------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: 3dMo-aapr.tgz Author: Alain Gautherot (gauthe_a@epita.fr) Release: 1.0 (Jul. 17th, 1997) Compatibility: AAPR Location: contrib/gfx/demos Description: small 3d engine Notes: This is a submission for the BeOS Master awards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi dudes! This is a port of my 3dMo application to the AAPR. (there is no new feature) I've actually had very little time for the past few months to develop (I released a very early version of Coz, but since then, not much happened). You can see this small demo as my support and commitment to the BeOS. I'll be more productive after august 1997. I may also have a very interesting application to release if I can port it from the SGIs. Stay tuned... Main features ------------------------------------------------------------------ - 8 & 32 bits support (Guess what! 32 looks best) - painter's algorithm rendering - flat, mapped, phong-like & phonged mapped polygons Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------ run a terminal and type: gunzip 3dMo-aapr.tgz tar xpvf 3dMo-aapr.tar You get a "3dMo-aapr" directory containing the "Textures" and "3dObjects" directories: that's where the application looks for objects & textures when launched. So don't remove them from there. The 3rd file is the executable: 3dMo-aapr. Run it and have fun! What's next? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, a few 3d file parsers have been written. I'll probably release the source code, as I wrote a basic C++ class which may be useful for some other formats. The supported format so far are: 3d2, 3ds, dxf, nff, off, obj These are really fast compared to my first loosy implementation... I'll release Coz for DR9 a few weeks after the DR9 is available. I'll probably use OpenGL for rendering, when I know more about it. Contact ------------------------------------------------------------------ You can contact me at the following address: gauthe_a@epita.fr, Send comments, if any, and bug reports, or whatever you feel like