Tela Help File Pekka Janhunen, v1.0, 2 August 1994 Tela ("Tensor Language") is a numerical computing environment. This is the basic Tela help file. It is read online by the Tela help func- tion. You can also format and print it as a whole using the Linuxdoc- SGML 'format' command. See also: telafuncs.html , telafuncsSectioned.html . Graphics examples and FMI/GEO home page are also available. Send Tela bug reports to Send suggestions to tela-sug- ______________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Flow of control statements 2.1 if, else 2.2 for 2.3 foreach 2.4 repeat, until 2.5 while 2.6 return 2.7 break, continue 2.8 goto, label 3. Other statements 3.1 call 3.2 function 3.3 local, global 3.4 package 3.5 disp 4. Intrinsic functions 4.1 zeros, izeros, rzeros, czeros 4.2 voids 4.3 abs 4.4 min, max 4.5 Nargin, Nargout 4.6 argin, argout, SetArgOut 4.7 nop 5. Operators 5.1 operators 5.2 special 5.3 mod 5.4 + 5.5 * 5.6 / 5.7 - 5.8 ** 5.9 : void range 5.10 ++, -- 5.11 or || 5.12 and && 5.13 not ! 5.14 equal, ==, notequal, != 5.15 comparison: lt, gt, le, ge 5.16 power 5.17 (F 5.18 Mapped indexing 6. Other Tela-related material 6.1 telakka 6.2 m2t ______________________________________________________________________ 11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Tela ("Tensor Language") is a numerical computing environment. A summary of its basic features follows: - The syntax reminds C, coming sometimes close to Pascal - Some features have been borrowed from Matlab and other languages - Tela supports N-dimensional arrays (currently, N must be less than 5) - Arrays can be indexed and manipulated as in Matlab and Fortran-90 - Six basic numerical data types: integer, real and complex arrays and scalars - Fast. Also scalar loops are pretty fast. - Graphics is currently handled using Kenny Toh's PlotMTV program - Uses HDF files as native data format - Besides in Tela itself, you can also write new functions using C-Tela, which is modified C++. Large parts of Tela has been written in C-Tela. 22.. FFllooww ooff ccoonnttrrooll ssttaatteemmeennttss 22..11.. iiff,, eellssee Reserved words: if, else The if statement syntax: if (expr) stmt or if (expr) stmt else stmt The expression must evaluate to integer scalar or array. The condition is considered true if the scalar is nonzero or if all the array elements are nonzero. Examples: if (x!=0) format("x is nonzero, x=``\n",x) // notice no semicolon else { x = 1; format("x was zero and is now 1\n");// this semicolon is optional }; // this semicolon separates this if stmt from the next stmt, if any 22..22.. ffoorr Reserved word: for The for statement syntax: for (init-stmt; continue-condition-expr; update-stmt) stmt For example: for (i=1; i<=imax; i++) a[i] = 0.5*i; The for statement is similar to that found in C language. The only exception is that in Tela the 'init-stmt' and 'update-stmt' are statements, whereas in C they are expressions. This is because the assignment '=' is a statement in Tela, not an operator as in C. There is no comma operator in Tela. If you want to have several statements as your init or update statement, you have to use braces, for example: for ({i=1; j=10}; i<=10; {i++;j--}) format("i=``, j=``\n",i,j); When expr is considered true, see ``if''. 22..33.. ffoorreeaacchh Reserved word: foreach The foreach statement syntax: foreach (i=A) stmt; will loop over all components of array A, setting i equal to the com- ponent on each iteration. WARNING: This statement is currently included only for easing transition from Matlab. The implementation is not optimal. In the future the statement may even disappear. The Matlab to Tela translator m2t generates foreach statements, which you should translate to ordinary for statements sooner or later. See also: ``for'' 22..44.. rreeppeeaatt,, uunnttiill Reserved words: repeat, until The repeat..until statement syntax: repeat stmt-sequence until expr For example: i = 1; repeat format("i = ``\n",i); i++ until i > 10; This is exactly similar to Pascal, including the use of semicolons. When expr is considered true, see ``if''. See also: ``while'', ``if'' 22..55.. wwhhiillee Reserved word: while The while statement syntax: while (expr) stmt For example: while (!found) { LookForIt(); counter++ }; The statement is executed until expr evaluates to false. When expr is considered false or true, see ``if''. See also: ``repeat'' 22..66.. rreettuurrnn Reserved word: return The return statement returns from the current function. Any output variables must be assigned before calling return, or they will