	_i_bit = bit;

    bool get_i_bit() const {
	return _i_bit;

    // More bit.
    void set_m_bit(bool bit) {
	_m_bit = bit;

    bool get_m_bit() const {
	return _m_bit;

    // Master/Slave bit
    void set_ms_bit(bool bit) {
	_ms_bit = bit;

    bool get_ms_bit() const {
	return _ms_bit;
    // Database description sequence number.
    void set_dd_seqno(uint32_t seqno) {
	_DD_seqno = seqno;
    uint32_t get_dd_seqno() const {
	return _DD_seqno;

    list<Lsa_header>& get_lsa_headers() {
	return _lsa_headers;
     * Generate a printable representation of the packet.
    string str() const;

    uint16_t	_interface_mtu;
    uint32_t	_options;	// Large enough to accomodate V2 and V3 options
    bool	_i_bit;		// The init bit.
    bool	_m_bit;		// The more bit.
    bool	_ms_bit;	// The Master/Slave bit.
    uint32_t	_DD_seqno;	// Database description sequence number.
    list<Lsa_header> _lsa_headers;

 * Link State Request Packet
class LinkStateRequestPacket : public Packet {
    LinkStateRequestPacket(OspfTypes::Version version)
	: Packet(version)

    OspfTypes::Type get_type() const { return 3; }

    Packet *decode(uint8_t *ptr, size_t len) const throw(InvalidPacket);

     * Encode the packet.
     * @param pkt vector into which the packet should be placed.
     * @return true if the encoding succeeded.
    bool encode(vector<uint8_t>& pkt);
    list<Ls_request>& get_ls_request() {
	return _ls_request;
     * Generate a printable representation of the packet.
    string str() const;
    list<Ls_request> _ls_request;

 * Link State Update Packet
class LinkStateUpdatePacket : public Packet {
    LinkStateUpdatePacket(OspfTypes::Version version, LsaDecoder& lsa_decoder)
	: Packet(version), _lsa_decoder(lsa_decoder)

    OspfTypes::Type get_type() const { return 4; }

    Packet *decode(uint8_t *ptr, size_t len) const throw(InvalidPacket);

     * Encode the packet.
     * @param pkt vector into which the packet should be placed.
     * @return true if the encoding succeeded.
    bool encode(vector<uint8_t>& pkt);

     * Encode the packet.
     * @param pkt vector into which the packet should be placed.
     * @param inftransdelay add this delay to the age field of each LSA.
     * @return true if the encoding succeeded.
    bool encode(vector<uint8_t>& pkt, uint16_t inftransdelay);

    list<Lsa::LsaRef>& get_lsas() {
	return _lsas;
     * Generate a printable representation of the packet.
    string str() const;
    LsaDecoder& _lsa_decoder;	// LSA decoders.

    // The packet contains a field with the number of LSAs that it
    // contains there is no point in storing it.

    list<Lsa::LsaRef> _lsas;	// The list of LSAs in the packet.

 * Link State Acknowledgement Packet
class LinkStateAcknowledgementPacket : public Packet {
    LinkStateAcknowledgementPacket(OspfTypes::Version version)
	: Packet(version)

    OspfTypes::Type get_type() const { return 5; }

    Packet *decode(uint8_t *ptr, size_t len) const throw(InvalidPacket);

     * Encode the packet.
     * @param pkt vector into which the packet should be placed.
     * @return true if the encoding succeeded.
    bool encode(vector<uint8_t>& pkt);

    list<Lsa_header>& get_lsa_headers() {
	return _lsa_headers;
     * Generate a printable representation of the packet.
    string str() const;
    list<Lsa_header> _lsa_headers;

 * The definitive list of packets. All decoder lists should be primed
 * using this function.
initialise_packet_decoder(OspfTypes::Version version,
			  PacketDecoder& packet_decoder, 
			  LsaDecoder& lsa_decoder)
    packet_decoder.register_decoder(new HelloPacket(version));
    packet_decoder.register_decoder(new DataDescriptionPacket(version));
    packet_decoder.register_decoder(new LinkStateUpdatePacket(version,
    packet_decoder.register_decoder(new LinkStateRequestPacket(version));
	register_decoder(new LinkStateAcknowledgementPacket(version));

