Hi, please check out the new PCISLEEP: http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~eric/stuff/soft/pcisleep-11mar2005.zip The program is now 4093 bytes in UPXed size and knows 29 vendor names :-) . In addition, it has two new functions: Qff and Qffff show a list of known device class names and device subclass names. Useful if you want to do PCISLEEP Q02 to find all network cards but have forgotten that the number of the network class is 02xx :-P . Non-UPXed size would be 5.5k, by the way. If you do not know what PCISLEEP is good for, check the help screen: >>pcisleep /? This is PCISLEEP by Eric Auer 2005 - Free open source software. Read GNU General Public License 2 at www.gnu.org PCISLEEP Options: L(ist), S(leep), V(ga-sleep) Qnnnn L(IST) shows a verbose list of PCI/AGP devices. Look up vendor/device numbers on WWW. Example: http://pciids.sourceforge.net/ Qnnnn shows a numerical list of all devices of class n. N must have 2 or 4 digits: Qff and Qffff show a list of classes. Example: Q02 lists your network card(s). Errorlevel is the number of found devices. S(LEEP) halts the CPU and puts (only) the D1/D2 sleep capable devices (see LIST output) into D1/D2 energy saving state. V(GASLEEP) does S(LEEP) and suspends D3 capable VGA cards. The monitor is put to (DPMS) sleep, too. Press a key to end V or S sleep. If it fails, let me know: eric at coli.uni-sb.de (VGA wake-up is tricky!) Enjoy :-) . Eric PS: In addition to http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~eric/stuff/soft/specials/tiny-memdisk-getargs.zip (which is less than 512 bytes and checks MEMDISK load args, if MD. present) there now is http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~eric/stuff/soft/specials/combined-drivecheck-memdisk-getargs.zip (which is 1024 bytes small and can detect both MEMDISK and NORMAL drives, e.g. useful for finding out whether a B: drive exists, whether and for which drive letter MEMDISKs are loaded, and which load args were used. Plus it checks the boot loader ID - but only for MEMDISK of SYSLINUX/ISOLINUX/... 3.0 and newer!)