Enclosed, please find a few unix utilities (time and small lsh shell) ported to freedos. time_lsh.zip (1) (2) These utilities are (1) the unix time execution timing routine, taken from the (not very sophisticated) version in the opensource.apple repository and modified such as to compile and run under MSDOS, and the (2) small lsh unix-alike shell (command processor). I have modified the sources of the Unix utilities such that they can be compiled both via cross compilation under Linux and via djgpp under MSDOS; in addition, the original unix versions can still be compiled (neither defining MSDOS nor the __DJGPP__). Enclosed, you will find shell commands and/or batch files to drive the compilation. If they are of any use to you and the freedos community, please enclose them with / make them available on the freedos web site. I have used freedos continuously under different environments (natively and under emulation/Linux 64 and 32 bits), and I like it for the breadth of the hardware integration it has attained as well as for its stability and speed.