== link:index.html[Index] -> link:dev.html[Development info] //// Outdated. Most changes since January 2009 are trivial, and not much content has been added since. //// Development: cherokee.conf -------------------------- [[introduction]] Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cherokee's configuration system is based on an internal text file format that the average user should not know about. This configuration file is read by the server and modified by the administration interface, so unless you are a Cherokee developer or a really advanced user, the following format description will not be very interesting to you. The default location for Cherokee configuration files is ``/etc/cherokee``, but this may vary based on distribution or installation parameters. If you are completely sure about what you are doing, you can modify it by hand. We recommend you not to do so, since everything can be handled from link:other_bundle_cherokee-admin.html[cherokee-admin] and a lot of security measures and consistency checks are made to ensure you end up with a well formed `cherokee.conf` file. Having said that, let's proceed to describe the configuration file format. It is basically a text file that contains a tree where nodes contain values. Let's see a basic example:: + ---- server!bind!1!port = 80 server!keepalive = 1 ---- Most of the modules and plug-ins read a piece of the tree to configure themselves. It provides extremely flexible configuration capabilities for the price of a fairly complex text file. However, I would like to point out again that users should never read of modify the configuration file by hand, so it is a format that only developers should know about. The following blocks will summarize the configuration keys that the current Cherokee release handles: [[server]] Server ~~~~~~ The server configuration keys define some of the server-wide properties, such as the user under which the server ought to run if it is run as root or whether to use keep-alive connections. [options="header"] |==================================================================== |**Key** |**Type** |**Description** |server!bind!#!port |Number |Listen to a TCP port. '#' is a sequential number since many ports can be listened at once. |server!bind!#!tls |Bool |on\|off: whether the listened port '#' is for HTTPS. |server!max_fds |Number |Max open file descriptors |server!listen_queue |Number |Length of the listen queue |server!thread_number |Number |Number of threads |server!sendfile_min |Number |Minimum file size of using sendfile |server!sendfile_max |Number |Maximum file size of using sendfile |server!max_connection_reuse |Number |How many connections to reuse |server!ipv6 |Bool |Whether to use IPv6 |server!timeout |Number |Connections timeout |server!log_flush_lapse |Number |Time between log flushes |server!nonces_cleanup_lapse |Number |Time between Nonces clean ups |server!keepalive |Bool |Allow keepalive connections |server!keepalive_max_requests |Number |How many keepalive reqs per connection |server!unix_socket |Path |Listen to a Unix socket |server!panic_action |Path |Path to cherokee-panic |server!chroot |Bool |Whether to use chroot |server!pid_file |Path |PID file |server!listen |IP |Listen NIC |server!poll_method |String |Which poll method it should use |server!server_tokens |String |"Server identification: minor, minimal, os, full" |server!thread_policy |String |"Thread policy: fifo, rr, other" |server!user |String/Number |Change effective user |server!group |String/Number |Change effective group |server!module_dir |Path |Path to the plug-in directory |server!module_deps |Path |Path to the plug-in inter-dependencies files |==================================================================== ``server!server_tokens`` parameters [cols="20%,80%",options="header"] |===================================== |Value |Description |Product |Cherokee |Minor |Cherokee/1.0 |Minimal |Cherokee/1.0.0 |OS |Cherokee/1.0.0 (UNIX) |Full |Cherokee/1.0.00 b5077 (UNIX) |===================================== ``server!thread_policy`` parameters [cols="20%,80%",options="header"] |===================================== |Value |Description |fifo |First in first out |rr |Round Robin |other |By default in Linux |===================================== [[virtual_server]] Virtual Server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A virtual server contains the information related to one or more domains under the same configuration. In a Cherokee server there must be at least one virtual server named ``default``, and there is no maximum number. The prefix of this type of entry is ``vserver``, and by far, it is the most common type of entry. Virtual servers are stored in a numbered list. The starting number does not really matter. What matters is that the list will be interpreted in an orderly fashion to prioritize some virtual servers over others, which can be of use