2.2.0 Released August 8, 2013 NEW: Official Ubuntu PPA and Mac OS X app bundle. NEW: Allow using audio output devices other than the default. NEW: Automatic I/Q phase and gain correction (requires gr-iqbal). NEW: Qt 5 support. NEW: GNU Radio 3.7 support. NEW: HackRF Jawbreaker support. NEW: Funcube Dongle Pro+ support. NEW: Option to select antenna connector on e.g. USRP devices. NEW: Configuration option to choose location of WAV recordings. NEW: Uses gr-audio as default on all platform (pulseaudio still possible). NEW: Command line option to remove configuration file. NEW: Command line option to launch I/O device editor before application. FIXED: Frequency control widget with recent Qt was broken. FIXED: Bug that caused audio FFT data to be leaked into the I/Q FFT. FIXED: Audio recording & playback. FIXED: Proper handling of frequencies above 2147483647 Hz. IMPROVED: Y-axis panning (click-and-drag). IMPROVED: Rescale waterfall when resizing the main window. IMPROVED: gr-audio support on Linux. IMPROVED: Audio gain setting no longer has impact on WAV recording. 2.1.251 Released on March 1, 2013 FIXED: Incorrect device selection in config dialog. 2.1.246 Released on February 29, 2013 NEW: I/Q swapping option. NEW: FFT video filter with non-linear gain (still WIP). NEW: Save and restore FFT settings. NEW: Save and restore receiver options (offset, mode and squelch level). NEW: AM DC removal using IIR filter. FIXED: Removed graphics redraw delay when changing frequency or demodulator. FIXED: Respect RF frequency range of input device. FIXED: Added workaround for pixel error introduced in Qt 4.8. FIXED: Crash when FFT size is smaller than plot width. FIXED: Show correct initial filter preset in filter selector. FIXED: Workaround for 'jerky streaming' when DSP is started using rtlsdr. FIXED: Freeze when channel filter becomes too narrow in AM and FM modes. FIXED: Crash when changing sample rate of the current input device. CHANGED: Show device ID (e.g. rtl=0) in title bar instead of description. IMPROVED: AGC settings moved to dialog window. IMPROVED: Increase LO resolution to 1 Hz. IMPROVED: GUI layout fixes for Mac OS X. IMPROVED: Shortcuts for resetting and re-centering FFT plot after zooming. IMPROVED: Crash recovery in case of bad config file. IMPROVED: Support 50 fps FFT rate and allow disabling FFT. IMPROVED: I/Q DC canceling. 2.1.148 Released on December 9, 2012 NEW: Support for USRP and RTL2832U (rtlsdr) devices. NEW: Pan & zoom on the pandapter axes. NEW: Allow changing FFT size. FIXED: Mac OS X compatibility. IMPROVED: Various improvements to the user iterface. 2.0.0 Released on July 7, 2012 First stable release of C++ version with Funcube Dongle support. 1.x Initial experiments using Python and gr-qtgui.