Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #173
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Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 18 Aug 97       Volume 15 : Issue 173

Today's Topics:

      [a] Classic programs...
      [Q] Clip Art Suggestions
      [Q] Disk Copying with Disk Copy 6.1.3
      [Q] Load ROM into RAM
      Connecting two Macs to Internet  using one IP address (Q)
      Evading FileGuard 2.5.2
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #165
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #165
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #170
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #172
      Mac OS 8 incompatiblities
      Mac OS 8 Tips Tricks and Easter Eggs
      Mac sound player wanted
      MacOS8 and Gamma
      My PowerBook won't move!!!
      OS8 glitch
      Powerbook 180 and System 7.6.1 revisited
      Remote Only
      Remote Only - Ive Got it
      Speed Doubler 2.0.3

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Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 18:34:32 +0200
From: Matti Haveri <>
Subject: [a] Classic programs...

>Chris Mcvay <>:
>Call me crazy but I have a Mac Classic that I love to use and I wold like
>to find some old programs and games that would work on it.

68000-mac-faq describes what works on 68000 macs like Plus, SE, Portable,
Classic and PowerBook 100. The faq also discusses what you need for the net.


Matti Haveri <>


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 97 16:52:36 CDT
From: Mike Sisson <>
Subject: [Q] Clip Art Suggestions

My wife had volunteered to be the newletter editor for our elementary school
newspaper this year. Of course, that means I am volunteered to be her
computer support person. My first assignment is to get her some clip art
pertaining to schools, holidays, etc... 
The magazines have things such as Art Explosion (both a 40,000 and a 125,000
version), MasterClips 150,000, Corel MegaGallery, etc...
Does anyone have any experience with these products or know of any others that
might have a high percentage of the clip art falling into the above mentioned
catergories. Also, I am of course willing to use freeware/shareware clip art; I
just haven't found any that exists.
Please expedite your replies. My continued marital bliss depends on my
successful completion of this assignment.



Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 15:40:36 -0500 (CDT)
From: Chaz Larson <>
Subject: [Q] Disk Copying with Disk Copy 6.1.3

At 2:09 PM +0200 8/14/97, Andreas Frick wrote:
>it seems to me that the new Disk Copy 6.1.3 from Apple no longer can
>simply copy floppies as version 4.2 could.  Is this right or can't I
>read manuals?

You're right.  DiskCopy 6.1.3 can't copy a floppy without writing an image
to disk as part of the process.



Date: Sat, 16 Aug 97 06:31:37 +0200
From: Phil Hudson <>
Subject: [Q] Load ROM into RAM

I seem to remember a long time ago reading about an extension that would 
copy your ROM into RAM if you had enough RAM to fit it in, giving you a 
small but significant performance boost. Is there still such a thing (I 
see something like it is promised for MacOS 8.0.1)? Any thoughts on 
whether it's (still) a worthwhile procedure?

>|  Phil Hudson                                    IT Consultant  |<
<|  Phaleng Consultancies, Private Bag 00152, Gaborone, Botswana  |>
>|  Email:  |<


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 20:10:24 -0400
From: "Michael G. Schabert" <>
Subject: Connecting two Macs to Internet  using one IP address (Q)

>I have a permanent Internet connection via a cable modem. The cable modem
>plugs directly into the ethernt port of my Mac, however, I presently have
>it configured so that the cable modem goes to a 5-port ethernet hub and I
>have two Macs conencted to the hub. My provider has given me one fixed IP
>address, so I can not use two computers on the network at the same time. Is
>there a way of getting both computers working off one IP address. I thought
>Vicoms SurfDoubler would be a solution but this seems to be configured so
>that the Internet connection on one computer has to be either via PPP or
>ISDN and does not cater for an ethernet connection via cable modem (it is
>not really a modem, it is a Motorola Cybersurfer that connects to the cable
>system and connects directly to a computers ethernet port).
>Anyone have any ideas how I might get this to work. Please reply directly
>if possible. Thanks.

What you need is a router. There are both software and hardware versions of
routers, and many (higher end) Enet hubs are also routers. The software
router that comes to mind is AIR (Apple Internet Router), or the current
AppleTalk IP (i think that's the right name). Basically, what you need is
something that does what's called Network Address Translation. This works
by using something called port redirection. Basically, it says that
anything on ports aaa-bbb goes to (the standard ports on) computer 1 and
anything from ports ccc-ddd goes to (the standard ports on) computer 2. So
it takes info from the bogus IP addresses of computers 1 & 2 and sends the
info out using just the real IP address of the router. Unfortunately,
routers by themselves don't come all that cheaply. Most people or companies
get the hubs with built-in bridging/routing if they need it. A lot of ISDN
TA's from companies that specialize in bridges/routers (like Shiva, Cisco,
& Ascend) come with this capability built-in (btw, ISDN Terminal Adapters
are not modems either, & are very similar to your cable unit).

