2. Document Object Model (Core) Level 1

2.8 Document Object Model APIs

This section defines the complete set of objects and methods which are defined by the Document Object Model. The general structure of these object definitions is:

Interface DOM

The "DOM" interface provides a number of methods for performing operations that are independent of any particular instance of the document object model. Although IDL does not provide a mechanism for expressing the concept, the methods supplied by the DOM interface will be implemented as "static", or instance independent, methods. This means that a client application using the DOM does not have to locate a specific instance of the DOM object; rather, the methods are will be available directly on the DOM class itself and so are directly accessible from any execution context.

IDL Definition

interface DOM {
  Document            createDocument(in wstring type);
  boolean             hasFeature(in wstring feature);

Method createDocument()

Creates a document of the specified type

The type of document to create, i.e., "HTML" or "XML".

Return Values

An instance of an HTML or XML document is created. Documents are a special type of DOM object because other objects (such as Elements, DocumentFragments, etc.) can only exist within the context of a Document.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method hasFeature()

Returns TRUE if the current DOM implements a given feature, FALSE otherwise.

The package name of the feature to test.

Return Values

This method throws no exceptions.

Interface DocumentContext

The DocumentContext object represents information that is not strictly related to a document's content; rather, it provides the information about where the document came from, and any additional meta-data about the document. For example, the DocumentContext for a document retrieved using HTTP would provide access to the HTTP headers which were retrieved with the document, the URL that the document came from, etc.

For documents which were not retrieved via HTTP, or for those which were created directly in memory, there may be no DocumentContext.Note: The DocumentContext interface described here is expected to be significantly expanded in the level two specification of the Document Object Model.

IDL Definition

interface DocumentContext {
  attribute Document       document;

Attribute document

This is the root node of a Document Object Model. Any iteration, enumeration or other traversal of the entire document's content should begin with this node.

Interface DocumentFragment

DocumentFragment is the "lightweight" or "minimal" document object, or the handle for a "fragment" as returned by the Range operations, and it (as the superclass of Document) anchors the XML/HTML tree in a full-fledged document.

The children of a DocumentFragment node are zero or more nodes representing the tops of any sub-trees defining the structure of the document, including the actual root element of the XML or HTML document, as well as the XML prolog, comments, PIs, etc. For a document fragment, there could be a number of subtrees, since fragments do not need to be well-formed XML documents (although they do need to be well-formed XML parsed entities, which can have multiple top nodes). Criteria for "well-formedness" are much looser in the HTML world, and the DOM will not attempt to impose any constraints here. For a complete HTML document, this will contain an Element instance whose tagName is "HTML"; for a complete XML document this will contain the outermost element, i.e. the element non-terminal in production [41] in Section 3 of the XML-lang specification.

IDL Definition

interface DocumentFragment : Node {
  attribute Document       masterDoc;

Attribute masterDoc

This provides access to the Document object asssociated with this DocumentFragment.

Interface Document

The Document object represents the entire HTML or XML document. Conceptually, it is the root of the document tree, and provides the primary access to the document's data. Since Document inherits from DocumentFragment, its children are contents of the Document, e.g., the root Element, the XML prolog, any processing instructions and or comments, etc.

Since Elements, Text nodes, Comments, PIs, etc. cannot exist outside a Document, the Document interface also anchors the "factory" methods that create these objects.

IDL Definition

interface Document : DocumentFragment {
  attribute Node           documentType;
  attribute Element        documentElement;
  attribute DocumentContextcontextInfo;
  DocumentContext     createDocumentContext();
  Element             createElement(in wstring tagName, 
                                    in AttributeList attributes);
  Text                createTextNode(in wstring data);
  Comment             createComment(in wstring data);
  PI                  createPI(in wstring name, 
                               in wstring data);
  Attribute           createAttribute(in wstring name, 
                                      in Node value);
  AttributeList       createAttributeList();
  NodeIterator        getElementsByTagName();

Attribute documentType

For XML, this provides access to the Document Type Definition (see DocumentType) associated with this XML document. For HTML documents and XML documents without a document type definition this returns the value null.

Attribute documentElement

This is a "convenience" attribute to jump directly to the child node that is the root element of the document.

Attribute contextInfo

Detailed information on where this document came from and any additional information we need to define.

