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13. geopack_ct.ct

This section describes functions from file opt/geopack_ct.ct.

13.1 IGRF

[Br,Btheta,Bphi] = IGRF(year,r,theta,phi)
 [Br,Btheta,Bphi] = IGRF(year,r,theta,phi)
   computes the IGRF model magnetic field using 10 coefficients.
     year   Integer Year number, from 1965 to 1990
     r      Radial coordinate of the point, in Earth radii
     theta  Geographic colatitude of the point, in degrees
     phi    Geographic longitude of the point, in degrees
     Br,Btheta,Bphi: Magnetic field in geographic spherical coordinates
     in nanotesla.
   Error codes:
   -1: First arg (year) not int scalar
   -2: Second arg (r) not real scalar
   -3: Third arg (theta) not real scalar
   -4: Fourth arg (phi) not real scalar

13.2 T89

[Bx,By,Bz] = T89(Kp,x,y,z;psi)
 T89 is obsolete. Use T89c instead.
   It will work and call T89c automatically, but will give one warning.
See also: T89c.
   Error codes:
   -1: Bad type of input arg
   -2: The dipole tilt argument (psi) is not int or real scalar

13.3 T89c

[Bx,By,Bz] = T89c(Kp,x,y,z;psi)
 [Bx,By,Bz] = T89c(Kp,x,y,z) computes the corrected/updated
   Tsyganenko-89 model magnetic field.
   Inputs: Kp, the Kp index; x,y,z, GSM coordinates in Earth radii.
   Outputs: total magnetic field in nanotesla in GSM coordinates.

   [Bx,By,Bz] = T89c(Kp,x,y,z,psi) defines the dipole tilt angle psi
   in degrees, default 0 (no tilt). Positive tilt corresponds to a situation
   where the magnetic north pole is closer to the Sun than the south pole.
See also: m2i, geotomag, geotogsmXYZ.
   Error codes:
   -1: Bad type of input arg
   -2: The dipole tilt argument (psi) is not int or real scalar

13.4 geotogsmXYZ

[x1,y1,z1] = geotogsmXYZ(x,y,z,year,month,day,hour,min,sec)
 [x1,y1,z1] = geotogsmXYZ(x,y,z, year,month,day,hour,min,sec)
   transform given point (x,y,z) in Cartesian GEOgraphic coordinates into
   the corresponding point (x1,y1,z1) in GSM coordinates.
   The year,month,day,hour,min,sec must be given as integers.
   Year must contain four digits; month,day start from 1.
See also: gsmtogeoXYZ.
   Error codes:
   -1: Input argument x is not real or int scalar
   -2: Input argument y is not real or int scalar
   -3: Input argument z is not real or int scalar
   -4: Input argument year is not int scalar
   -5: Input argument day is not int scalar
   -6: Input argument hour is not int scalar
   -7: Input argument min is not int scalar
   -8: Input argument sec is not int scalar
   -9: Input argument month is not int scalar

13.5 geotomag

[latmag,longmag] = geotomag(lat,longit)
 [latmag,longmag] = geotomag(lat,long) transforms geographic
   latitude and longitude to geomagnetic dipole latitude and longitude.
   All angles in degrees.
See also: geotomagXYZ, magtogeo, geotogsmXYZ, gsmtogeoXYZ.
   Error codes:
   -1: Bad first arg
   -2: Bad second arg

13.6 geotomagXYZ

[x1,y1,z1] = geotomagXYZ(x,y,z)
 [x1,y1,z1] = geotomagXYZ(x,y,z) transforms geographic
   point (x,y,z) to geomagnetic dipole coordinates (x1,y1,z1).
See also: geotomag, magtogeoXYZ.
   Error codes:
   -1: Bad first arg
   -2: Bad second arg
   -3: Bad third arg