Unfortunately however, your case is unusual. Normally, you connect a router
between 2 distinct segments. Basically it's usually:

			computer ------------ computer
				\	     /
				  \        /

with the router running interference between the Net and your lan. This is
probably how SurfDoubler is set up (it looks for lan connection on ethernet
& Internet connection on serial). Your setup, however, looks like this:

			computer ------------ computer
				\	     /
				  \        /

with the Net being a peered node on your lan. Most software-based routers
want two separate interfaces for the two segments. This is why they want
the Net connection to be on the modem or printer port. One thing they'll
usually allow instead is 2 separate Ethernet cards, one for the CyberSurfer
& 1 for the Net. To my knowlege, with your setup, your only options are to
get a hub that is also a router, or get a second Ethernet card and a
software-based router. You might want to check out the W3 pages of Shiva,
Cisco, & Ascend (at least 90% of all ISP's use either Cisco or Ascend for
their routing). You should definitely email Vicom & verify your info on
SurfDoubler first, though, as that'd be the easiest/cheapest route (pun

I hope this helps,

Bikers don't *DO* taglines.


Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 00:13:39 +0200
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: Evading FileGuard 2.5.2

USS01 <> wrote:

> We have some dozen Mac SEs in inventory and after several years are
>finding new
> uses for them. Unfortunately, the Macs were formerly used in
>student computer
> labs, and access to the hard drive is restricted by an extension called
> FileGuard 2.5.2, which requires a login ID and password. Of course
>there is no
> record anymore of what the ID and password are. Booting up with the
>Shift key
> pressed does not disable FileGuard.

When "Volume protection" is set active, there is no way to get rid of
FileGuard, unless you have the Master Password. (This is according to
the FileGuard manual).

Good luck, Christian.

Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 20:22:39 -0400
From: "Michael G. Schabert" <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #165

>Sam <> wrote:
>> I have a Performa 6300 with system 7.5.5 and I use FreePPP 2.5v2.
>> I've installed Open Transport 1.1.2 but, if I try to connect with FreePPP,
>> this alert appear: "FreePPP can not be used right now because it is not
>> selected in the TCP/IP control panel."
>> Naturally FreePPP IS selected in the TCP/IP control panel.
>> I have the same problem using OT/PPP instead of FreePPP.
>I had the same problem.  In the Apple Extras folder there is a little
>program called Network Software Selector.  When you run this, select the
>button called "Use classic" or something like that.  FreePPP will then
>This is about as unintuitive as anything I've ever found on the Mac.
>Ian Davis                             

Well, while this did allow you to use FreePPP, that's not what NSS is for,
which may be why you found it to be unintuitive. The "Use Classic
Networking" that you checked made it so that you are not using Open
Transport at all. Instead, you are using the old MacTCP. This is no longer
an option as of System 7.6.x and System 8. FreePPP should, however, work
fine with all versions of Open Transport (at least through 1.1.2), and many
people are happily using it. However, the current incarnation of OT/PPP is
quite stable, and you will find that OT offers many advantages over MacTCP.
For one, it's faster, and also, many utilities are written that will only
work with OT. For example, there is no traceroute available at all under
MacTCP, but many programs offer it under OT (such as PNL's great Mac TCP
Watcher, formerly MacTCP Watcher).

For Sam, if you're still trying to get FreePPP to work, I'd suggest getting
TechTool and using it to both rebuild your desktop and zap your PRAM. Then
try to select FreePPP, and it should work.


Bikers don't *DO* taglines.


Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 08:49:19 +0200
From: Wladyslaw Los <WLOS@PLEARN.EDU.PL>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #165

> Sam <> wrote:
> >
> > I have a Performa 6300 with system 7.5.5 and I use FreePPP 2.5v2.
> > I've installed Open Transport 1.1.2 but, if I try to connect with FreePPP,
> > this alert appear: "FreePPP can not be used right now because it is not
> > selected in the TCP/IP control panel."
> > Naturally FreePPP IS selected in the TCP/IP control panel.
> > I have the same problem using OT/PPP instead of FreePPP.
> I had the same problem.  In the Apple Extras folder there is a little
> known
> program called Network Software Selector.  When you run this, select the
> button called "Use classic" or something like that.  FreePPP will then
> work.
> This is about as unintuitive as anything I've ever found on the Mac.
> Ian Davis                             

Try to trash TCP/IP preferences in the folder Preferences in  the System
Folder. Then setup TCP/IP Control Panel.