remain undefined. If called from the main level of a source'd file or command line, stops execution of the source'd file. function result=AllPositive(A) { for (i=1; i<=length(A); i++) if (A[i]<=0) { result = 0; return }; result = 1; }; The function returns 1 if all elements of vector A are positive, and zero otherwise. See also: ``function'', ``break'' 22..77.. bbrreeaakk,, ccoonnttiinnuuee Reserved words: break, continue The break statement exits the surrounding loop. It is analogous to the break statement of C. The loop can be a for-loop, a while-loop or a repeat- until loop. The continue-statement effectively jumps to the end of the body of the surrounding loop, causing the next iteration to begin. It is analogous to the continue statement of C. For example, for (i=1; i<=10; i++) { if (i==5) break; disp i }; outputs the numbers 1,2,3 and 4. On the other hand, for (i=1; i<=10; i++) { if (i==5) continue; disp i }; outputs the numbers from one to ten, excluding five. See also: ``return'', ``goto''. 22..88.. ggoottoo,, llaabbeell Reserved words: goto, label The label statement defines a named jump address in instruction stream. The goto statement jumps to a given label. The labels must be identifiers. For example, for (i=1; i<=10; i++) for (j=1; j<=10; j++) if (M[i,j] < 0) { format("Negative matrix entry, exiting\n"); goto exitloop; }; label exitloop; // processing continues ... would be equivalent to if (any(M<0)) format("Negative matrix entry, exiting\n"); The goto statements are local to a function. All goto addresses must be defined as labels in the function. Gotos into blocks or loops are currently allowed but may cause unpredictable results. Think twice before you use goto. In almost all cases it can be avoided by using the return, break, or continue statements. See also: ``return'', ``break''. 33.. OOtthheerr ssttaatteemmeennttss 33..11.. ccaallll Reserved word: call Function call syntax: [y1,y2..] = f(x1,x2..) calls f with input arguments x1,x2.. and outputs arguments y1,y2.. . If f(x1,x2..) appears alone in an expression, it is effectively called with one output argument, which becomes the value of the expression. f(x1,x2..) is equivalent to call(f,x2,x2..). This notation makes it possible to call functions indirectly through variables, and to write functionals. See also: ``function'' 33..22.. ffuunnccttiioonn Reserved word: function Also uses special tokens: [ ] ( ) , ... ; Function definition syntax: function [y1,y2..] = f(x1,x2..) LOCAL-DECL { stmt-sequence } ; or function y = f(x1,x2..) LOCAL-DECL { stmt-sequence } ; or function f(x1,x2..) LOCAL-DECL { stmt-sequence } ; where yi are formal output arguments and xi are formal input argu- ments. See local, global for what LOCAL-DECL may be. By default, output arguments are optional and input arguments are obligatory. This can be changed by using a semicolon in the argument list. Identifiers before a semicolon become obligatory and identifiers after the semicolon are declared optional. Example: function [y,z;] = f(x) local(a) { /* ... */ }; declares x, y and z obligatory and 'a' a local variable. An output argument should be declared obligatory if it is also used as input in the function. The ellipsis sign (...) may be appended to the input or output formal argument list. It is thus possible to define functions with variable number of arguments. See argin, argout, SetArgOut, Nargin, Nargout for details. You can define as many functions in one input file as you wish. In order to call a Tela-function you must first source the input file containing that function. See also: ``local'', ``return'', ``argin'', ``Nargin'', ``special'', ``package''. 33..33.. llooccaall,, gglloobbaall Reserved words: local, global Variables appearing inside functions, which are not input or output arguments, are either local or global. If they are local, they are similar to function arguments, except that they are initialized with undefined value before entering the function. The function definition is of the form function [out1,out2...] = f(in1,in2...) LOCAL-DECL { /* body */ }; where LOCAL-DECL has one of the following five forms: 1. LOCAL-DECL can be empty, in which case all variables are implicitly local, except autoglobal variables such as pi and eps. 2. LOCAL-DECL can be the keyword 'local'. This is exactly similar to case 1 above. 3. LOCAL-DECL can be the keyword 'global'. This makes all free variables in the function body global. 4. LOCAL-DECL can be of the form 'local(a,b,...)'