DisplayHeight(display, screen_number)
DisplayHeightMM(display, screen_number)
DisplayWidth(display, screen_number)
DisplayWidthMM(display, screen_number)
The ImageByteOrder macro specifies the required byte order for images for each scanline unit in XY format (bitmap) or for each pixel value in Z format.
The BitmapBitOrder macro returns LSBFirst or MSBFirst to indicate whether the leftmost bit in the bitmap as displayed on the screen is the least or most significant bit in the unit.
The BitmapPad macro returns the number of bits that each scanline must be padded.
The BitmapUnit macro returns the size of a bitmap's scanline unit in bits.
The DisplayHeight macro returns the height of the specified screen in pixels.
The DisplayHeightMM macro returns the height of the specified screen in millimeters.
The DisplayWidth macro returns the width of the screen in pixels.
The DisplayWidthMM macro returns the width of the specified screen in millimeters.
typedef struct { int depth; int bits_per_pixel; int scanline_pad; } XPixmapFormatValues;