ZA2-Driver for Linux

It is a beta version and not completely stable, but when it works, it works fine. At least I didn't have any problems with it for about six months now.
Things that work are:

Things that work a little bit: Known Bugs: Announcements (for the near and far future): The code for linux is provided with the firmware (thanks to Zefiro) and some tools to test the driver and convert firmware.
Here are the files:
Please test the driver and mail me your experiences since I haven't tested it much ...

You can also download the firmware from Zefiro at

There exist two other drivers for the ZA2 and Linux by Francois Robert (, as far as I've experienced, the development of this driver stopped with the version alpha 0.2, which didn't work at all) and an ALSA-driver by Martin Pahl (, I didn't test this driver, in the README it says that play works and the state of record was unknown).

4-Front Technologies has also developped a driver for the ZA2 and OSS which is not available freely (you can test it, but after a certain time it stops working, see

Last change: 17.10.99

Peter Wahl (