== link:index.html[Index] -> link:basics.html[Getting started] -> link:basics_installation.html[Installation] //// Last checked: 2011/02/16 Cherokee 1.0.21b //// Easy installation ----------------- The easiest way to install Cherokee is by using the script provided for easy installations. It compiles and installs the latest version of the server with a single command: ---- wget http://cherokee-project.com/install && python install ---- or ---- curl -LO http://cherokee-project.com/install && python install ---- The easy installation script is the express way to make a Cherokee installation as seamless and hassle-free as possible. It will build and install everything under `/opt/cherokee`, and by deleting that directory you could totally purge Cherokee from your system. If you require further customization, this script is not for you. The other -more elaborate- link:basics_installation.html[installation methods] will fulfill your needs. Particularly when there is a prepackaged version of Cherokee available for your architecture you should follow that route. That will provide you with automatic bootup scripts, consistency and dependency checks, and an easy upgrade path tailored to your system whenever a new package is available. Development mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The easy installation script supports several parameters. To see a full list of parameters, just add the `--help` parameter: ---- wget http://cherokee-project.com/install && python install --help ---- The only one really worth mentioning is the one to trigger the `development mode`: ---- wget http://cherokee-project.com/install && python install --devel ---- This will build a bleeding edge release, taking the sources from the latest development snapshot, enabling traces, and making the installation under `/opt/cherokee-dev`, so that it can coexist with a regular installation.