% jtp_opts.txt % This file contains game options for NetHack - Falcon's Eye. % You can modify this file to customize the game interface % to suit your preferences. % % The format is: option=value where % % option % One of a predefined set of option names. See the option lines % below for a list of defined options. % % value % This can be either a number or a string of characters, depending % on the option. See the comments above the option lines for the % allowed values. % % Lines starting with % are comments. Blank lines are ignored. % % ------------------- % Screen Resolution % ------------------- % 'screen_xsize' is the horizontal resolution and 'screen_ysize' is % the vertical resolution. 800x600 is the minimum allowed resolution. % Beyond that, you can choose any resolution that your display supports. % In Linux, set 'fullscreen' to 1 to use a fullscreen mode. In DOS and % Windows, the game always uses a fullscreen mode. % screen_xsize=1024 screen_ysize=768 fullscreen=0 % ------------------------- % Music and Sound Effects % ------------------------- % Turn these off (e.g. play_music=0) if you prefer silence, or if you % don't have the appropriate sound hardware. % play_music=0 play_effects=0 % ----------------------------------- % External MIDI player (Linux only) % ----------------------------------- % Uncomment one of the lines below to use that program to play MIDI % files. You can also give your own command; use %s in place of the % filename. Please give the full path to the player binary. % %linux_midi_player=/usr/local/bin/timidity -idqq %s %linux_midi_player=/usr/bin/playmidi %s % ----------------------------------- % External MP3 player (Linux only) % ----------------------------------- % Uncomment one of the lines below to use that program to play MP3 % files. You can also give your own command; use %s in place of the % filename. Please give the full path to the player binary. % %linux_mp3_player=/usr/bin/mpg123 -q %s % ------------ % Wall Style % ------------ % NetHack - Falcon's Eye features several different display styles for % walls. The available styles are: % % full Full-height, opaque walls. Looks best, but % can block your view of objects next to walls. % half_height Short, opaque walls. Less realistic, but % allows a better view. % transparent Full-height, transparent walls. Less realistic, % but allows a better view. % wall_style=full % ------------------------------------ % Recenter main view after movement? % ------------------------------------ % If you enable this option (recenter_after_movement=1), the main % window will follow your character's each movement. If you disable % this option, the main window will only shift when you move off-screen. % recenter_after_movement=1 % ------------------------------ % One command per mouse click? % ------------------------------ % If you enable this option (one_command_per_click=1), the game % accepts only one command each time you click the mouse. If you % disable this option, you can give several commands (movement, % searching, etc.) by holding down the mouse button. % one_command_per_click=0 % --------------------- % Game speed controls % --------------------- % How fast do you want the game to accept commands? % You can set the minimum delay (in seconds) between two game % commands here. For example, command_delay=0.1 means at most % 10 commands per second. You can also set the minimum delay % between two scrollings of the game windows (e.g. scroll_delay=0.1). % scroll_delay=0.1 command_delay=0.1 % --------------------- % Gamma correction % --------------------- % If the game colours are too dark or too light, you can % adjust them here. Gamma correction values are decimal % numbers above zero. The value 1 gives the default game % palette. Values below 1 darken the palette and values % above 1 lighten it. Practical good values are from 0.5 % (very dark) to 2 (very light). % gamma_correction=1.0