======================================================================== File: zipme_076.zip Author: Raphael MOLL (raphael.moll@capway.com) Release: 0.7.6 (beta, 31 December, 1998) Compatibility: R4 Intel and R4 PPC Location: BeWare : ftp://ftp.be.com/pub/contrib/add-ons/tracker or http://www.mutimania.com/pwpulsar/beos/ Description: the ultimate coolest way of zipping files ! Notes: The ZipMe add-on compresses files using Zip. Now generate unique name files and can append the date to the filename. Correctly handles files with spaces, commas, quotes and doubles quotes. Handle recursive directories for compress. Feature some cool status window. Easier to install. Source is included. Please feel free to modify & enhance and tell me so that I distribute a new version. This archive was created with ZipMe ;) ========================================================================