Go to the previous, next section.

Index of Concepts


  • Barrier Call
  • barrier call
  • Batcher
  • Batching
  • Batching in C
  • Building an Application for CORBA 2.0 C++


  • C identifier tailoring
  • C Libraries and Linking
  • C mapping for RECORD
  • C mapping for UNION
  • C method arguments
  • C methods
  • C object implementation
  • C object type inheritance
  • C Parameter Passing Considerations
  • C sequence mappings
  • C utility API
  • C++ Classes Produced for an Object for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • c++-stubber
  • c-stubber
  • Call Order Preservation
  • Call Order Preservation in C
  • changes from 1.7 to 1.8
  • changes from 1.8 to 2.0alpha1
  • changes from 2.0alpha10 to 2.0alpha11
  • changes from 2.0alpha11 to 2.0alpha12
  • changes from 2.0alpha7 to 2.0alpha8
  • changes from 2.0alpha8 to 2.0alpha9
  • changes from 2.0alpha9 to 2.0alpha10
  • Class Library
  • Client
  • Client Basics for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • Common Lisp Servers
  • Common Lisp True Modules
  • Condition variable
  • Connection
  • connection
  • Connection mutex
  • CORBA 2.0 C++ Considerations
  • CORBA naming for C
  • Correspondence between C++ Types and Kernel Type
  • cpp2-stubber
  • Custom Surrogates for CORBA 2.0 C++


  • dbx
  • Deadlock avoidance
  • default protocol
  • default transport
  • Dynamic Invocation Interface
  • Dynamic Server Interface


  • Error
  • Exception
  • Exceptions


  • Garbage collection
  • gdb
  • GSS transport filter
  • gss transport filter


  • ILU and C
  • ILU and Common Lisp
  • ILU and CORBA
  • ILU and Java
  • ILU and Python
  • ILU and Scheme
  • ILU and the CORBA C++ mapping
  • ilu.isl
  • ilu_Serializer (Python LSR class)
  • iluCppRuntime - File Descriptor Budget, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluCppRuntime - Character Utilities, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluCppRuntime - Memory Management, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluCppRuntime - String Binding Handle Utilities, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluCppRuntime Initialization, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluCppRuntime, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluGSS, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluMainLoop, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • ilumkmf
  • iluObject - Accessors, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluObject - Creation and Destruction, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluObject - Informational, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluObject - Object Publication, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluObject - Reference Counting, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluObject, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluObjectTable, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluPassport, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • ilusb
  • iluServer - Default Accessors, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluServer - Setup and Destruction, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • iluServer, CORBA 2.0 C++
  • Implementation Repository
  • Inheritence from CORBA::Object
  • Interface
  • Interface Repository
  • ISL Asynchronous Methods
  • ISL Collectible Objects
  • ISL Functional Methods
  • ISL Specific Mappings for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • ISL to IDL Correspondences for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • islscan


  • Just-in-time objects


  • kernel server


  • L1
  • L2
  • Language-Specific Runtime
  • lisp-stubber
  • Locking comment
  • Locking order
  • LSR


  • Main Invariant
  • Main Remnant
  • Mapping Details for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • Mapping ISL exceptions to Modula-3 exceptions
  • Mapping ISL names to C identifiers
  • Mapping ISL names to C++ names
  • Mapping ISL names to Modula-3 names
  • Mapping ISL names to Python symbols
  • Mapping ISL types to Modula-3 types
  • Mapping to Modula-3
  • Modula-3 mapping example
  • Module
  • Mutex
  • Mutex acquire
  • Mutex enter
  • Mutex exit
  • Mutex invariant
  • Mutex release


  • Name Service
  • Non-connection mutex
  • Notify a condition variable


  • Object
  • Object Activation for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • Object lock
  • object table
  • Object Tables for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • Optionals for CORBA 2.0 C++


  • pipeline
  • Pipelining
  • port
  • Portability and Mapping Variations for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • Program Instance
  • protocol


  • Relevant examples for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • relocating protocol
  • Running the Stubber for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • Runtime Classes for CORBA 2.0 C++


  • Security for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • Serialization Guarantee
  • serialization guarantee
  • Serializer
  • Server
  • Server Basics for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • server relocation
  • Servers and Ports for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • sibling
  • Simple Binding
  • Simple Binding (intro)
  • Simple Binding for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • Singleton Object Type
  • Static Initialization for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • string binding handle (SBH)
  • String Binding Handle Manipulation for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • stub generator
  • stubber
  • Stubber Generated Files for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • sunrpcrm transport filter
  • Surrogate object
  • surrogate server


  • Tailoring C++ names
  • tcp transport endpoint
  • Thread Synchronization
  • Threading for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • True object
  • true server


  • udp transport endpoint
  • Unions for CORBA 2.0 C++
  • Using ILU modules From C
  • Using imake


  • w3mux transport filter
  • Wait on a condition variable
  • Go to the previous, next section.