List of Open Source VoIP Client Softwares COCCINELLA : OS : FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows LICENCE: GPL Free software PROTOCOLS : XMPP, Jabber, IAX ENCRYPTION : Supports TLS/SSL and SASL FEATURE : File transfer, whiteboard LATEST RELEASE : 29/09/2010 HOMEPAGE URL : It is a free software client for the Jabber/XMPP instant messaging protocol. It is written in Tcl/Tk, and runs on a range of platforms, including GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris and Windows. EKIGA : OS : Linux, Windows LICENCE : GPL Free software PROTOCOLS : SIP, H.323, STUN, Zeroconf ENCRYPTION : FEATURE : Video, IM LATEST RELEASE : 11/27/2012 HOMEPAGE URL : Ekiga is an H.323 compatible videoconferencing and VOIP/IP-Telephony application that allows you to make audio and video calls to remote users with H.323 hardware or software (such as Microsoft Netmeeting). It supports all modern videoconferencing features, such as registering to an ILS directory, gatekeeper support, making multi-user conference calls using an external MCU, using modern Quicknet telephony cards, and making PC-To-Phone calls. Ekiga was previously known as GnomeMeeting. JABBIN : OS : Linux, Windows LICENCE : GPL Free software PROTOCOLS: Libjingle, XMPP, Jabber ENCRYPTION : SSL FEATURE : Instant messaging, file transfer, compatible with Google Talk. LATEST RELEASE : HOMEPAGE URL : Jabbin is an open source Jabber client program that allows free PC to PC calls using VoIP over the Jabber network. KPHONE : OS : Linux (KDE) LICENCE : GPL Free software PROTOCOLS : SIP, STUN, NAPTR/SRV ENCRYPTION : SRTP FEATURE : Video, voice, IM, external Sessions, IPv6 support for UDP LATEST RELEASE :2010-11-26 HOMEPAGE URL : KPhone is a SIP User Agent for Linux. It implements the functionality of a VoIP Softphone but is not restricted to this. KPhone is licensed under the GNU General Public. License. KPhone is written in C++ and uses Qt. MINISIP : OS : Windows XP, 2000, Linux, Windows Mobile LICENCE: GPL / LGPL Free software PROTOCOLS : SIP Encryption : SRTP, TLS, MIKEY (DH, PSK, PKE), end to end encryption FEATURE : Video, IM Conferencing HOMEPAGE URL : minisip is a SIP VoIP soft phone that implements additional security features such as mutual authentication, encryption and integrity of on-going calls, and encryption of the signaling (SIP over TLS). These security features use work-in-progress IETF standards (SRTP and MIKEY). OPENH323 PROJECT : OS : Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Windows Mobile, VxWorks LICENCE : MPL free software PROTOCOLS : H.323, SIP, IAX, RTP, STUN ENCRYPTION : SRTP FEATURE: The OpenH323 project aims to create a full featured, interoperable implementation of the ITU-T H.323 teleconferencing protocol that can be used by personal developers and by commercial users without charge. RESIPROCATE : OS : Linux, Mac OS X, Windows LICENCE: Vovida Software License (open source) PROTOCOLS: SIP ENCRYPTION : TLS, Identity, Digest-Authentication FEATURE : SIP Stack, Dialog layer (DUM), Proxy (repro) The reSIProcate project is part of the SIPfoundry community. The project aims at building a freely available, completely standards based and complete reference implementation of a SIP stack including an easy to use application layer API. The reSIProcate stack is currently used in several commercial products and is very stable. SIPSET : OS : Linux LICENCE: GPL / LGPL Free software PROTOCOLS: SIP ENCRYPTION : FEATURE: Video, Ip6, NAT SIPSet is a SIP User Agent with a GUI front end that works with the Vovida SIP stack. You can use the SIPSet as a soft phone, to make and receives phone calls from your Linux PC. The current release of SIPSet implements these features and functionality: SIPSet can make calls through a SIP proxy. SIPSet can register to receive calls through a SIP proxy. SIPSet can make and receive calls directly with another User Agent. SPEAKFREELY : OS : Windows XP/2000/NT/98 LICENCE : GPL free software PROTOCOLS : RTP protocol ENCRYPTION : DES, IDEA FEATURE : Speak Freely is a 100% free Internet telephone originally written in 1991 by John Walker, founder of Autodesk. After April of 1996, he discontinued development on the program. Since then, several other Internet "telephones" have cropped up all over the world. However, most of these programs cost money. Most of them have poor sound quality, and don't support Speak Freely's basic features such as encryption, the answering machine, or selectable compression. TWINKLE : OS : Linux LICENCE : GPL free software PROTOCOLS: SIP ENCRYPTION : SRTP, ZRTP FEATURE : Twinkle is a soft phone for VoIP communcations using the SIP protocol. You can use Twinkle for direct IP phone to IP phone communications or in a network using a SIP proxy to route your calls. In addition to making basic voice calls WENGOPHONE : OS : Linux, Mac OS X, Windows XP/2000, SmartPhone, Windows Mobile LICENCE : GPL free software PROTOCOLS: SIP ENCRYPTION : FEATURE : Video, IM (Yahoo!, MSN, Jabber, GoogleTalk), voicemail, wengo to phone. WengoPhone is a SIP phone which allows users to speak at no cost from one's computer to other users of SIP compliant VoIP software. It also allows users to call landlines, cellphones, send SMS messages and to make video calls. None of this functionality is tied to a particular SIP provider and can be used with any provider available on the market, unlike proprietary solutions such as Skype. WXCOMMUNICATOR : OS : Windows XP/2000 LICENCE : GPL free software PROTOCOLS : software SIP, STUN, TURN, ICE, ENCRYPTION : FEATURE : Voice, chat, recording, conferencing, multiple sip profiles wxCommunicator is an open source SIP softphone released under GNU GPL version 2 licence. It is based on sipXtapi client library and wxWidgets 2.8.4 GUI library. It allows users to make phone calls to other users via SIP and chat. GUI relies entirely on wxWidgets XRC resource system. LINPHONE : OS : Linux and Microsoft Windows LICENCE : Free software and open source PROTOCOLS: SIP ENCRYPTION : FEATURE : Video, IM, STUN, IPv6 linphone is a SIP webphone with support for several different codecs, including speex. Linphone is a web phone: it let you phone to your friends anywhere in the whole world, freely, simply by using the internet. The cost of the phone call is the cost that you spend connected to the internet.