depending on the way these are defined. The only precaution to take is making sure there are no repeated priorities, since the behavior in these cases in undefined. [cols="40%,10%,50%",options="header"] |=================================================================== |**Key** |**Type** |**Description** |vserver!1!nick = default |String |The name of the Virtual Server |vserver!1!document_root |Path |Document Root path |vserver!1!user_dir |String |Users' web directory (for ~ requests) |vserver!1!domain! ``id`` |String |"Domain name, admits wildcards" |vserver!1!error_handler |String |Defines the error handler module |vserver!1!directory_index |List |String list: Directory indexes |vserver!1!ssl_certificate_file |Path |TLS/SSL certificate file |vserver!1!ssl_certificate_key_file |Path |TLS/SSL certificate key file |vserver!1!ssl_ca_list_file |Path |TLS/SSL CA list file |=================================================================== Besides these configuration keys there are a few other more complex that needs further explanation: Defining a virtual server behavior ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A virtual server behavior is basically defined by a rule list, which includes a number of rules against which each request will be checked. There are a number of rules types, each one checking a different aspect of the request. The most usual rule types are the ones that checks the request URI: directories, extensions, regular expressions and headers. All the rule types accept the same configuration sub-properties. However, the ``match`` property must be present in all the cases. It specifies which is the rule type and its properties. The general syntax is:: + `vserver ! order ! rule ! priority ! match` The rule types plug-ins shipped within a standard Cherokee release include: *Directory*:: The directory specifies how to handle its contents. + Example: an entry with priority 20, setting the properties for the *icons* directory of the default virtual host would be represented by: + ---- vserver!1!nick = default vserver!1!rule!20!match!type = directory vserver!1!rule!20!match!directory = /icons ---- *Extension*:: It specifies a list of extensions and how they should be handled. + Eg: the JPG extensions is: + ---- vserver!1!rule!30!match!type = extensions vserver!1!rule!30!match!extensions = jpg,jpeg ---- *Requests*:: When a request matches a regular expression entry, it uses its configuration. + Eg: requests beginning with 'a' and PHP extension: + ----- vserver!1!rule!40!match!type = request vserver!1!rule!40!match!request = ^a.*\.php$ ---- *Header*:: It tries to match a regular expression against a certain header entry. + Eg: check whether the Referer header matches a specific host: + ---- vserver!1!rule!50!match!type = header vserver!1!rule!50!match!header = Referer vserver!1!rule!50!match!match = .+\.example\.com ---- *Default*:: This rules matches every request. There must be a default rule configured at the end of the rule list to handle the requests that did not match any other rule. The end of the list means the smallest priority value in relative terms. It doesn't have to be `1` necessarily. + Eg: Default rule for the 'default' virtual server: + ---- vserver!1!rule!1!match = default vserver!1!rule!1!handler = common vserver!1!rule!1!handler!iocache = 0 ---- + The ``!encoder`` configuration entry allows to configure encoding plug-ins. Each entry applies to a specific rule. [cols="20%,80%",options="header"] |============================================================= |Parameter |Description |deflate |deflate encoder. 0\|1 to define disabled\|enabled. |gzip |zip encoder. 0\|1 to define disabled\|enabled. |============================================================= Example:: + ---- vserver!1!rule!100!encoder!deflate = 1 vserver!1!rule!100!encoder!gzip = 1 vserver!1!rule!100!match = extensions vserver!1!rule!100!match!extensions = html ---- + The following parameters are concatenated with any of the previous kinds of entry: [cols="20%,10%,70%",options="header"] |=================================================================== |**Key** |**Type** |**Description** |priority |Number |Priority in the rules list |directory_root |Path |Special Directory Root for the request |allow_from |List |List of IP/Domain allowed to access the resource |handler |String |Handler (module) that handles the request |auth |String |Validator (module) that protects the resource |only_secure |Bool |Allow only secure (https) connections |=================================================================== The ``auth`` entry deserves a little more attention, actually. Accepted validator modules are `htdigest, htpasswd, ldap, mysql, pam, plain`. It restricts the access to some of the objects accessed by the web server based on a number of properties that are defined at its child properties: [cols="10%,10%,80%",options="header"] |============================================================ |**Key** |**Type** |**Description** |auth!methods |List |Allowed methods (basic & digest) |auth!realm |String |Realm of the resource |auth!users |List |List of allowed users |============================================================ Some validators have extra configuration keys. .htdigest, htpasswd, plain [cols="20%,10%,70%",options="header"] |==================================================================== |**Key** |**Type** |**Description** |auth!passwdfile |String |Full path to the passwords' file. htdigest\|htpasswd\|plain |==================================================================== .mysql [cols="20%,10%,70%",options="header"] |==================================================================== |**Key** |**Type** |**Description** |auth!host |String |MySQL host. |auth!database |String |Database name. |auth!user |String |Database user. |auth!passwd |String |Database password. |auth!port |Number |Port number of the service. |auth!query |String |SQL query to match users/passwords. Replace your username for '${user}'. |auth!use_md5_passwd |Bool |Encrypt the passwords with MD5. |=================================================================== .ldap [cols="20%,10%,70%",options="header"] |==================================================================== |**Key** |**Type** |**Description** |auth!server |String |IP or hostname of the LDAP server. |auth!port |Number |Port number of the service. |auth!base_dn |String |Base distinguished name. |auth!bind_dn |String |User |auth!bind_pw |String |Password |auth!filter |String |LDAP search filter. |auth!tls |Bool |Indicates TLS based integrity |auth!ca_file |String |Cert file. Must be provided if TLS is enabled. |==================================================================== .authlist [cols="20%,10%,70%",options="header"] |==================================================================== |**Key** |**Type** |**Description** |auth |String |name of the validator module: authlist |auth!list!#!password |String |Password for entry number # |auth!list!#!user |String |User for entry number # |==================================================================== [[examples]] Here are a few examples about how this notation works: - The default virtual server uses the "common" handler as default choice for its root directory: + ---- vserver!1!nick = default vserver!1!rule!10!directory!/!handler = common ---- - The \*.example.com and \*.examples.org domains are restricted to be accessed from the local loop interface, and have to be handled as a FastCGI: + ---- vserver!5!nick = example vserver!5!domains!1 = *.example.com vserver!5!domains!2 = *.example.org vserver!5!rule!10!directory!/!handler = fcgi vserver!5!rule!10!directory!/!priority = 1 vserver!5!rule!10!directory!/!allow_from =,::1 ---- - Rules can be defined that return custom errors using the link:modules_handlers_custom_error.html[HTTP error] handler: `custom error`. + ---- vserver!10!rule!100!handler = custom_error vserver!10!rule!100!handler!error = 400 ---- - ISO images should be handled as files and are protected by a htdigest file using only Digest authentication: + ---- vserver!1!nick = default vserver!1!rule!100!extensions!iso,ISO!handler = file vserver!1!rule!100!extensions!iso,ISO!auth = htdigest vserver!1!rule!100!extensions!iso,ISO!auth!realm = My secret isos vserver!1!rule!100!extensions!iso,ISO!auth!methods = digest vserver!1!rule!100!extensions!iso,ISO!auth!passwdfile = /var/passwd/isos.htdigest ---- - Authenticated directory with `htpasswd` validator: + ---- vserver!10!rule!500!auth = htpasswd vserver!10!rule!500!auth!methods = basic vserver!10!rule!500!auth!passwdfile = /var/www/passwd.htpasswd vserver!10!rule!500!auth!realm = secret vserver!10!rule!500!match = directory vserver!10!rule!500!match!directory = /auth vserver!10!rule!500!match!final = 0 vserver!10!rule!500!only_secure = 0 ---- - Same example, using `mysql` validator: + ---- vserver!10!rule!500!auth = mysql vserver!10!rule!500!auth!database = auth_users vserver!10!rule!500!auth!host = localhost vserver!10!rule!500!auth!methods = basic,digest vserver!10!rule!500!auth!passwd = db_passwd vserver!10!rule!500!auth!port = 3306 vserver!10!rule!500!auth!query = SELECT password FROM auth_users WHERE username= '${user}' vserver!10!rule!500!auth!realm = secret vserver!10!rule!500!auth!use_md5_passwd = 1 vserver!10!rule!500!auth!user = db_user vserver!10!rule!500!match = directory vserver!10!rule!500!match!directory = /auth vserver!10!rule!500!match!final = 0 vserver!10!rule!500!only_secure = 0 ---- - Same thing with `ldap` validator: + ---- vserver!10!rule!500!auth = ldap vserver!10!rule!500!auth!base_dn = Example DN vserver!10!rule!500!auth!bind_dn = Directory Manager vserver!10!rule!500!auth!bind_pw = secretpassword vserver!10!rule!500!auth!methods = basic vserver!10!rule!500!auth!port = 389 vserver!10!rule!500!auth!realm = secret vserver!10!rule!500!auth!server = ldap.example.com vserver!10!rule!500!auth!tls = 0 vserver!10!rule!500!match = directory vserver!10!rule!500!match!directory = /auth vserver!10!rule!500!match!final = 0 vserver!10!rule!500!only_secure = 0 ---- [[logs]] Logs ~~~~ The log files are defined as properties inside the Virtual Server hierarchy under a ``logger`` entry with the following properties: [cols="20%,10%,70%",options="header"] |======================================================== |**Key** |**Type** |**Description** |logger |String |Output format (validator name) |logger!access |Node |Defines the access log file |logger!error |Node |Defines the error log file |======================================================== and then, both access and error accept a number of parameters depending on its property ``type`` which specifies where the logging information will be written. It can be either: [options="header"] |======================================================== |**Logger writer Type** |**Description** |file |Write a file |syslog |Use the system logging mechanism |stderr |Use the standard output |exec |Execute a program with each line |======================================================== If either ``file`` or ``exec`` is used, there is an additional parameter that has to be set. In the case of file, a sub-property named ``filename`` and for exec ``command``. Examples: - Apache format logs to the regular files: + ---- vserver!1!nick = default vserver!1!logger = combined vserver!1!logger!access!type = file vserver!1!logger!access!filename = /var/log/cherokee.access.log vserver!1!logger!error!type = file vserver!1!logger!error!filename = /var/log/cherokee.error.log ---- [[information_sources]] Information sources ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They follow the format: ``source ! {source number} ! {key}`` [cols="20%,20%,60%",options="header"] |=========================================================== |**Key** |**Type** |**Description** |nick |String |Alias to identify the source |env |String |Variable to be set in the environment |host |String |host:port or path to unix socket |interpreter |String |command to launch the service if any |type |Type |`host` \| `interpreter` |timeout |Number |spawning timeout specified in seconds |============================================================= Examples: - PHP configured for FastCGI through Unix socket + ---- source!1!env!PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN = 5 source!1!host = /tmp/cherokee-php.sock source!1!interpreter = /usr/bin/php-cgi -b /tmp/cherokee-php.sock source!1!nick = php source!1!type = interpreter ---- - Or via `host:port` as remote host: + ---- source!1!host = localhost:1234 source!1!interpreter = /usr/bin/php-cgi -b /tmp/cherokee-php.sock source!1!type = host ---- [[balancers]] Balancers ~~~~~~~~~ The balancers must define the information sources to be used. For the ones defined in the examples above, using round robin from within the FastCGI handler, the following example would apply. Example:: + ---- vserver!10!rule!600!handler = fcgi vserver!10!rule!600!handler!balancer = round_robin vserver!10!rule!600!handler!balancer!source!1 = 1 vserver!10!rule!600!match = extensions vserver!10!rule!600!match!extensions = php vserver!10!rule!600!match!final = 1 ---- [[inclusion]] Inclusion of Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes it is nice to break out your configuration into several logical files to be more modular as well as more organized. You can use the ``include`` configuration to accomplish this. Here is an example:: + ---- include = /etc/cherokee/advanced.conf ---- or even, it is possible to specify a directory to include all of its files:: + ---- include = /etc/cherokee/mods-enabled/ ---- [[reverse_proxy]] Reverse Proxy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The reverse proxy , like everything in Cherokee, is modular. It is configured as any other of the modules that use load balancers. You need to define a balancing strategy, the information source to be used by the balancer and, optionally, any expression matches that you might wish to rewrite in the headers before relaying the connection. This is a basic example: ---- server!bind!1!port = 1234 # The proxy configuration vserver!1!nick = default vserver!1!document_root = /tmp vserver!1!rule!1!match = default vserver!1!rule!1!handler = proxy vserver!1!rule!1!handler!header_hide!1 = server vserver!1!rule!1!handler!balancer = round_robin vserver!1!rule!1!handler!balancer!source!1 = 1 # URL rewrite vserver!1!rule!1!handler!rewrite_request!1!regex = ^/(.+).png$ vserver!1!rule!1!handler!rewrite_request!1!substring = /$1.jpg vserver!1!rule!1!handler!rewrite_request!2!regex = ^/test/(.+)$ /$1.jpg vserver!1!rule!1!handler!rewrite_request!2!substring = /test.php?$1 # The information source source!1!type = host source!1!host = localhost:9090 ----