. This makes variables a,b,... local, and all other free variables global. If an autoglobal variables such as pi or eps is listed, as in 'local(pi)', it overrides the autoglobal attribute, making 'pi' local and uninitialized in the function body. Such practice is not recommended however. 5. LOCAL-DECL can be of the form 'global(a,b,...)'. This makes variables a,b,... global, and all other free variables implicitly local. Autoglobal variables remain global. Examples: function f() /*local*/ {y=2; disp y+pi}; Variable y is local, but pi is not since it is autoglobal. When called, f() will output 5.14159, and global y has not been affected. Nothing changes if you uncomment the keyword local. function V = ddx(u) global(imax,dx) { V = zeros(imax); coeff = 1/(2*dx); V[2:imax-1] = (u[3:imax] - u[1:imax-2])*coeff; V[1] = V[imax-1]; V[imax] = V[2]; }; This example computes the numerical derivative. The variables coeff is local since it is not mentioned in the global list. See also: ``function'', ``package''. 33..44.. ppaacckkaaggee Reserved word: package The package mechanism is for hiding names local to a group of functions and other statements from global access. Syntax: package "mypackage" LOCAL-DECL { /* body */ }; Naming is optional: if the package is not named explicitly, the current input file name is used. If you use one package per one input file, you usually don't have to use any name. LOCAL-DECL is analogous to function definition, see ``local''. Usually LOCAL-DECL will be of the form package global(fn1,fn2,...) { /* body */ }; where fn1,fn2,... are the globally visible objects of the package. They are typically functions, but they can also be variable names. In the example above, all symbols in body which are not among fn1,fn2,... are hidden from global reference. This is accomplished by replacing the symbols with new symbols. The new symbol names are obtained from the old ones by prepending a prefix "i:", where i is a positive integer unique to each package name. Since a symbol name cannot contain a colon, it is impossible to refer to these symbols from outside. The hidden symbols are also excluded from name completion and whos() function, for instance. See also: ``function'', ``local''. 33..55.. ddiisspp Reserved word: disp disp expr; displays expression on standard output, in the same way as typing its name on command line. Disp is primarily a debugging aid. There are better ways to create output, for example the standard function 'format'. 44.. IInnttrriinnssiicc ffuunnccttiioonnss 44..11.. zzeerrooss,, iizzeerrooss,, rrzzeerrooss,, cczzeerrooss Intrinsic functions: zeros, izeros, rzeros, czeros zeros(nx) returns a real zeroed vector of length nx, zeros(nx,ny) returns a zeroed real matrix and so on. You can use it to "dimension" arrays that are indexed later, and to set the initial value to zero. The companion functions izeros and czeros create integer and complex zeroed arrays, respectively. rzeros is a synonym for zeros. 44..22.. vvooiiddss Intrinsic function: voids voids(nx) returns an empty vector of Tela objects; voids(nx,ny) returns an empty matrix and so on. A void object can hold any other Tela object in every position, i.e., voids can represent heterogenous collections like lists in lisp, though they are indexed like vectors or arrays. Voids can be nested. This is a special case of a void holding another void. 44..33.. aabbss Intrinsic function: abs abs(x) returns the absolute value of x, which may be of any numeric object. If x is an array, the operation is performed componentwise. If x is a string, an integer vector of the character ASCII codes is returned. 44..44.. mmiinn,, mmaaxx Intrinsic functions: min, max min(x) returns the smallest element of array x, or x itself if x is scalar. [m,p] = min(x) returns the minimum in m and the minimum position in p. min(x,y) returns the smaller of x and y. If both are arrays, their dimensions must agree. If one is scalar, it is promoted to array if needed. min(x,y,...,z) effectively expands to min(x,min(y,...z)...). The function max works similarly. The arguments may not be complex. 44..55.. NNaarrggiinn,, NNaarrggoouutt Intrinsic functions: Nargin, Nargout Nargin() returns the number of optional arguments passed to current function. Optional arguments are specified using the ellipsis (...) notation in the formal argument list. You may not use Nargin() in functions whose argument list does not end with an ellipsis. Nargout() works similarly. For example, the following function f can be called with any number of input/output arguments; it displays the numbers: function [...] = f(...) { format("`` input args, `` output args.