%dreams.pcx Lately, your dreams have grown troubled. Images of ruins, strange creatures and combat haunt your sleep. %dreams.pcx Could these visions mean something? %valley.pcx Beyond the Valley of Gehennom are ancient ruins, the entrance to the Mazes of Menace. %valley.pcx Rumor says they're full of monsters and treasure. Some have returned rich. Many have not returned. %yendor.pcx And somewhere within, below the monsters, the dust and cobwebs, lies the Amulet of Yendor. %yendor.pcx (or so they say) %mandolin.pcx The Amulet would bring you great wealth, if you found it. %mandolin.pcx Even if you didn't, minstrels might pay for your tale. %entrance.pcx Compelled by your dreams, you choose to enter the Mazes. %entrance.pcx After days of travel, you arrive near the entrance. %dawn.pcx You spend the night sleeping under the sky. Your dreams are uneventful, free of visions. %dawn.pcx Finally, morning comes. %stairway.pcx Your belongings packed, you descend the long, rubble-strewn stairway...