 * Helper class to manipulate the options field in packets and LSAs.
class Options {
     static const uint32_t V6_bit = 0x1;
     static const uint32_t E_bit = 0x2;
     static const uint32_t MC_bit = 0x4;
     static const uint32_t N_bit = 0x8;
     static const uint32_t P_bit = N_bit;
     static const uint32_t R_bit = 0x10;
     static const uint32_t EA_bit = 0x10;
     static const uint32_t DC_bit = 0x20;

     Options(OspfTypes::Version version, uint32_t options)
	 : _version(version), _options(options)

     void set_bit(bool set, uint32_t bit) {
	 if (set)
	     _options |= bit;
	     _options &= ~bit;
     bool get_bit(uint32_t bit) const { return _options & bit ? true : false; }

     void set_v6_bit(bool set) {
	 XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V3 == _version);
	 set_bit(set, V6_bit);
     bool get_v6_bit() const {
	 XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V3 == _version);
	 return get_bit(V6_bit);

     void set_e_bit(bool set) { set_bit(set, E_bit); }
     bool get_e_bit() const { return get_bit(E_bit); }

     void set_mc_bit(bool set) { set_bit(set, MC_bit); }
     bool get_mc_bit() const { return get_bit(MC_bit); }

     void set_n_bit(bool set) { set_bit(set, N_bit); }
     bool get_n_bit() const { return get_bit(N_bit); }

     void set_p_bit(bool set) { set_n_bit(set); }
     bool get_p_bit() const { return get_n_bit(); }

     void set_r_bit(bool set) {
	 XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V3 == _version);
	 set_bit(set, R_bit);
     bool get_r_bit() const {
	 XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V3 == _version);
	 return get_bit(R_bit);

     void set_ea_bit(bool set) {
	 XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V2 == _version);
	 set_bit(set, EA_bit);
     bool get_ea_bit() const {
	 XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::V2 == _version);
	 return get_bit(EA_bit);

     void set_dc_bit(bool set) { set_bit(set, DC_bit); }
     bool get_dc_bit() const { return get_bit(DC_bit); }
     uint32_t get_options() { return _options; }

     string pp_bool(bool val) const { return val ? "1" : "0"; }

     string str() const {
	 string out;

	 switch(_version) {
	 case OspfTypes::V2:
	     out = "DC: " + pp_bool(get_dc_bit());
	     out += " EA: " + pp_bool(get_ea_bit());
	     out += " N/P: " + pp_bool(get_n_bit());
	     out += " MC: " + pp_bool(get_mc_bit());
	     out += " E: " + pp_bool(get_e_bit());
	 case OspfTypes::V3:
	     out = "DC: " + pp_bool(get_dc_bit());
	     out += " R: " + pp_bool(get_r_bit());
	     out += " N: " + pp_bool(get_n_bit());
	     out += " MC: " + pp_bool(get_mc_bit());
	     out += " E: " + pp_bool(get_e_bit());
	     out += " V6: " + pp_bool(get_v6_bit());

	 return out;
     OspfTypes::Version _version;
     uint32_t _options;

 * Verify the checksum of an IPv6 PDU, throw an exception if the
 * checksum doesn't match.
 * In IPv6 the payload is not checksummed it is up to the protocol to
 * checksum its own payload. The checksum includes a pseduo header
 * that is described in RFC 2460 section 8.1
 * @param src Source address of packet.
 * @param dst Destination address of packet.
 * @param data pointer to payload.
 * @param len length of payload.
 * @param checksum_offset offset of checksum in the payload.
 * @param protocol protocol number.
template <typename A> 
ipv6_checksum_verify(const A& src, const A& dst,
		     const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
		     size_t checksum_offset, uint8_t protocol)

 * Compute the IPv6 checksum and apply it to the packet provided. If
 * the checksum_offset is outside the packet then an exception is thrown.
 * In IPv6 the payload is not checksummed it is up to the protocol to
 * checksum its own payload. The checksum includes a pseduo header
 * that is described in RFC 2460 section 8.1
 * @param src Source address of packet.
 * @param dst Destination address of packet.
 * @param data pointer to payload.
 * @param len length of payload.
 * @param checksum_offset offset of checksum in the payload.
 * @param protocol protocol number.
template <typename A> 
ipv6_checksum_apply(const A& src, const A& dst,
		    uint8_t *data, size_t len,
		    size_t checksum_offset, uint8_t protocol)

#endif // __OSPF_PACKET_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Dec 24 16:29:17 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.