from: Shane to: freedos-user date: Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 12:10 AM subject: Re: Fwd: lfn tools for dos - including FAT21, 16, 32, etc Rugxulo: LFN-EN was compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ version 1.51. According to the documentation, it uses a copyrighted library to handle virtual memory, but this can be commented out. LFN-EN as written works under MS-DOS (Windows 98 DOS), but it does not work with FAT32 volumes under FreeDOS. Under FreeDOS, it handles FAT12 and FAT16 volumes OK, but it misidentifies FAT32 volumes as FAT12 and gives the error message "Ambiguous DPB!(50)" and is not able to read the FAT32 volume. I have a quick and dirty patch, but in my humble opinion what's really needed is a better check for whether the DOS is FAT-32 compatible and whether volume locking is supported. When the program was written in 1999, you could safely say that only MS-DOS had FAT32 support, and that MS-DOS has volume locking; so that's all LFN-EN checks for. LFN-EN only considers these cases: Windows 95B/C and Windows 98: FAT32 compatible, supports volume locking. Windows 95A: Supports volume locking, no FAT-32. MS-DOS pre-Windows 95, or a non-Microsoft DOS: No volume locking, no FAT32. Since about 2004 the picture has become more complex. The current build of FreeDOS is available with and without FAT32 support. Many of the DOSses that were around in 1999 now have at least one branch that supports FAT32. There are new flavors of DOS on the scene too -- DOS for embedded systems, and DOS from Russia! Does FreeDOS support volume locking as well? If I'm reading this page right: msg00271.html FreeDOS supports volume locking -- the bugs were being worked out in 2004, so FreeDOS 1.0 (2006) or later should support volume locking and FAT32. What needs to be done now is that someone needs to change the decision logic about whether FAT32 is available and whether volume locking is supported. Simply checking a couple of magic MS-DOS version numbers and deeming everything else to be "PC-DOS" won't cut it today. My patch takes utilities that work under MS-DOS (Windows 98 DOS) and fail under FreeDOS, and turns them into utilities that work under FreeDOS and fail under MS-DOS. I made copies of all the utilities that start with F for FreeDOS, so LCHK.EXE becomes FLCHK.EXE. Then, I caused these copies to check for the OEM byte of FD (FreeDOS) instead of FF (MS-DOS) by using a hex editor to change one instance of 80 7E F0 FF to 80 7E F0 FD. So when I'm running FreeDOS I type FLDIR for a directory; when I'm under Windows 98 DOS I type LDIR for a directory. If you're modifying the source and re-compiling instead of using a hex editor on the executable, you'd be modifying lfn.cpp to check whether ver.oem is FD instead of FF. This patch is dangerous, because FreeDOS is available with and without FAT32 support. Since I'm running the latest kernel with FAT32 support, it works on my computer.