\n",Nargin(),Nargout()) }; See also: ``argin'' 44..66.. aarrggiinn,, aarrggoouutt,, SSeettAArrggOOuutt Intrinsic functions: argin, argout, SetArgOut The function argin(n) returns the n-th optional input argument. The first optional argument has n=1. Similarly, argout(n) returns the value of the n-th optional output argument. SetArgOut(n,x) sets the n-th optional output argument to x. Please notice that the functions argin, argout and SetArgOut do not count the preceeding 'normal' arguments, but the first optional always has index n=1. See also: ``Nargin'' 44..77.. nnoopp Intrinsic function: nop nop() generates a 'no-operation' instruction. It is useful (?) for benchmarking purposes. For example, nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); nop(); generates five NOP instructions in the flatcode stream. 55.. OOppeerraattoorrss 55..11.. ooppeerraattoorrss The Tela operators, from lower to higher precedence: Operator Association Meaning -------- ----------- ------- : - Range creation, ex: 1:10, -5:2.3:7 || left Logical OR, similar to C && left Logical AND, similar to C ! right Logical NOT ==, != left Equality and nonequality >, >=, <, <= left Comparisons +, - left Addition and subtraction *, /, mod left Multiplication, real division, modulus ** left Matrix multiplication -, + right Unary minus and plus ^ right Raising to power The special symbols '++' and '--' are not actually operators but statements. See help ``++''. See also the help for each individual operators: ``:'', ``||'', ``&&'', ``=='', ``comparison'', ``+'', ``-'', ``*'', ``/'', ``mod'', ``**'', ``power'', ``!''. See also: ``special'' (type help special). 55..22.. ssppeecciiaall The Tela special characters --------------------------- Char(s) Meanings, usages ------- ---------------- ( ) Parentheses, expression grouping (a+b)*(a-c) [ ] Brackets, array indexing A[i,2:N-1] Function call [a,b] = f(x,y,z); Function definition function [a,b] = f(x,y,z) {}; <[ ]> Mapped array indexing A<[ivec,jvec]> #( ) Array constructor #(1,2; 3,4) { } Statement grouping {i++; j++}; ++ Incrementation i++; -- Decrementation i--; ; Statement separator {i++; j++}; Separator in for statement for (i=1; i<=imax; i++) {}; Separator of obligatory/optional args function y=f(x; y) {}; Separator in array constructor #(1,2; 3,4) , Separator of parameters x = f(x,y) + 3; Separator in array constructor #(1,2; 3,4) More information available: ``['', ``<['', ``++''. See also: ``operators''. 55..33.. mmoodd Reserved word: mod a mod b gives the modulus, a modulo b. a and b may be also complex; in that case the modulus is taken separately for the real and imaginary parts. The modulus operator has the same precedence as the pointwise multiplication '*' and real division '/'. See also: ``*'', ``/'', ``operators'' 55..44.. ++ Special symbol: + a + b is the normal addition operator. If both a and b are scalars, the result is a scalar. If one of them is array, the result is an array of the same size. If both are arrays, their dimensions must agree and the result is an array. Unary plus (+a) returns 'a' as is. See also: ``-'', ``++'', ``operators'' 55..55.. ** Special symbol: * a * b is the normal (pointwise) multiplication operator. If both a and b are scalars, the result is a scalar. If one of them is array, the result is an array of the same size. If both are arrays, their dimensions must agree and the result is an array. See also: ``**'', ``operators'' 55..66.. // Special symbol: / a / b is the normal (pointwise) division operator. If both a and b are scalars, the result is a scalar. If one of them is array, the result is an array of the same size. If both are arrays, their dimensions must agree and the result is an array. See also: ``*'', ``mod'', ``operators'' 55..77.. -- Special symbol: - a - b is the subtraction operator. If both a and b are scalars, the result is a scalar. If one of them is array, the result is an array of the same size. If both are arrays, their dimensions must agree and the result is an array. Unary minus (-a) is the negative of a. See also: ``+'',``++'',``operators'' 55..88.. **** Special symbol: ** T**U is the generalized matrix product of T and U. If T has components T[i,..,j,k] and U has components U[a,b,c,...], then (T**U)[i,..,j,b,c,...] = sum(T[i,..,j,k]*U[k,b,c,...],k=1:kmax), i.e. it is a contraction of tensors T and U with respect to the innermost dimensions, which must agree. In case of matrices ** thus gives the ordinary matrix product. If one or both operands are scalars, T**U is the same as T*U (pointwise multiplication). See