== link:index.html[Index] -> link:modules.html[Modules] -> link:modules_handlers.html[Handlers] Handler: HTTP Error ------------------- The **HTTP Error** (``custom_error`` internally) handler is used to generate errors when certain rules are matched. For instance it can be used to deny access to specific files, such as those containing passwords. [[parameters]] Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ [options="header"] |============================================ |Parameters |Type |Description |`error` |number |HTTP error code return. |============================================ image::media/images/admin_handler_custom_error.png[Handler Custom Error] .Available errors in `cherokee-admin` [cols="10%,90%",options="header"] |===================================== |Code |Description |400 |Bad Request |401 |Unauthorized |402 |Payment Required |403 |Forbidden |404 |Not Found |405 |Method Not Allowed |406 |Not Acceptable |407 |Proxy Auth Required |408 |Request Timeout |409 |Conflict |410 |Gone |411 |Length Required |412 |Precondition Failed |413 |Request Entity too large |414 |Request-URI too long |415 |Unsupported Media Type |416 |Requested range not satisfiable |417 |Expectation Failed |422 |Unprocessable Entity |423 |Locked |424 |Failed Dependency |425 |Unordered Collection |426 |Upgrade Required |449 |Retry With |500 |Internal Server Error |501 |Not Implemented |502 |Bad gateway |503 |Service Unavailable |504 |Gateway Timeout |505 |HTTP Version Not Supported |506 |Variant Also Negotiates |507 |Insufficient Storage |509 |Bandwidth Limit Exceeded |510 |Not Extended |=====================================