Wladyslaw Los

Wladyslaw Los
Curator of Medieval Art
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Al. Jerozolimskie 3, 00-495 Warszawa
phone (22) 621 10 31 ext. 214 & 209; fax (22) 622 85 59


Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 15:04:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #170

Hi All,

I'm having problems with my ADB Mouse II. When drag clicking, the mouse 
lets go of the object even though I am still pressing down on the button.

I tried to get the mouse open to check the contact but couldn't figure 
out how to do so.

Can this mouse be fixed, or would replacement be better?

Any comments or suggestions are welcome.


Rob Schilling


Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 18:58:12 +0100
From: donner <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #172

How do i make invisible files visible?


Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 00:44:44 +0100
From: Dan Lallouz <>
Subject: Mac OS 8 incompatiblities

Seems like I'm finding quite a few of these...

There are a couple of things I can't seem to run under OS 8, most recently
is Ofoto, scanning software for my Apple color one scanner. I've called
Apple, and they can't find a way around it.

Here's the problem: In order to scan using the color one scanner, one must
use Ofoto scanning software, as no Photoshop plug-in is available. Well,
the software loads fine, but when trying to change settings (ie:
resolution, pixel depth, etc.), which are available only through popup
menus, you can't! Specififcally, the popup menus don't pop up!

I remember having seen a Pshop plugin for this scanner q	uite some
time ago, but I can't seem to find it. If anyone can find a work around for
this problem (aside from using Sys 7.61, as I must presently do), or if you
know where I can find this plugin, please respond.

Thank you.

Dan Lallouz <>


Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 23:16:36 -0400
From: (BergerDG)
Subject: Mac OS 8 Tips Tricks and Easter Eggs

For up to date Mac OS 8 tips tricks and easter eggs go to


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 14:32:40 +0200
From: (Josep Lluis Mtnz. Benlliure)
Subject: Mac sound player wanted

In Info-Mac Digest V15 #168 (13/8/97), writes:

      > I need the ability to play a sound at he press of a hot key
      > combination no matter what program I am in. This will be
      > used to spiceup live software demonstrations. EXAMPLE; I am
      > drawing a picture in Photoshop. I press ALT + SHIFT 2 and a
      > car horn sounds.

   Maybe you should take a look at KeyQuencer, a macro utility that, among
a lot of other things, has the ability to play sounds. It's really ease of
use, and takes a very small amount of memory. From KeyQuencer's homepage:

      << 1997 MacUser Shareware Awards Winner!
         "Coolest Time Saver!"

         KeyQuencer Lite is the most powerful, easy-to-use, shareware,
         macro utility available. You can use it to create shortcuts,
         or "macros", that you can execute with a keystroke. These
         macros can do almost anything [...] Comes with hundreds of
         ready-to-use macros. This is the shareware version of
         KeyQuencer 2.0.  >>

   There is also a commercial version, but for your needs the shareware
Lite version should be enough. I don't remember right now if it's in the
Info-Mac archives, but you can get it from Binary Software
<> or from AMUG <

Josep Lluis Mtnz. Benlliure
Universitat de Valencia
(Spain, Europe)


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 14:26:14 -0600
From: "Michael C. Zastrow" <>
Subject: MacOS8 and Gamma

>I have run into some compalability problems, and I am hoping that someone
>may be of assistance. I'm not talking about my love life, I'm talking
>about my 7100/66AV.

With Mac O/S 8 the Gamma tool need not be in the Control panels folder
to operate. On my powerbook I placed the Gamma tool on my desktop and an
alias of it in the Start-up items folder.

good luck,

Seeing Specially Graphics,, home of a beloved 840AV  :)


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 97 18:08:04 +0000
From: "c.shayer2" <>
Subject: My PowerBook won't move!!!

     Can anyone help??? My PowerBook 5300/100(603e) is running at the 
speed of a 25Mhz LCIII(68030), can anyone think of a reason why?

Ked Shayer
The Avara "Amacus"
Proud member of the EURO clan

"Squark, Squark" <bite>


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 20:04:24 -0500
From: Doc Hamilton <>
Subject: OS8 glitch

Probably been reported already, but after about an hour with Conflict
Catcher's help, I threw away Cyberfinder. Anytime I clicked anywhere on the
desktop, it would refresh itself. Works fine now.  -doc

"The artist STILL known as Doc"

Doc Hamilton, K5RAX                        Internet:
Radio-TV-Film   Univ.of Texas              Phone                  512/471-9253
Austin, TX 78712                           FAX                    512/471-4077


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 20:34:58 -0400
From: "Michael G. Schabert" <>
Subject: Powerbook 180 and System 7.6.1 revisited

>Then I replaced the 16 MB-SIMM in the Powerbook (not from Apple) with

>original Apple 8 MB SIMM and the problems were gone.  I had the

>examined in an Apple Repair Centre and their conclusion was the same



>So the conclusion is : the kind of SIMM (manufacturer) has his

While I agree that it was undoubtedly the SIMM that was causing your
pain, I have to disagree with your conclusion that it was the fact that
the manufacturer was not Apple. Sometimes, even with the best Quality
Control, bad SIMMs get through. Also, some computers are just naturally
finicky about the SIMMs that they eat. All components are built with
certain fault tolerances. Some SIMMs are plus or minus a bit on their
power consumption or their refresh rate. By the same token, some
computers use gold contacts, which forces you to use SIMMs with gold

<paraindent><param>right,left</param>read:DON'T use SIMMs with gold
contacts just because you think they're better, they'll be worse if
that's not what your computer uses because you're mixing metals.

