Packages changed:
  MicroOS-release (20240906 -> 20240908)
  aaa_base (84.87+git20240821.fbabe1d -> 84.87+git20240906.742565b)
  libqt5-qtbase (5.15.14+kde143 -> 5.15.15+kde127)
  libqt5-qtdeclarative (5.15.14+kde28 -> 5.15.15+kde25)
  libqt5-qtgraphicaleffects (5.15.14+kde0 -> 5.15.15+kde0)
  libqt5-qtimageformats (5.15.14+kde7 -> 5.15.15+kde4)
  libqt5-qtmultimedia (5.15.14+kde2 -> 5.15.15+kde2)
  libqt5-qtquickcontrols (5.15.14+kde0 -> 5.15.15+kde0)
  libqt5-qtquickcontrols2 (5.15.14+kde5 -> 5.15.15+kde5)
  libqt5-qtspeech (5.15.14+kde1 -> 5.15.15+kde1)
  libqt5-qtsvg (5.15.14+kde5 -> 5.15.15+kde5)
  libqt5-qtwayland (5.15.14+kde57 -> 5.15.15+kde59)
  libqt5-qtx11extras (5.15.14+kde0 -> 5.15.15+kde0)
  libzypp (17.35.9 -> 17.35.10)
  zypper (1.14.76 -> 1.14.77)

=== Details ===

==== MicroOS-release ====
Version update (20240906 -> 20240908)
Subpackages: MicroOS-release-appliance MicroOS-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== aaa_base ====
Version update (84.87+git20240821.fbabe1d -> 84.87+git20240906.742565b)

- Update to version 84.87+git20240906.742565b:
  * yama-enable-ptrace: enforce changed behavior upon installation (bsc#1221763)
  * Avoid unnecessary /bin/bash dependency
  * sysctl: Fixup of not setting kernel.pid_max on 32b archs (bsc#1227117)

==== libqt5-qtbase ====
Version update (5.15.14+kde143 -> 5.15.15+kde127)
Subpackages: libQt5Core5 libQt5DBus5 libQt5Gui5 libQt5Network5 libQt5PrintSupport5 libQt5Sql5 libQt5Sql5-sqlite libQt5Test5 libQt5Widgets5 libQt5Xml5

- Update to version 5.15.15+kde127, rebased upstream:
  * Add LGPL header to qcalendar.cpp
  * Move some flaky text tests into Lancelot
  * Update Harfbuzz to 7.2.0
  * doc: Make docs for ElideNone a bit more precise
  * tst_QImageReader: fix missing checks for "newly"-added ImageOptions
  * tst_QMainWindow: for UB (use of reserved names)
  * Update bundled libjpeg-turbo to version 3.0.0
  * Update to Freetype 2.13.1
  * [docs] Link from QtConcurent::run() to QThreadPool::start(Callable&&)
  * Docs: State that OpenSSL3 is available from 5.15.1
  * Simplify (and fix) initialization of a list of time-zones
  * ODBC/MySQL: fix compilation with MySQL < 5.7.9
  * SQLite: Update SQLite to v3.42.0
  * tst_QHostInfo: fix mem-leaks in threadSafetyAsynchronousAPI()
  * tst_QSortFilterProxyModel: fix mem-leaks II: sortStable()
  * tst_QNetworkDiskCache: fix mem-leak
  * tst_QAbstractItemModelTester: fix mem-leak
  * tst_QSortFilterProxyModel: fix mem-leaks
  * Fix screens not always updating if order changes
  * Update the list of CLDR-based files
  * Return TZ time-zone backend's tranCache() as a const reference
  * tst_QTcpSocket: fix mem-leak
  * tst_QNetworkCookieJar: fix memleak
  * tst_QParallelAnimationGroup: fix memleak
  * tst_QXmlStream::tokenErrorHandling() - register test directory in CMake
  * Fix transparency in 16 bit and 24 bit ico files
  * QVariant: always compare floating point with double precision
  * Update bundled libpng to version 1.6.40
  * fbconvenience: use smart pointer for QFbCursor
  * Doc: Clarify that the rich text engine has limited support for HTML tags
  * autotest: Blacklist tst_QTableView::columnViewportPosition for winrt
  * autotest: Blacklist QTimeLine::interpolation for winrt
  * QFuture: mention the work-stealing algorithm in the docs
  * QtDoc Global: Add macros for Qt Design Studio in qtdoc
  * Fix specific overflow in qtextlayout
  * Remove QEglFSCursor's inheritance of QOpenGLFunctions
  * tst_QPixmapCache: QVERIFY a failed replace()
  * tst_QPixmapCache: check insert() reports failure
  * QPixmapCache: add a comment on how failed insert() invalidates cacheKey
  * tst_QPixmapCache: rewrite QVERIFY(x != 0) to QVERIFY(x)
  * QVariant: remove outdated docs about reimplementing clear()
  * Bump version to 5.15.15
  * Update The-Qt-Company-Commercial
  * Fix crash on QLocale::monthName().simplified()
  * Android: fix QDir::entryInfoList() with content URIs
  * Android: fix content url handling of filenames with spaces
- Commits dropped by the rebase:
  * tst_QXmlStream: remove unneeded _ba UDLs
  * Fix specific overflow in qtextlayout (CVE-2023-32763)