also: ``*'', ``operators'' 55..99.. :: vvooiidd rraannggee Special symbol: ':' a:step:b creates a vector of values #(a,a+step,a+2*step,...) such that all elements are less or equal than b. a:b creates a range using unit step. A lone ':' stands for the Void value. When used as an array subscript, it stands for the entire range, for example A[:,3] refers to the third column of matrix A. See also: ``operators'' 55..1100.. ++++,, ---- Special symbols: ++, -- The statement a++ increments a by one. The statement a-- decrements a by one. Notice that these are not operators but statements in Tela. See also: ``+'' 55..1111.. oorr |||| Special symbol: || a || b is the logical OR of a and b. The operands must be integer valued. For array operand(s), the OR operation is applied componentwise. See also: ``&&'', ``operators'' 55..1122.. aanndd &&&& Special symbol: && a && b is the logical AND of a and b. The operands must be integer valued. For array operand(s), the AND operation is applied componentwise. See also: ``||'',``operators'' 55..1133.. nnoott !! Special symbol: !, operators (type help operators) !a is the logical NOT of a. The operand must be integer valued. If the operand is an integer array, the result is integer array also, otherwise the result is integer scalar. On command prompt, '!' executes an operating system command, if it is the first character on line. In t-files this extra meaning of '!' does not exist, but you must use the 'system' function explicitly. 55..1144.. eeqquuaall,, ====,, nnootteeqquuaall,, !!== Special symbols: ==, != a == b is the equality test operator. If both operands are scalars, the result is either 1 or 0. If one operand is numeric array and the other one is scalar, the result is an integer array of 0's and 1's of the same size as the array operand. If both operands are arrays of the same size, the result is again an integer array of 0's and 1's. But if the operands are arrays of different size, the result is 0 (integer scalar). Strings are handled as integer arrays of their ASCII codes, according to their internal representation. For other types of objects, for example functions, the result is 1 only if the objects are exactly equal. a != b is the 'not-equal' operator. It is analogous to '=='. Unlike order-related comparison operators (<, >, <=, >=), the '==' and See also: ``comparison'', ``operators'' 55..1155.. ccoommppaarriissoonn:: lltt,, ggtt,, llee,, ggee Special symbols: <, >, <=, >= These operators obviously test whether the first operand is less than, greater than, less or equal than, or greater or equal than the second operand. If both operands are scalars, the result is scalar (1 or 0). If one operand is array and the other one is scalar, the result is an integer array of 0's and 1's. If both operands are arrays, their dimensions must agree. The result is then again an integer array of 0's and 1's. The operands may not be nonnumeric, nor they may include complex numbers. See also: ``=='', ``operators'' 55..1166.. ppoowweerr Special symbol: ^ a ^ b is a-raised-to-the-power-b. If both a and b are scalars, the result is a scalar. If one of them is array, the result is an array of the same size. If both are arrays, their dimensions must agree and the result is an array. See also: ``*'', ``**'', ``operators'' 55..1177.. rroommaann }} Special symbols: [, ] If A is an array, it can be indexed using A[i,j,...,k]. The number of indices must be equal to rank(A), except that all arrays can be indexed using just single index, in which case the array is indexed in flattened form. The flattened indexing is useful e.g. in connection with find(), because find() returns a flattened index vector. Flat indexing is also generally faster than ordinary indexing for multidimensional arrays. The indices may be of three types. 1) integer scalars, 2) integer vectors, 3) Void value (notation ':'), which means 'whole range'. The rank of the result is equal to rank(A) - n, where n is the number of integer scalar indices. See also:``<['' 55..1188.. MMaappppeedd iinnddeexxiinngg Special symbols: <[, ]> Besides ordinary array indexing, accomplished with [ ], you can use mapped indexing using <[ ]>. Assume A is an array with N = rank(A). Assume that I1...IN are integer arrays, and that their dimensions mutually agree. Then A<[I1,I2,...,IN]> is a collection of A's components, and its size is equal to the size of each Ik. Unlike ordinary array indexing, in mapped indexing the size of the result is not determined by A, but the size of the index arrays. Mapped indexing can not easily be returned to ordinary indexing, hence it is included as a separate operation in Tela. See also: ``[''. 