== link:index.html[Index] -> link:modules.html[Modules] -> link:modules_handlers.html[Handlers] Handler: Upload Reporting ------------------------- The 'Upload Progress' plug-in provides feedback to the web browser about the status of an ongoing POST request. To make it more convenient, it is implemented so that you don't have to change a single line of code in your applications. It is compatible with Lighttpd's mod_uploadprogress, Nginx's NginxHttpUploadProgressModule, and Apache's equivalent, so chances are you'll be able to do a seamless migration. To make use of the plugin you'll need some code on the client side. Many Javascript snippets and Flash modules are available for free. The link:http://github.com/drogus/jquery-upload-progress[jQuery-upload-progress] module has given fairly good results in the past, but there are many other options available. //// Example required: Add code snippet. ////