==== libqt5-qtdeclarative ====
Version update (5.15.14+kde28 -> 5.15.15+kde25)

- Update to version 5.15.15+kde25, rebased upstream:
  * QV4::ArrayData: Fix offset calculation for sort()
  * Fix pointer delivery to child items of items with clip:true
  * doc: Remove Calendar Example link
  * PointerHandler: cancel all grabs when item changes scene
  * qintrusivelvist_p.h: Silence nullpointer subtraction warning
  * Doc: Fix mislabelled diagram for Context2D.arc()
  * Bump version to 5.15.15

==== libqt5-qtgraphicaleffects ====
Version update (5.15.14+kde0 -> 5.15.15+kde0)

- Update to version 5.15.15+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * Bump version to 5.15.15

==== libqt5-qtimageformats ====
Version update (5.15.14+kde7 -> 5.15.15+kde4)

- Update to version 5.15.15+kde4, rebased upstream:
  * Bump version to 5.15.15

==== libqt5-qtmultimedia ====
Version update (5.15.14+kde2 -> 5.15.15+kde2)

- Update to version 5.15.15+kde2, rebased upstream:
  * Bump version to 5.15.15
  * Blacklist tst_qmediaplayerbackend::playlistobjects on openSUSE 15.4
  * Blacklist tst_QAudioDeviceInfo::codecs on openSUSE 15.4

==== libqt5-qtquickcontrols ====
Version update (5.15.14+kde0 -> 5.15.15+kde0)

- Update to version 5.15.15+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * Bump version to 5.15.15

==== libqt5-qtquickcontrols2 ====
Version update (5.15.14+kde5 -> 5.15.15+kde5)
Subpackages: libQt5QuickControls2-5 libQt5QuickTemplates2-5

- Update to version 5.15.15+kde5, rebased upstream:
  * Bump version to 5.15.15
  * RangeSlider: Don't update position only if mouse/touch is grabbed

==== libqt5-qtspeech ====
Version update (5.15.14+kde1 -> 5.15.15+kde1)

- Update to version 5.15.15+kde1, rebased upstream:
  * Bump version to 5.15.15

==== libqt5-qtsvg ====
Version update (5.15.14+kde5 -> 5.15.15+kde5)

- Update to version 5.15.15+kde5, rebased upstream:
  * Bump version to 5.15.15

==== libqt5-qtwayland ====
Version update (5.15.14+kde57 -> 5.15.15+kde59)
Subpackages: libQt5WaylandClient5 libQt5WaylandCompositor5

- Update to version 5.15.15+kde59, rebased upstream:
  * Revert "Client: Send release button event on pointer leave"
  * Fix race condition in drag and drop
  * client: don't cache one type in QWaylandMimeData
  * DefaultCompositor: use explcit lambda captures
  * Fix C++20 deprecated capture of *this in [=]
  * compositor: Unbind display on close in linux-dmabuf and eglstream
  * Client: Send release button event on pointer leave
  * Bump version to 5.15.15

==== libqt5-qtx11extras ====
Version update (5.15.14+kde0 -> 5.15.15+kde0)

- Update to version 5.15.15+kde0, rebased upstream:
  * Bump version to 5.15.15

==== libzypp ====
Version update (17.35.9 -> 17.35.10)

- API refactoring. Prevent zypper from using now private libzypp
  symbols (bsc#1230267)
- Conflicts: zypper <= 1.14.76
- version 17.35.10 (35)

==== rsync ====

- rsync-gcc14.patch: fixed the ipv6 configure check (bsc#1230156)

==== zypper ====
Version update (1.14.76 -> 1.14.77)
Subpackages: zypper-needs-restarting

- API refactoring. Prevent zypper from using now private libzypp
  symbols (bsc#1230267)
- BuildRequires:  libzypp-devel >= 17.35.10.
- Fix wrong numbers used in CommitSummary skipped/failed messages.
- version 1.14.77