Libpng 1.5.23 - July 23, 2015 This is a public release of libpng, intended for use in production codes. Files available for download: Source files with LF line endings (for Unix/Linux) and with a "configure" script libpng-1.5.23.tar.xz (LZMA-compressed, recommended) libpng-1.5.23.tar.gz libpng-1.5.23.tar.bz2 Source files with CRLF line endings (for Windows), without the "configure" script lpng1523.7z (LZMA-compressed, recommended) Other information: libpng-1.5.23-README.txt libpng-1.5.23-LICENSE.txt libpng-1.5.23-*.asc (armored detached GPG signatures) Changes since the last public release (1.5.22): Removed unused PNG_SET_CHUNK_[CACHE|MALLOC]_LIMIT_SUPPORTED definitions from pnglibconf.h.prebuilt (Andrew Church). Replaced "unexpected" with an integer in pngset.c where a long was expected, to avoid a compiler warning when PNG_DEBUG > 1. Fix typecast in a png_debug2() statement in png_set_text_2() to avoid a compiler warning in PNG_DEBUG builds. Avoid Coverity issue 80858 (REVERSE NULL) in pngtest.c PNG_DEBUG builds. Avoid a harmless potential integer overflow in png_XYZ_from_xy() (Bug report from Christopher Ferris). Removed WRITE_WEIGHTED_FILTERED code, to save a few kbytes of the compiled library size. It never worked properly and as far as we can tell, no one uses it. The png_set_filter_heuristics() and png_set_filter_heuristics_fixed() APIs are retained but deprecated and do nothing. Quieted Coverity issues in pngvalid.c. Removed non-working progressive reader 'skip' function. Belatedly added Mans Rullgard to the list of Contributing Authors. Send comments/corrections/commendations to png-mng-implement at (subscription required; visit to subscribe) or to glennrp at Glenn R-P