======================================================== MESA 2.1 BEOS PORT RELEASE 1 ======================================================== BeOS notes -------------------------------------------------------- The BeOS driver is implemented through Mesa's Off-Screen rendering interface. This is the best way to integrate it into the C++ framework of the BeOS. Unlike on other system there is only one library. The BeOS didn't like the split into four different shared libraries... The TK and AUX is partially supported but still unstable although most sources in demos/ in samples/ should work nice. Installing the library -------------------------------------------------------- Copy the library from Mesa2.1/lib/ into your /boot/system/lib/ directory. The supplied demos should now work. You perhaps also need a 'setfile' on it. Rebuilding the library -------------------------------------------------------- Type 'make beos' in the Mesa2.1/ directory to compile the library and the demos. You will naturally need the unlimited linker. BeOS demos -------------------------------------------------------- I have converted some of the supplied demo into BeOS specific code to show how to integrate Mesa into your own projects. Look in the BeOS/ directory to test them. For animation demos try the 'wave' and the 'logo' demo: How to compile the other demos in samples/ and demos/ -------------------------------------------------------- Just type 'mwcc demo.c -I../include ../lib/libMesaGL.so' or something similar. I especially like the isosurf.c in demos/ ... ToDo -------------------------------------------------------- - implementing a BeOS context. - Better support of the TK and AUX package. - Speedups - split into four shared libraries. - bugfixes Author -------------------------------------------------------- Send bugreports, comments and other stuff to: Tinic Uro <5uro@informatik.uni-hamburg.de>