# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TSIPP Work Bench # # TSIPP Workbench - An interactive program to create 3D images, animations, # and Tk widgets using TSIPP, a graphical toolkit developed by Mark Diekhans. # Copyright (C) 2001 Paul D Welton # 15 Grengold Way, Kanata, ON, Canada, K2T 1C8 - paul.welton@sympatico.ca # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Revision: 1.4 : First publically announced release. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # README -- # # Download, build and installation instructions for the TSIPP Workbench. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- What it is: GUI to assist in the use of TSIPP, a graphical toolkit for use with Tcl/Tk developed by Mark Diekhans. Requirements: Linux/Unix Installation: On Linux only, the TSIPP Workbench can be run directly from the downloaded directory structure: gzip -cd TSIPPwb1.4.tar.gz | tar xvf - cd TSIPPwb1.4/examples ../bin/TSIPPwb for example: ../bin/TSIPPwb workBench.tcl TSIPPwb is supplied with all necessary binaries and libraries, and these will be used when run as described above. To reduce the size of the distribution, files which are not actually needed have been removed. However, you can download and compile the complete binaries and libraries as described below. The INSTALL utility allows you to: 1. install TSIPPwb to a directory of your choice; 2. "fix up" the references to binaries and libraries in the top level executable TSIPPwb1.4 to ones of your choice; 3. Creates a soft link TSIPPwb -> TSIPPwb1.4 (note that the top level directory and the executable have the same name, and that the version is appended to the file on installation); and, optionally, 4. install the binaries into a directory of your choice. To run the INSTALL utility: cd TSIPPwb1.4 ./INSTALL The "fix up" of the binary references consists of modifying the environment variable references in the start-up script bin/TSIPPwb. Note that if binaries (or libraries) with the same names can be found in /usr/local these will still be used in preference to the specified binaries. The HTML files are also modified, because they contain references to the HTML of TSIPP itself, which is in the referenced library directory. Documentation: In your HTML Browser, visit html/index.html. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # OBTAINING THE BINARIES AND LIBRARIES # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following instructions are provided for downloading and building the Tcl core and extensions needed for the TSIPPwb. The instructions apply only to Linux, and assume that the installation is to /usr/local. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DOWNLOAD # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://dev.scriptics.com/ftp/tcl8_3 tcl8.3.3.tar.gz tk8.3.3.tar.gz http://dev.scriptics.com/ftp/itcl itcl3.1.0.tar.gz http://dev.scriptics.com/ftp/tclx tclx8.3.tar.gz ftp://ftp.kermodei.com/pub/tcl tsipp3.3b2.tar.gz http://cseng.aw.com/book/related/0,3833,0201634740+9,00.html (formerly: http://www.awl.com/cseng/books/efftcl) efftcl-ex.tar.Z # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TCL/TK # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- gzip -cd tcl8.3.3.tar.gz | tar xvf - cd tcl8.3.3/unix ./configure --enable-gcc make make install # su to root to do this cd ../.. gzip -cd tk8.3.3.tar.gz | tar xvf - cd tk8.3.3/unix ./configure --enable-gcc --with-tcl=../../tcl8.3.3/unix make make install # su to root to do this cd ../.. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ITCL # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- gzip -cd itcl3.1.0.tar.gz | tar xvf - cd itcl3.1.0 ./configure --enable-shared --enable-gcc --with-tcl=../tcl8.3.3/unix # it is necessary to make the following two files executable ... chmod u+x config/install-sh chmod u+x config/mkinstalldirs make make install # su to root to do this cd .. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TCLX # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- gzip -cd tclx8.3.tar.gz | tar xvf - cd tclx8.3/unix ./configure --enable-gcc --with-tcl=../../tcl8.3.3/unix --with-tk=../../tk8.3.3/unix # patch the makefile in the tk/unix directory - prior to the line # "mkdir ./tcl/help ;\" insert the line "mkdir ./tcl ;\". make make install # su to root to do this cd ../.. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TSIPP/TKSIPP # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- gzip -cd tsipp3.3b2.tar.gz | tar xvf - cd ../../tsipp3.3b2 # Install patches ... mv tsipp/tSippRLE.c tsipp/tSippRLE.c-ORIGINAL cp ../../PROJECTS/TSIPPwb/TSIPP_patches/tSippRLE.c tsipp cd ../tksipp/ mv tksipp/tSippTk.c tksipp/tSippTk.c-ORIGINAL cp ../../PROJECTS/TSIPPwb/TSIPP_patches/tSippTk.c tksipp cd unix # edit the definitions in the file "config.mk" for TCL_LIB, TK_LIB, # TCLX_LIB and TKX_LIB macros to point to 8.3 rather than 8.2. ./configure # Some systems may require duplicate library references to be removed # from the Makefile: # Remove "-ldl -lieee -lm" from TK_LIBS since included in TCL_LIBS. # Remove "-lm" from TSIPP_LIBS since included in TCL_LIBS. # Remove "-lX11 and -lm" from TKSIPP_LIBS since included in TK_LIBS. make make install # su to root to do this cd ../.. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Effective Tcl/Tk Programming" library # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- uncompress efftcl-ex.tar.Z tar xvf efftcl-ex.tar cd efftcl # follow the instructions in the README file. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # INSTALLATION COMPLETE # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------