66.. OOtthheerr TTeellaa--rreellaatteedd mmaatteerriiaall 66..11.. tteellaakkkkaa telakka (TeLa Kernel Konstruction Accessory) is a program that generates new Tela kernels. It is implemented as a shell script. It is used much as a C compiler. C-tela files (.ct files) written by you can be compiled and linked into Tela using telakka. For example, if mystuff.ct contains your own function named myfunction, ______________________________________________________________________ unix> cat mystuff.ct [y] = myfunction(x) /* This does something really stupid */ { cout << "in myfunction, x = " << x << "\n"; y = 3.14; Add(y,y,x); return 0; // successful exit to Tela } unix> telakka -o mytela mystuff.ct unix> ./mytela This tela is a tensor language, Version 0.5g. Type ?help for help. ->Try: docview(), source("demo") >help myfunction This does something really stupid >myfunction(42) in myfunction, x = 42 45.14 > ______________________________________________________________________ The executable mytela is a full Tela plus the C-tela functions from mystuff.ct. The help command finds the C-style comment /* ... */ following the function header automatically. Also name completion will recognize myfunction. C-tela code is C++ code with one syntactic extention: the function header is simpler and follows Tela conventions. There is a preprocessor, named ctpp, which converts C- tela to ordinary C++ by transforming function headers. Telakka calls ctpp, the system C++ compiler and the linker automatically as needed. You can pass other object files, libraries and C compilation switches to telakka as you need. On systems that support DLD dynamic linking there is a faster method to bring your own code in Tela. Just compile the .ct file with telakka -c to produce an .o file. Then use the link function in Tela to bring the functions in Tela executable; in this way you don't have to generate a full new copy of the kernel. The link function does not exist on systems that do not have DLD. 66..22.. mm22tt m2t is Matlab to Tela translator. Usage is as follows: ______________________________________________________________________ m2t [-h?] (give help) or: m2t [-sd] file.t (basic usage) or: m2t [-FSmsd] [files.m] >file.t (many files at once) List of possible command line options: -F Ignore script files (process Functions only) -S Ignore function files (process Scripts only) -m Multi-file mode: generate .t files using .m file basenames -s Silent mode, suppress all warnings -d Suppress matrix division warnings -h, -? Produce this message Examples: m2t -F *.m >funcs.t Compile all function files into "funcs.t" m2t -Sm *.m Compile all scripts in separate t-files ______________________________________________________________________ Many Tela functions can reside in one source file, therefore m2t by default writes to standard output. If you want to stick to Matlab convention and use only one function per file, you use the -m flag. The -F and -S arguments are useful tools for selecting either only function M-files or script M-files. The default is to process both types of files. It is important to realize that m2t is not a full-fledged translator. You almost always have to edit its input in order to run it suffesfully in Tela. Despite this shortcoming, many people have found m2t extremely useful. Particularly, m2t has difficulties in recognizing vectors built without commas. For example, in Matlab is is legal to write ______________________________________________________________________ a = [1 2 a+3] ______________________________________________________________________ instead of ______________________________________________________________________ a = [1,2,a+3]. ______________________________________________________________________ However, m2t properly recognizes only the second form except in some trivial cases. Keep this in mind when writing new M-files. The other weak point is in deciding which symbol is a function and which symbol is a matrix. In Matlab, both function calls and array references use (..) parentheses. In Tela array refererence must use [..] brackets. m2t does what is possible to guess what is function and what is variable, but it sometimes guesses wrong. It is also important to realize that m2t can be misused, i.e. it can be used to translate copyrighted M-files to Tela. This is true with any translator. You as a user are completely responsible for ensuring that copyright is not violated when using m2t. } m2t