== link:index.html[Index] -> link:basics.html[Getting started] Running Cherokee ---------------- There are several ways you can run Cherokee: . Automatic start: this makes use of the mechanism offered by your OS that should have been configured when Cherokee was installed. It will run making use of the link:dev_cherokee.conf.html[`cherokee.conf`] present in your system. . Guardian wrapper: The link:other_bundle_cherokee.html[cherokee] program comes as a standard part of the Cherokee bundle. It is a security mechanism that ensures Cherokee's recovery in case of any system failure and wraps the calls to `cherokee-worker`. This is what is actually launched when Cherokee is automatically started. . Stand alone instance: Cherokee supports a series of parameters to launch it from the command line. Refer to the the appropriate documentation section about link:other_bundle_cherokee-worker.html[`cherokee-worker`] to see the complete list of optional arguments. . Cherokee-Admin: The administration web interface allows you to configure and launch Cherokee. This is probably where you want to start if you have just installed the web server. Launch the link:other_bundle_cherokee-admin.html[`cherokee-admin`] process and follow the link:config_walkthrough.html[Quickstart] section of the documentation.