Method createDocumentContext()

Create and return a new DocumentContext.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

A new DocumentContext object.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method createElement()

Create an element based on the tagName. Note that the instance returned may implement an interface derived from Element. The attributes parameter can be null if no attributes are specified for the new Element.

The name of the element type to instantiate.


The set of attributes for the element.

Return Values

A new Element object with a set of attributes identical to those spoecified in the parametert list.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method createTextNode()

Create a Text node given the specified string.

The data for the node.

Return Values

The new Text object.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method createComment()

Create a Comment node given the specified string.

The data for the node.

Return Values

The new Comment object.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method createPI()

Create a PI node given the specified name and data strings.

The name part of the PI.


The data for the node.

Return Values

The new PI object.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method createAttribute()

Create an Attribute of the given name and specified value. Note that the Attribute instance can then be set on an Element using the setAttribute method.

The name of the attribute.


The value of the attribute.

Return Values

A new Attribute object.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method createAttributeList()

Create an empty AttributeList.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

A new AttributeList object.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method getElementsByTagName()

Returns an iterator through all subordinate Elements with a given tag name.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

A new NodeIterator object.

This method throws no exceptions.

Interface Node

The Node object is the primary datatype for the entire Document Object Model. It represents a single node in the document tree. Nodes may have, but are not required to have, an arbitrary number of child nodes.

IDL Definition

interface Node {
  // NodeType
  const int            DOCUMENT             = 1;
  const int            ELEMENT              = 2;
  const int            ATTRIBUTE            = 3;
  const int            PI                   = 4;
  const int            COMMENT              = 5;
  const int            TEXT                 = 6;

  int                 getNodeType();
  Node                getParentNode();
  NodeIterator        getChildNodes();
  boolean             hasChildNodes();
  Node                getFirstChild();
  Node                getPreviousSibling();
  Node                getNextSibling();
  Node                insertBefore(in Node newChild, 
                                   in Node refChild);
  Node                replaceChild(in Node newChild, 
                                   in Node oldChild);
  Node                removeChild(in Node oldChild);

Definition group NodeType

Defined Constants












Method getNodeType()

Returns an indication of the underlying Node object's type. The actual type of the returned data is language binding dependent; the IDL specification uses an enum, and it is expected that most language bindings will represent this runtime-queryable Node type using an integral data type. The names of the node type enumeration literals are straightforwardly derived from the names of the actual Node subtypes, and are fully specified in the IDL definition of Node in the IDL definition in Appendix A.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

The type of the node.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method getParentNode()

Returns the parent of the given Node instance. If this node is the root of the document object tree, or if the node has not been added to a document tree, null is returned.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

The parent of the node.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method getChildNodes()

Returns a NodeIterator object that will enumerate all children of this node. If there are no children, an iterator that will return no nodes is returned. The content of the returned NodeIterator is "live" in the sense that changes to the children of the Node object that it was created from will be immediately reflected in the nodes returned by the iterator; it is not a static snapshot of the content of the Node. Similarly, changes made to the nodes returned by the iterator will be immediately reflected in the tree, including the set of children of the Node that the NodeIterator was created from.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

An iterator through the children of the node.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method hasChildNodes()

Returns true if the node has any children, false if the node has no children at all. This method exists both for convenience as well as to allow implementations to be able to bypass object allocation, which may be required for implementing getChildNodes().
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

True if the node has children.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method getFirstChild()

Returns the first child of a node. If there is no such node, null is returned.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

The first child of the node, or null.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method getPreviousSibling()

Returns the node immediately preceding the current node in a breadth-first traversal of the tree. If there is no such node, null is returned.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

The the node immediately preceeding, or null.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method getNextSibling()

Returns the node immediately following the current node in a breadth-first traversal of the tree. If there is no such node, null is returned.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

The node immediately following, or null.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method insertBefore()

Inserts a child node (newChildbefore the existing child node refChild. If refChild is null, insert newChild at the end of the list of children. If refChild is not a child of the Node that insertBefore is being invoked on, a NotMyChildException is thrown.
newChild(ED: TBD.)
refChild(ED: TBD.)

Return Values

The node being inserted.


Thrown if refChild is not a child of the node.

Method replaceChild()

Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild in the set of children of the given node, and return the oldChild node. If oldChild was not already a child of the node that the replaceChild method is being invoked on, a NotMyChildException is thrown.
newChild(ED: TBD.)
oldChild(ED: TBD.)

