Frugal installation of Quirky 7.0.2


You can burn the .iso file to a CD and boot it. Then you will see an icon in the middle of the screen, labeled "install".
Click on that, and there is the offer to do a frugal installation.

Direct from .iso file

You don't have to burn and boot the live-CD. If you want to create a frugal install directly, it can be done from the .iso file.

Many Puppy Linux users will be familiar with this: just click on the downloaded .iso file, and you can copy out the files. Then place them in a folder where-ever you want the frugal installation, and make an entry in GRUB.

However, for Quirky 7.0.2, it is a bit more complicated, as the files taken out of the .iso file have to be modified.

Quirky 7.0.2 has a script, /usr/sbin/installquirky, which is what is launched when the "install" icon is clicked-on.

This script is in its early development. It is intended to offer various ways to install Quirky, but for now only offers frugal.

You can run this script from any recent Quirky or Puppy, probably also Fatdog64.

However, grab the script from here, as it has a small modification to enable it to work outside of Quirky.

After download, you will need to gunzip it, then run, from a terminal:

# gunzip installquirky.gz
# chmod 755 installquirky
# ./installquirky

With this script, you can very easily install from the .iso file to frugal installation.

Barry Kauler
March 2015