13.7 gsetogsmXYZ

[x1,y1,z1] = gsetogsmXYZ(x,y,z,year,month,day,hour,min,sec)
 [x1,y1,z1] = gsetogsm(x,y,z, year,month,day,hour,min,sec)
   transform given point (x,y,z) in GSE coordinates into
   the corresponding point (x1,y1,z1) in GSM coordinates.
   The year,month,day,hour,min,sec must be given as integers.
   Year must contain four digits; month,day start from 1.
See also: gsmtogseXYZ.
   Error codes:
   -1: Input argument x is not real or int scalar
   -2: Input argument y is not real or int scalar
   -3: Input argument z is not real or int scalar
   -4: Input argument year is not int scalar
   -5: Input argument day is not int scalar
   -6: Input argument hour is not int scalar
   -7: Input argument min is not int scalar
   -8: Input argument sec is not int scalar
   -9: Input argument month is not int scalar

13.8 gsmtogeoXYZ

[x1,y1,z1] = gsmtogeoXYZ(x,y,z,year,month,day,hour,min,sec)
 [x1,y1,z1] = gsmtogeoXYZ(x,y,z, year,month,day,hour,min,sec)
   transform given point (x,y,z) in Cartesian GSM coordinates into
   the corresponding point (x1,y1,z1) in Cartesian GEOgraphic coordinates.
   The year,day,hour,min,sec must be given as integers.
   Year must contain four digits; month,day start from 1.
See also: geotogsmXYZ.
   Error codes:
   -1: Input argument x is not real or int scalar
   -2: Input argument y is not real or int scalar
   -3: Input argument z is not real or int scalar
   -4: Input argument year is not int scalar
   -5: Input argument day is not int scalar
   -6: Input argument hour is not int scalar
   -7: Input argument min is not int scalar
   -8: Input argument sec is not int scalar
   -9: Input argument month is not int scalar

13.9 gsmtogseXYZ

[x1,y1,z1] = gsmtogseXYZ(x,y,z,year,month,day,hour,min,sec)
 [x1,y1,z1] = gsmtogse(x,y,z, year,month,day,hour,min,sec)
   transform given point (x,y,z) in GSM coordinates into
   the corresponding point (x1,y1,z1) in GSE coordinates.
   The year,month,day,hour,min,sec must be given as integers.
   Year must contain four digits; month,day start from 1.
See also: gsetogsmXYZ.
   Error codes:
   -1: Input argument x is not real or int scalar
   -2: Input argument y is not real or int scalar
   -3: Input argument z is not real or int scalar
   -4: Input argument year is not int scalar
   -5: Input argument day is not int scalar
   -6: Input argument hour is not int scalar
   -7: Input argument min is not int scalar
   -8: Input argument sec is not int scalar
   -9: Input argument month is not int scalar

13.10 m2i

[theta,phi] = m2i(Kp,x,y)
 [theta,phi] = m2i(Kp,x,y) maps the equatorial plane point (x,y,z=0)
   to the northern ionosphere. Inputs: Kp, the Kp index; x,y,z, GSM
   coordinates in Earth radii. Outputs: colatitude and longitude in
   magnetic coordinates in degrees.
See also: T89, geotomag.
   Error codes:
   -1: Bad type of input arg 

13.11 magtogeo

[lat,longit] = magtogeo(latmag,longmag)
 [lat,long] = magtogeo(latmag,longmag) transforms geomagnetic
   latitude and longitude to geographic latitude and longitude.
   All angles in degrees.
See also: geotomag, magtogeoXYZ, geotogsmXYZ, gsmtogeoXYZ.
   Error codes:
   -1: Bad first arg
   -2: Bad second arg

13.12 magtogeoXYZ

[x1,y1,z1] = magtogeoXYZ(x,y,z)
 [x1,y1,z1] = magtogeoXYZ(x,y,z) transforms geomagnetic dipole
   point (x,y,z) to geographic coordinates (x1,y1,z1).
See also: magtogeo, geotomagXYZ.
   Error codes:
   -1: Bad first arg
   -2: Bad second arg
   -3: Bad third arg

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