system environment/libraries
- avogadro-libs - Shared libraries for Avogadro
- calligra-karbon-libs - Runtime libraries for calligra-karbon
- dbusmenu-qt - A Qt implementation of the DBusMenu protocol
- dotconf - Libraries to parse configuration files
- exiv2-libs - Exif and Iptc metadata manipulation library
- festival-freebsoft-utils - A collection of utilities that enhance Festival with some useful features
- festival-lib - Library for the Festival speech synthesis system
- festival-speechtools-libs - The Edinburgh Speech Tools libraries
- grantlee - Qt string template engine based on the Django template system
- jovie-libs - Runtime libraries for jovie
- kdegraphics-libs - Runtime libraries for kdegraphics
- kdelibs3 - KDE 3 Libraries
- kdeplasma-addons-libs - Runtime libraries for kdeplasma-addons
- kdevelop-libs - kdevelop runtime libraries
- kdevplatform-libs - Runtime libraries for kdevplatform
- liblqr-1 - LiquidRescale library
- libmusicbrainz5 - Library for accessing MusicBrainz servers
- libpgf - PGF (Progressive Graphics File) library
- libpgf-devel - Development files for libpgf
- libqalculate - Multi-purpose calculator library
- libvncserver - Library to make writing a vnc server easy
- ortp - A C library implementing the RTP protocol (RFC3550)
- phonon - Multimedia framework api
- phonon-backend-gstreamer - Gstreamer phonon backend
- polkit-qt - Qt bindings for PolicyKit
- prison - A Qt-based barcode abstraction library
- prison-devel - Development files for prison
- qoauth - Qt-based C++ library for OAuth authorization scheme
- qt - Qt toolkit
- qt-assistant-adp - Compatibility version of Qt Assistant
- qt-mobility - Qt Mobility Framework
- qt-mysql - MySQL driver for Qt's SQL classes
- qt-odbc - ODBC driver for Qt's SQL classes
- qt-postgresql - PostgreSQL driver for Qt's SQL classes
- qt-qdbusviewer - D-Bus debugger and viewer
- qt-x11 - Qt GUI-related libraries
- qtscriptbindings - Qt bindings for Qt Script
- qtscriptgenerator - A tool to generate Qt bindings for Qt Script
- qwt - Qt Widgets for Technical Applications
- qwt-devel - Development files for qwt
- qwt-doc - Developer documentation for qwt
- qwtpolar - Qwt/Qt Polar Plot Library
- qwtpolar-doc - Developer documentation for qwtpolar
- raptor - Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
- rasqal - RDF Query Library
- redland - RDF Application Framework
- redland-mysql - MySQL storage support for Redland
- redland-pgsql - PostgreSQL storage support for Redland
- redland-virtuoso - Virtuoso storage support for Redland
- speech-dispatcher - To provide a high-level device independent layer for speech synthesis