== link:index.html[Index] -> link:modules.html[Modules] -> link:modules_handlers.html[Handlers] Handler: Static Content ----------------------- The **file** handler serves files from its document root. No more, no less. [[parameters]] Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ [cols="25%,25%,50%",options="header"] |=================================================== |Parameters |Type |Description |`iocache` |Boolean |Optional. Default: `Enabled`. |=================================================== By default it will use an internal I/O cache to improve the server performance. If you don't want to use it with a directory just unset it using this parameter. It is a good idea to disable to I/O cache if the content of the directory changes often. [[examples]] Examples ~~~~~~~~ Lets imagine your virtual server DocumentRoot points to /var/www. [cols="25%,75%"] |=================================================== |Handler | `Static Content` |Document Root | No custom Document Root will fall back to the default one defined for the virtual server. |Use I/O cache | `Enabled` |=================================================== .Handler Static Content image::media/images/admin_handler_file.png[Handler file] This is a simple example that will make Cherokee able of serving each CSS file under /var/www or any subdirectory with the IO/cache setting enabled. This would only not apply if a `final` rule with higher priority specified otherwise.