Return Values

The node being replaced.


Thrown if oldChild is not a child of the node.

Method removeChild()

Removes the child node indicated by oldChild from the list of children and returns it. If oldChild was not a child of the given node, a NotMyChildException is thrown.
oldChild(ED: TBD.)

Return Values

The node being removed.


Thrown if oldChild is not a child of the node.

Interface NodeIterator

A NodeIterator is a very simple iterator class that can be used to provide a simple linear view of the document hierarchy. The NodeIterator is very similar to the NodeEnumerator interface in previous drafts (Sun is deprecating the term enumerator).

"Smart Iterator" is an interface being considered by the WG that would build on top of the core Iterator interface and allow iterators to be built via more general filtering and querying objects

IDL Definition

interface NodeIterator {
  unsigned long       getLength();
  Node                getCurrent();
  Node                toNext();
  Node                toPrevious();
  Node                toFirst();
  Node                toLast();
  Node                toNth(in int Nth);
  Node                toNode(in Node destNode);

Method getLength()

This method returns the number of items that will be iterated over if the iterator is started at the beginning, and toNext() is called repeatedly until the end of the sequence is encountered. Note: This may be an expensive operation.

This method has no parameters.

Return Values
unsigned long

This method will always return the correct number of items in a single threaded environment, but may return misleading results in multithreaded, multiuser situations..

This method throws no exceptions.

Method getCurrent()

This method returns the Node over which the iterator currentl rests.Note: This must be presented as getCurrent in the ECMAScript binding, not as an attribute named Current.

This method has no parameters.

Return Values

This method will return the Node at the current position in the interation. Note: This may be unsafe in uncontrolled mutliuser, or multithreaded applications.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method toNext()

This method alters the internal state of the iterator such that the node it references is the next in the sequence the iterator is presenting relative to the current position.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

This method returns the node that has been traversed to, or null when it is not possible to iterate any further.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method toPrevious()

This method alters the internal state of the iterator such that the node it references is the previous node in the sequence the iterator is presenting relative to the current position.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

This method returns the node that has been traversed to, or null when it is not possible to iterate any further.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method toFirst()

This method alters the internal state of the iterator such that the node it references is the first node in the sequence the iterator is presenting relative to the current position.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

This method will only return null when there are no items to iterate over.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method toLast()

This method alters the internal state of the iterator such that the node it references is the last node in the sequence the iterator is presenting relative to the current position.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

This method will only return null when there are no items to iterate over.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method toNth()

This method alters the internal state of the iterator such that the node it references is the Nth node in the sequence the iterator is presenting relative to the current position. Note: This may be a slow operation.


The offset relative to the current position at which to position the iterator.

Return Values

This method will return null when position specified is out of the range of legal values.


Thrown if the value specified is greater than the number that would be returned from getLength().

Method toNode()

This method alters the internal state of the iterator such that it references the destNode node as the current position. Note: This may be a slow operation.


Destination node to make the current one.

Return Values

This method will return null when position specified is out of the range of legal values.


Thrown if the value specified is greater than the number that would be returned from getLength().

Interface TreeIterator

A TreeIterator is a NodeIterator that has additional methods that are specific to tree navigation.

IDL Definition

interface TreeIterator : NodeIterator {
  unsigned long       numChildren();
  unsigned long       numPreviousSiblings();
  unsigned long       numNextSiblings();
  Node                toParent();
  Node                toPreviousSibling();
  Node                toNextSibling();
  Node                toFirstChild();
  Node                toLastChild();
  Node                toNthChild();

Method numChildren()

This method returns the number of children that lie below the current node.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values
unsigned long

This method will always return the correct number of items in a single threaded environment, but may return misleading results in multithreaded, multiuser situations..

This method throws no exceptions.

Method numPreviousSiblings()

This method returns the number of siblings that lie previous to the current node.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values
unsigned long

This method will always return the correct number of items in a single threaded environment, but may return misleading results in multithreaded, multiuser situations..

This method throws no exceptions.

Method numNextSiblings()

This method returns the number of siblings that lie after to the current node.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values
unsigned long

This method will always return the correct number of items in a single threaded environment, but may return misleading results in multithreaded, multiuser situations..

This method throws no exceptions.

Method toParent()

Move the iterator to the parent of the current node, if there is a parent.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

This method will return null when there is no parent for the current node.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method toPreviousSibling()

Move the iterator to the previous sibling of the current node, if there is one.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

This method will return null when there is no previous sibling for the current node.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method toNextSibling()

Move the iterator to the next sibling of the current node, if there is one.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

This method will return null when there is no next sibling for the current node.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method toFirstChild()

Move the iterator to the first child of the current node, if there is one.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

This method will return null when there is no children for the current node.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method toLastChild()

Move the iterator to the last child of the current node, if there is one.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

This method will return null when there is no children for the current node.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method toNthChild()

This method alters the internal state of the iterator such that the node it references is the Nth child of the current node.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

This method will return null when position specified is out of the range of legal values.


Thrown if the value specified is greater than the number that would be returned from numChildren().

Interface Attribute

The Attribute object represents an attribute in an Element object. Typically the allowable values for the attribute are defined in a document type definition.

IDL Definition

interface Attribute {
  wstring             getName();
  attribute Node           value;
  attribute boolean        specified;
  wstring             toString();

Method getName()

Returns the name of this attribute.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values
wstring (ED: TBD.)

This method throws no exceptions.

Attribute value

The children of this Node define the effective value of this attribute. (The attribute's effective value is determined as follows: if this attribute has been explicitly assigned any value, that value is the attribute's effective value; otherwise, if there is a declaration for this attribute, and that declaration includes a default value, then that default value is the attribute's effective value; otherwise, the attribute has no effective value.) Note, in particular, that an effective value of the null string would be returned as a Text node instance whose toString method will return a zero length string (as will toString invoked directly on this Attribute instance). If the attribute has no effective value, then this method will return null. Note the toString method on the Attribute instance can also be used to retrieve the string version of the attribute's value(s).

There can be multiple objects defined as the value of an attribute because the raw attribute value can contain entity references. Thus the value of the attribute could be represented by a single Text node, (and always will in HTML) or a series of Text nodes interspersed with EntityReference nodes (in XML).

Attribute specified

If this attribute was explicitly given a value in the original document, this will be true; otherwise, it will be false.

Method toString()

Returns the value of the attribute as a string. Character and general entity references will have been replaced with their values in the returned string.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values
wstring (ED: TBD.)

This method throws no exceptions.

Interface AttributeList

AttributeList objects are used to represent collections of Attribute objects which can be accessed by name. The Attribute objects contained in a AttributeList may also be accessed by ordinal index. In most cases, AttributeList objects are created from Element objects.

IDL Definition

interface AttributeList {
  Attribute           getAttribute(in wstring attrName);
  Attribute           setAttribute(in Attribute attr);
  Attribute           remove(in wstring attrName);
  Attribute           item(in unsigned long index);
  unsigned long       getLength();

Method getAttribute()

Retrieve an Attribute instance from the list by its name. If it's not present, null is returned.
attrName(ED: TBD.)

Return Values
Attribute (ED: TBD.)

This method throws no exceptions.

Method setAttribute()

Add a new attribute to the end of the list and associate it with the given name. If the name already exists, the previous Attribute object is replaced, and returned. If no object of the same name exists, null is returned, and the named Attribute is added to the end of the AttributeList object; that is, it is accessible via the item method using the index one less than the value returned by getLength.
attr(ED: TBD.)

Return Values
Attribute (ED: TBD.)

This method throws no exceptions.

Method remove()

Removes the Attribute instance named name from the list and returns it. If the name provided does not exist, the NoSuchAttributeException is thrown.
attrName(ED: TBD.)

Return Values
Attribute (ED: TBD.)

NoSuchAttributeException(ED: TBD.)

Method item()

Returns the (zero-based) indexth Attribute item in the collection. If index is greater than or equal to the number of nodes in the list, a NoSuchAttributeException is thrown.
index(ED: TBD.)

Return Values
Attribute (ED: TBD.)

NoSuchAttributeException(ED: TBD.)

Method getLength()

Returns the number of Attributes in the AttributeList instance.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values
unsigned long (ED: TBD.)

This method throws no exceptions.

Interface Element

By far the vast majority (apart from text) of node types that authors will generally encounter when traversing a document will be Element nodes. These objects represent both the element itself, as well as any contained nodes. For example (in XML):

<elementExample> id="demo">

When represented using DOM, the top node would be "elementExample", which contains two child Element nodes (and some space), one for "subelement1" and one for "subelement2". "subelement1" contains no child nodes of its own.

IDL Definition

interface Element : Node {
  wstring             getTagName();
  AttributeList       attributes();
  void                setAttribute(in Attribute newAttr);
  void                normalize();
  NodeIterator        getElementsByTagName();

Method getTagName()

This method returns the string that is the element's name. For example, in:

<elementExample id="demo"> 
This would have the value "elementExample". Note that this is case-preserving, as are all of the operations of the DOM. See Name case in the DOM for a description of why the DOM preserves case.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values
wstring (ED: TBD.)

This method throws no exceptions.

Method attributes()

The attributes for this element. In the elementExample example above, the attributes list would consist of the id attribute, as well as any attributes which were defined by the document type definition for this element which have default values.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values
AttributeList (ED: TBD.)

This method throws no exceptions.

Method setAttribute()

Adds a new attribute/value pair to an Element node object. If an attribute by that name is already present in the element, it's value is changed to be that of the Attribute instance.
newAttr(ED: TBD.)

Return Values
void (ED: TBD.)

This method throws no exceptions.

Method normalize()

Puts all Text nodes sub-tree underneath this element into "DOM Normal Form", i.e., Text nodes are merged so that only markup (e.g., tags and entity references) separates Text nodes.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

Returns nothing

This method throws no exceptions.

Method getElementsByTagName()

Returns an iterator through all subordinate Elements with a given tag name.
This method has no parameters.

Return Values

A new NodeIterator object.

This method throws no exceptions.

Interface Text

The Text object contains the non-markup content of an Element. If there is no markup inside an Element's content, the text will be contained in a single Text object that is the child of the Element. Any markup will parse into child elements that are siblings of the Text nodes on either side of it, and whose content will be represented as Text node children of the markup element.

IDL Definition

interface Text : Node {
  attribute wstring        data;
  void                append(in wstring data);
  void                insert(in int offset, 
                             in wstring data);
  void                delete(in int offset, 
                             in int count);
  void                replace(in int offset, 
                              in int count, 
                              in wstring data);
  void                splice(in Element element, 
                             in int offset, 
                             in int count);

Attribute data

This holds the actual content of the text node. Text nodes contain just plain text, without markup and without entities, both of which are represented as separate objects in the DOM.

Method append()

Append the string to the end of the character data in this Text node

String to append

Return Values

This method returns nothing.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method insert()

Insert the string at the specified character offset.

Offset at which to insert


String to insert

Return Values

This method returns nothing.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method delete()

Insert characters starting at the specified character offset.

Offset at which to delete


Number of characters to delete

Return Values

This method returns nothing.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method replace()

Replace the characters starting at the specified character offset with the specified string.

Offset at which to start replacing


Number of characters to replace


String to replace previous content with.

Return Values

This method returns nothing.

This method throws no exceptions.

Method splice()

Insert the specified element in the tree as a sibling of the Text node. The result of this operation may be the creation of up to 2 new Text nodes: the character data specified by the offset and count will form one Text node that will become the child of the inserted element and the remainder of the character data (after the offset and count) will form another Text node become a sibling of the original Text node.

Element to insert into the tree.


Offset at which to insert.


Number of characters to copy to child Text node of element.

Return Values

This method returns nothing.

This method throws no exceptions.

Interface Comment

Represents the content of a comment, i.e. all the characters between the starting '<!--' and *ending '-->'. Note that this is the definition of a comment in XML, and, in practice, HTML, although some HTML tools may implement the full SGML comment structure.

IDL Definition

interface Comment : Node {
  attribute wstring        data;

Attribute data

The content of the comment, exclusive of the comment begin and end sequence.

Interface PI

A PI node is a "processing instruction". The content of the PI node is the entire content between the delimiters of the processing instruction.

IDL Definition

interface PI : Node {
  attribute wstring        name;
  attribute wstring        data;

Attribute name

XML defines a name as the first token following the markup that begins the processing instruction, and this attribute returns that name. For HTML, the returned value is null.

Attribute data

The content of the processing instruction, from the character immediately after the <? (after the name in XML) to the character immediately preceding the ?>.