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                Default Key Bindings for JED EMACS

KEY         ACTION                        JED FUNCTION (Invoke via ESC X)

 ENTER      New line and indent           newline_and_indent
 DEL        Backward delete character     backward_delete_char_untabify
 Backspace  Help                          help_prefix
 TAB        "Smart" line indent           indent_line
 PageDown   Move forward by pages         page_down
 PageUp     Move backward by pages        page_up
 Up Arrow   Move backward by lines        previous_line_cmd
 Down Arrow Move forward by lines         next_line_cmd


 ^A   Go to start of line                 beg_of_line
 ^B   Move backward by characters         previous_char_command
 ^D   Forward delete character            delete_char_cmd
 ^E   Go to end of line                   eol_cmd
 ^F   Move forward by characters          next_char_cmd
 ^G   Abort out of things                 kdb_quit
 ^H   Help                                help_prefix

      ^HA  Show related functions
      ^HF  Help on function
      ^HH  Show basic key bindings
      ^HK  Show key binding
      ^HI  Bring up Info Browser
      ^HM  Display Unix man page
      ^HV  Show variable definition and value
      ^HW  Show what key is bound to a command
      ^H?  Show Menus

 ^I   "Smart" line indent                 indent_line
 ^J   New line (CR-LF)                    newline
 ^K   Kill to end of line                 yp_kill_line
 ^L   Put current line in center          emacs_recenter
 ^M   New line and indent                 newline_and_indent
 ^N   Move forward by lines               next_line_cmd
 ^O   Open up a blank line                emacs_open_line
 ^P   Move backward by lines              previous_line_cmd
 ^Q   Insert literal                      quoted_insert
 ^R   Search backwards                    search_backward
 ^S   Search forward                      search_forward
 ^T   Transpose characters                transpose_chars
 ^U   Repeat command four times           universal_argument
 ^V   Move forward by pages               page_down
 ^W   Kill region                         yp_kill_region
 ^X   Command prefix
 ^Y   Yank back from kill buffer          yp_yank
 ^Z   Suspend JED                         sys_spawn_cmd
 ^_   Undo                                undo
 ^@   Start to define region (set mark)   smart_set_mark_cmd


 ESC B   Backup by words                  bskip_word
 ESC C   Initial capitalize word          capitalize_word
 ESC D   Delete forward word              yp_kill_word
 ESC F   Advance by words                 skip_word
 ESC L   Lower case word                  downcase_word
 ESC N   Narrow paragraph                 narrow_paragraph
 ESC n   Scroll up in place               scroll_up_in_place
 ESC O   Command prefix
 ESC P   Scroll down in place             scroll_down_in_place
 ESC Q   Format paragraph                 format_paragraph
 ESC S   Center line                      center_line
 ESC U   Upper case word                  upcase_word
 ESC V   Move backward by pages           page_up
 ESC W   Copy region to kill buffer       yp_copy_region_as_kill
 ESC X   Execute JED command              emacs_escape_x
 ESC Y   Yank and pop                     yp_yank_pop

 ESC ^B  Go back to matching (, {, or [   backward_sexp
 ESC ^F  Go ahead to matching ), }, or ]  forward_sexp
 ESC ^H  Go to start of function          c_mark_function
 ESC ^K  Kill to matching ), }, or ]      kill_sexp
 ESC %   Query search and replace         replace_cmd
 ESC <   Move to start of buffer          beg_of_buffer
 ESC >   Move to end of buffer            end_of_buffer
 ESC !   Execute shell command            do_shell_cmd
 ESC .   Find tag                         find_tag
 ESC ;	 Create language comment          c_make_comment
 ESC $   Invoke ispell                    ispell
 ESC /   Abbreviation (?)                 dabbrev
 ESC DEL Backward delete word             yp_bkill_word
 ESC \   Delete all whitespace            trim_whitespace

 ESC space  Trim whitespace to one space  .bskip_white trim insert_single_space
 ESC right arrow  Advance by words        skip_word
 ESC left arrow   Backup by words         bskip_word


 ^X B   Switch to buffer                  switch_to_buffer
 ^X D   Invoke directory editor           dired
 ^X E   Execute macro                     execute_macro
 ^X F   Set fill column                   set_fill_column
 ^X G   Insert from register              reg_insert_register
 ^X H   Mark buffer                       emacs_mark_buffer
 ^X I   Insert file                       insert_file
 ^X J   Go to last spot and unmark it     pop_spot
 ^X K   Kill buffer                       kill_buffer
 ^X M   Send mail                         mail
 ^X N   Delete everything but region      narrow_to_region
 ^X O   Goto other window                 other_window
 ^X Q   Macro query                       macro_query
 ^X RK  Kill rectangular region           kill_rect
 ^X RO  Open rectangular region           open_rect
 ^X RR  Copy rectangular region           copy_rect
 ^X RY  Insert rectangular region         insert_rect
 ^X S   Save buffers                      save_buffers
 ^X U   Undo                              undo
 ^X W   Undo effects of Narrow to region  widen_region
 ^X X   Copy region to register           reg_copy_to_register

 ^X (   Begin macro                       begin_macro
 ^X )   End macro                         end_macro
 ^X /   Mark a spot                       mark_spot
 ^X 0   Delete current window             delete_window
 ^X 1   One window                        one_window
 ^X 2   Split current window              split_window
 ^X 4B  Switch to buffer in other window  find_buffer_other_window
 ^X 4F  Find file in other window         find_file_other_window
 ^X <   Scroll left                       scroll_left
 ^X >   Scroll right                      scroll_right
 ^X ^   Enlarge display window            enlarge_window
 ^X ?   Show the cursor position          whatpos
 ^X =   Show the cursor position          whatpos
 ^X '   Compile parse errors              compile_parse_errors

 ^X ^B  Display buffer list               list_buffers
 ^X ^C  Exit JED                          exit_jed
 ^X ^F  Find file                         find_file
 ^X ^O  Collapse blank lines to one       delete_blank_lines
 ^X ^Q  Toggle read-only mode             toggle_readonly
 ^X ^S  Save current buffer               save_buffer
 ^X ^T  Transpose lines                   transpose_lines
 ^X ^V  Find alternate file               find_alternate_file
 ^X ^W  Write buffer to file              write_buffer
 ^X ^X  Go to other end of region         exchange
 ^X ESC Invoke S-LANG Interpreter         evaluate_cmd


  FUNCTION              MEANING

  append_region         Append region to file
  blank_rect            Blank-fill rectangular region
  c_mode                Set C program mode
  calendar		Display a 3-month calendar in a new window
  edit_tab_stops        Define tab stops in arbitrary columns
  find_binary_file      Edit binary file
  fortran_mode          Set Fortran program mode
  goto_column_cmd       Go to column number
  goto_line_cmd         Go to line number
  goto_match            Go to matching delimiter: (, ), [, ], {, or }
  insert_buffer         Insert buffer
  isearch_backward      Incremental search backward
  isearch_forward       Incremental search forward
  latex_mode            Set LaTex mode
  no_mode               Set no mode
  occur			Find all occurrences of a regular expression
  query_replace_match   Regular expression query search and replace
  re_search_backward	Regular expression search backward
  re_search_forward	Regular expression search forward
  recover_file          Recover file from backup
  sh_mode               Set shell mode
  shell                 Open a window running a Unix shell
  sort                  Sort a region
  text_mode             Set text mode
  toggle_undo           Enable/disable undo capability on a buffer
  trim_buffer           Trim trailing whitespace in a buffer
  untab                 Convert tabs to blanks in a region
  write_region          Write region to file