System Environment/Libraries

libbinio: A software library for binary I/O classes in C++

Name:libbinio Vendor:
Version:1.4 License:LGPL
Release:4.al2 URL:
This binary I/O stream class library presents a platform-independent way to access binary data streams in C++. The library is hardware independent in the form that it transparently converts between the different forms of machine-internal binary data representation. It further employs no special I/O protocol and can be used on arbitrary binary data sources.

Arch: src

Build Date:Wed Oct 12 08:56:39 2005
Size:429 KiB


* Thu Oct 6 17:00:00 2005 Linus Walleij <triad{%}df{*}lth{*}se> 1.4-4
- BuildRequire texinfo to get makeinfo.
* Sat Oct 1 17:00:00 2005 Linus Walleij <triad{%}df{*}lth{*}se> 1.4-3
- Conforming pkg-config for FC4 and texinfo bug patch.
* Sun Sep 18 17:00:00 2005 Linus Walleij <triad{%}df{*}lth{*}se> 1.4-2
- More minor corrections.

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc5