4 Writing t-files

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Tela source files (t-files, filenames ending with ``.t'') consist of Tela statements separated by semicolons. A function definition is just one type of statement in Tela, thus you can define as many functions in one t-file as you wish. This feature sets Tela apart from Matlab, where each M-file always defines only one function. Functions become defined in the code generation phase. For this reason the order in which the functions appear in the t-file is unessential, and a function call may textually precede its definition. Whether this is good programming style is up to you. Usually there is no point in putting function definitions inside other functions; if you do it, the result is the same as if it were a toplevel definition.

Examples of t-files can be found in /usr/local/lib/tela/t, or whereever you have installed Tela. It is a bit difficult to give a simple meaningful example which defines multiple functions. A comprehensive example is provided by the file ``madala.t'', for example. It also uses the package mechanism to make it a clean entity that does not unnecessarily conflict with other packages' name spaces.

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