</paraindent>You should just ask for an exchange from wherever you
bought your SIMM. I got a bad 32MB SIMM from Bottom Line once, & they
cheerfully replaced it with a new (good) one.


Bikers don't *DO* taglines.


Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 04:22:34 -0400
From: (Kiran Wagle)
Subject: Remote Only

> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 17:13:34 -0700
> From: Jon Froines <>

> To get this extension, you have to download the package called "Open
> Transport Extras" (I hope I have the name right) from the same place on

You can also install ARA 2.1, which is where I got Remote Only.

~ Kiran <>


Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 23:40:54 -0400
From: Secret Squirrel <>
Subject: Remote Only - Ive Got it

>Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 17:13:34 -0700
>From: Jon Froines <>
>Subject: Remote Only
>To get this extension, you have to download the package called "Open
>Transport Extras" (I hope I have the name right) from the same place on
>Apple sites that you can download Open Transport.  It's in there.
>Unfortunately, it's a hefty download of stuff just to get the little Remote
>Only extension, well over a meg if I remember correctly.


>Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 18:51:11 -0400
>From: "Michael G. Schabert" <>
>Subject: Where is "Remote-Only"?
>>Michael G. Schabert <> (Tue, 5 Aug 1997):
>>      > you can get an extension from Apple called "Remote Only".
>>      > This allows you to turn on AppleTalk in a mode that doesn't
>>      > affect your serial ports. You put this in your extensions
>>      > folder, then in the Network (under classic) or the
>>      > AppleTalk (under OT) control panel, select Remote only
>>      > instead of your printer port.
>>   Could you please help me to find such extension?? I've tried in
>> and other servers from Apple with no success at all.
>>Anyone knows the exact URL?
>Hi Josep,
>Sorry about the delay. Remote only comes with OpenTransport, and is in the
>OT Extras folder. You can download the whole extras folder from apple, if
>you don't have it. It's big, though, around 2MB for the 1.1.1 Extras (1.1.1
>& 1.1.2 both have the same version of Remote Only),

Alternitively, you can send me an E-Mail to my personal address, and I will
attach a BinHexed copy of that tiny INIT in a reply. Will save you a lot of
download time for nothing. Please put in the Subject Line "Remote Me !".

K Hubbard, CEO - Horken Stout=81 Ltd. -- Parent Company of:
Digital Heroes=81 Software


Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 09:40:07 -0700
From: Douglas Anderson <>
Subject: Speed Doubler 2.0.3


I am looking for advice on a problem I seem to be having with Speed Doubler
2.0.3. I find that when I am downloading a file using a program called
TeleFinder=81/User I get a lot of CRC Errors just when the Icon of whatever
I'm downloading starts to show up on my DeskTop. This does not happen if I
disable Speed Doubler 2.0.3.

Also I can't really say that Speed Doubler 2.0.3 Doubles the speed of my
Mac. Tests using (Norton System Info) read, over all 268 without Speed
Doubler and 270 with Speed Doubler.

Any Advice is most welcome, at this point I'm almost ready to try anything.

Connectix did try to help me but to no avail. Now I think they want me to
buy the new Speed Doubler 8 coming out in September, I only bought this
version of Speed Doubler a month or two ago, and I guess I think it should
work without having to buy yet again to get a version of Speed Doubler that
does work :-(

I am using a Mac Performa 6320 running System 7.6.1

Thanks for your time,

P.S. I'm not bashing Connectix, I use Ram Doubler and it works very well.

Doug Anderson


Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 19:38:01 -0400
From: "Douglas J. Glick" <>
Subject: ThreadsManager?

I recently updated my Color Stylewriter 2500 Software. Now everytime I
start up I get a warning that the Quicktime MPEG Extension can't load until
I have either ThreadManager Extension or ThreadsLib (2.1.5 or later). The
strange thing is that Conflict Catcher tells me that Quicktime MPEG
Extension is loaded and I can't find either ThreadManager or ThreadsLib
anywhere. Any ideas out there on what is happening here? Thanks, Doug

Douglas J. Glick
Department of Anthropology
Blodgett 318
Maildrop 242



End of Info-Mac Digest