cache - Methods to Get or Set Image Pixels
const PixelPacket * AcquireImagePixels( const Image *image, const long x, const long y, const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows, ExceptionInfo *exception );
PixelPacket AcquireOnePixel( const Image image, const long x, const long y, ExceptionInfo exception );
void DestroyCacheInfo( Cache cache );
void DestroyImagePixels( Image *image );
PixelPacket * GetImagePixels( Image *image, const long x, const long y, const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows );
IndexPacket * GetIndexes( const Image *image );
PixelPacket * GetOnePixel( const Image image, const long x, const long y );
PixelPacket * GetPixels( const Image image );
unsigned int ModifyCache( Image *image );
Cache ReferenceCache( Cache cache_info );
PixelPacket * SetImagePixels( Image *image, const long x, const long y, const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows );
unsigned int SyncImagePixels( Image *image );
Method AcquireImagePixels() acquires pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel cache as defined by the geometry parameters. A pointer to the pixels is returned if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned. If you plan to change the pixels, use GetImagePixels ( ) instead.
The format of the AcquireImagePixels() method is:
const PixelPacket *AcquireImagePixels ( const Image *image, const long x, const long y, const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows, ExceptionInfo *exception );
A description of each parameter follows:
returns a pointer to the pixels if they are transferred, otherwise a
NULL is returned.
Method AcquireOnePixel() returns a single pixel at the specified ( x, y ) location. The image background color is returned if an error occurs. If you plan to change the pixel, use GetOnePixel ( ) instead.
The format of the AcquireOnePixel() method is:
PixelPacket AcquireOnePixel ( const Image image, const long x, const long y, ExceptionInfo exception );
A description of each parameter follows:
returns a pixel at the specified (x,y) location.
Method DestroyCacheInfo() deallocates memory associated with the pixel cache.
The format of the DestroyCacheInfo() method is:
void DestroyCacheInfo ( Cache cache );
A description of each parameter follows:
Method DestroyImagePixels() deallocates memory associated with the pixel cache.
The format of the DestroyImagePixels() method is:
void DestroyImagePixels ( Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
Method GetImagePixels() gets pixels from the in-memory or disk pixel cache as defined by the geometry parameters. A pointer to the pixels is returned if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.
The format of the GetImagePixels() method is:
PixelPacket *GetImagePixels ( Image *image, const long x, const long y, const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows );
A description of each parameter follows:
returns a pointer to the pixels if they are transferred, otherwise a
NULL is returned.
Method GetIndexes() returns the indexes associated with the last call to SetImagePixels ( ) or GetImagePixels ( ) .
The format of the GetIndexes() method is:
IndexPacket *GetIndexes ( const Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
returns the indexes associated with the last call to SetImagePixels()
or GetImagePixels().
GetOnePixel() returns a single pixel at the specified ( x, y ) location. The image background color is returned if an error occurs.
The format of the GetOnePixel() method is:
PixelPacket *GetOnePixel ( const Image image, const long x, const long y );
A description of each parameter follows:
Method GetPixels() returns the pixels associated with the last call to SetImagePixels ( ) or GetImagePixels ( ) .
The format of the GetPixels() method is:
PixelPacket *GetPixels ( const Image image );
A description of each parameter follows:
returns the pixels associated with the last call to SetImagePixels()
or GetImagePixels().
ModifyCache() ensures that there is only a single reference to the pixel cache to be modified, updating the provided cache pointer to point to a clone of the original pixel cache if necessary.
The format of the ModifyCache method is:
unsigned int ModifyCache ( Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
ReferenceCache() increments the reference count associated with the pixel cache returning a pointer to the cache.
The format of the ReferenceCache method is:
Cache ReferenceCache ( Cache cache_info );
A description of each parameter follows:
Method SetImagePixels() allocates an area to store image pixels as defined by the region rectangle and returns a pointer to the area. This area is subsequently transferred from the pixel cache with SyncImagePixels ( ) . A pointer to the pixels is returned if the pixels are transferred, otherwise a NULL is returned.
The format of the SetImagePixels() method is:
PixelPacket *SetImagePixels ( Image *image, const long x, const long y, const unsigned long columns, const unsigned long rows );
A description of each parameter follows:
Method SyncImagePixels() saves the image pixels to the in-memory or disk cache. The method returns True if the pixel region is synced, otherwise False.
The format of the SyncImagePixels() method is:
unsigned int SyncImagePixels ( Image *image );
A description of each parameter follows:
returns True if the image pixels are transferred to the in-memory or disk cache otherwise False.