The Coast to Coast Software Repository blizzard collection. This list was created on 8/29/97 10:57:13 PM Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. Directory: warcraft Filename Size Date Short Description ================================================== inst2.exe 53248 960716 For systems unable to run install setsound.exe 225655 960716 For systems unable to run setup w2frptch.exe 147130 960716 Warcraft 2 v1.2 upgrade patch (French) w2grptch.exe 448847 960716 Warcraft 2 v1.2 upgrade patch (German) w2patch.exe 518990 960716 Warcraft 2 v1.2 upgrade patch (American) 1502056 960716 Warcraft 1 Demo (6 levels) war2demo.exe 11235087 960716 Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness 33073 961120 Warcraft II OS/2 Patch war2x133.exe 349014 961120 IBM Warcraft II Expansion v1.33 Upgrade Patch warcr121.exe 632717 960716 IBM Warcraft 1 v1.21 upgrade patch